Hog Hunting with .45

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Rich, I have read and reread every post on this particular thread and liked every danged one of 'em. I have killed many hogs but they were during a cold spell and for eating, they were tame and stood still while being shot with a
.22 rimfire. I aimed slightly above right between the eyes where eyebrows would be if they had any.

What I really want to know is how all you hog hunters pronounce "hog"?
Down here we pronounce hog as hawg. I have giggled when I heard somebody call them "hahgs" or dogs "dahgs". Oh well, thats what happens when an old buzzard has a fifty word vocabulary and has never been out of the county..........Hang in there!
OK, back and still confused.

I have read the post again and would like to see what you would like me to do.
I will be hunting, with this 3 or 4 man camera crew and I am going to get up to a herd of hogs, who are wild hogs??? OK if you say so.

It has gone from 25 yds or under and what kind of ammo do I use? Joven the newbe. Now Joven is saying it is hunting land and we have to pay the landlord. Does not sound like a newbe to me. He is/was just trying to get some input.

Now I said I would take you up on your post of shooting hogs/javalinas??
Within the range stated above with the hand gun I described. Then you want a wager, then you will give me three tries?

Tries, as in find them get up to a shooting range of 25 yards in an area that on other threads is several hundred yard shoots. Apparently this is wild hog range and not an area you can get to within 25 yds?
(Do I fail then? If I can't get to my above distance with the camera crew what then? Do I get to shoot the 5.7mm? I am wondering do I only get one bullet? Any backup in case this thing decides to chase the camera crew?? I am not concerned for me, I will be the shooter with the correct postition).

Then I tell you I can shoot the 5.7mm at 100yds, then you want me to prove it by shooting a target 100 yards away freehand/kneeling and 2" placement.

Now if you want me to go down to the local range, shoot some paper with my 9mm at 25 yds and show you my groups and also my groups with the 5.7mm verified by independent range master. Does that get me a start.

If I show up and blow up tomato cans at the same ranges with above mentioned firearms. Does that qualify me to shoot at these hogs?

Since things are changing in each post I think we need to set down what you said at the start. 25 yds. skillful shooter, shot placement etc..

Jovens first post was what we were going by. Am I correct? So anyone else want to throw in their two cents? I will jump through a few more hoops, then we can get serious??? Or not.

This little fun thing is going to run into some serious time and money. So!... I am game, but I really like it clear as to what you want me to do???

Or we could trap a hog put it at 25 yds and I will shoot it. It will die and that was the whole jest in the first place. Clean kill, unload one mag and reload?
LOL. Just need some direction at this time and place, anyone who feels compelled to make somemore hoops let me know first.

Here I am, on your board jumping through your set of hoops and I am not much more familier with this, then when it started.

Reminds me of a horse I traveled to see, took two days to get there, It was in a pasture/field and you could not get within 25yds near it, let alone catch this gentle 3 year old.
I did not take rope or a horse to catch this gentle 3 yr old (I already said that) or anything like that. It was a total bust...

I really would appreciate a fair run at this. If I say I will do it, you can count on it. But lets get it straight out of the chute? OK

Harley:) :)
Where's Steve????

Hello, my money is on Steve Camp if he'd swing by and straighten this session out a bit!
He's posted several Texas deer taken with his 9mms btw, the challenge of Texas/Fla hogs is likely impossible for the majority of members here who don't hunt anyhow eh? Now handgun hunters like Steve or myself would say hmmmm...230s or 255s at a 1000fps to 1100fps and yer basic shot placement....dead hog!
in response to texas hogs and the 45acp

sorry wasnt trying to say your hogs in texas was that small was thinking of peccary. In response to the 45acp being to small for bear i know that its not big enough for hunting them. i had it with me to dispatch one if it got one of the dogs down and was mauling it. i didnt have a lot of choice in having to shoot it as i said it turned to start down the tree. no one else was doing anything to stop it so i took the shots.If anyone has seen a wounded bear its pissed off and I didnt want a bunch of wounded dogs to help carry out of the woods.
I don't doubt that Steve could do it. Don't doubt that you could. Would bet that Johnny Guest or Art Eatman can, though I doubt either has a mind to.

What got my interest was the number of people who responded about what an easy deal this is.

Please don't be obstreperous. ;) The rules of the challenge haven't changed since it was first made. You come on down to Paducah. I'll handle food and lodging. We will get you on hogs, from a distance or close up....we keep neither radio collars nor leashes on 'em. That's why it's called hunting.

You will hunt up to whatever range you wish and kill a hog with your 45 ACP or Glock 17L. The stalk is 90% of the skill required in this excersize. But you must already know that, as you already accepted the challenge and have performed such feats before.

I will video the stalk and the hunt. Simple deal for the experience you claim:
The thing is, I know I can dump them at the yardage you are talking about...

Shooting cans is one thing; shooting paper another; shooting a living, ranging, rooting or running feral hog with a pistol of marginal caliber is something totally different.

If TFL stands for nothing else, it stands for personal responsibility. That means backing up your claims. I'm simply trying to make that as easy for you as possible. I guarantee you a GREAT hunt with me picking up all but the ammo and transport tab. What's to think about?
Obstreperous...Hmm OK...Like that is the thinking now.

Your friends who are great shooters and hunters can do it.
But now you want me to do it.

OK...I have picked up the glove.
No Biggie... Lets play...No Guts no Glory... I have said it before and I will stand by it...
I don't think it is easy, I just know my limitations and this is not one of them...

So what is next?

Cool deal.

Can you get to Dallas by air or Paducah by car one week from today (Oct 21) in th AM? We'll hunt Friday afternoon and two sessions each on Saturday and Sunday.

Will you be shooting the Glock 17L or something different?
I will be there. I will be in my Dodge Truck 2500...

Now as far as the shooter goes I will make that decision and show up with it.

Lets have a few of the watchers throw in their thoughts, I will digest them and make a decision.:D

We are talking the 45 or 9mm men and women...
Give me a few thoughts as to which round and why. I have both at my disposal the 17L or a 45 is fine. I well throw a 40 cal glock 22 mdl. into the conversation??
What is the gun will be my decision. At this time I am leaning towards my 17L 6"...

What are your thoughts??? I will let you know mine Monday.
As of this time and date I am going to be there Friday morning.
Pm me Rich and I will give you my cell # (Phone) not room...:p

Harley:) :)
Hi guys....just read the thread...WOW.

I'd say you have to use the.45, ya know, in the spirit of the thread.

Somebody challange me to hunting with my 7mag :)
Plans are set!

Hunting camp has been cleared for the weekend of the 21st thru 23rd. My hunting pard, Ashley "HawgBoy" Emerson, will be up there early doing some scouting.

I have long wanted to see someone put a feral hog down with a defensive caliber handgun under field conditions. At last we have a man with the talent and experience to do so.

Don't let us down on this. Schedules have been rearranged on your commitment. At $4.90 per gallon of avgas, I'm in for >$2K in fuel expenditures alone.

We WILL have a blast.
Hi all not to worry, I sent you a return e-mail earlier

I was not sure if this would happen but it appears to be a real deal.
Rich, I will give it my best shot and all that. LOL:D

Keep the post's up regarding the shooter and caliber, I am into the spirit of things myself so....

Gotta love a boondoggle, so long as hunting is involved!

Looks like I picked myself a World Class Ringer. Just checked out Harley's bio and he's certainly got all the real world skills. My kinda hunting pard. Hunting party is coming together with some little excitement....like little boys about to engage in a food fight! :D

Look forward to pics and reports right here. We'll look forward to a great time with some newfound comradrie.
We're on!

Rich, I accept the role of witness/six-watcher/photographer/whatever, and thanks for the opportunity!

If Art can work his schedule around to return from GA in time for the hunt, I'll happily defer to him. - - He's gone outta his way to show me a good time in the past.

Lemme see if I understand the situation - -
the arrangement/challenge has to do with a test of hunting/stalking/handgunning skills, as demonstrated by taking a wild hawg with a defensive-caliber handgun, .45 ACP or less. I respectfully suggest you bring something larger than a 9mm, but, suit yourself.

I hasten to insert: I am NOT part of the challenge. I will bring along a substantial rifle for security purposes, but only to back up Harley. Unless, of course, he's "filled his license" and I get an opportunity . . . . And, no, I don't go outdoors without a handgun of some kind, preferably one the bore size of which begins with the numeral "4."

I'm still trying to get my remote e-mail hookup to function, but no joy so far. It will happen in due course.

Harley, please check your PMs - - I'll send contact information.

Best to all,
Hi Johnny...I got the PM and replied.

I am looking forward to this. I will keep an eye on the Post's hope it picks up a little. Boondoggle, yea I can understand your thinking. Cobray kinda summed it up when he referred to (ladies) LOL...

I think more would feel it is a pis***g contest and all that. Not really though.
I get to the range of 25 +or- it is going to be a-go.

I just need to hold to the game plan and not shoot to quick. Keep telling myself I have 3 days, I have 3 tries. It would be nice in the 1st hour but that does not happen with out some good scouting, but hey we will definitely find out.

I am not familiar with the area and the lay of the land any good hunting store's in Paducah? I will be looking for some good cologne "as in boar bait". That way they will look for me, instead of the other way around. Anything starting to bloom? (scent)

Heck I got back up, no problem.. LOL

Anyone got some information they want to share

I am trying to get some activity on this so I am asking again.
What and why as to the caliber and bullet.:D I have it pretty much figured but since the thread was about 45 cal. Any thoughts?:D I figure I am fine with both/either. I just like the groups out of my 17L 9mm better.

I would definately take the Glock 9mm and use that to get your first one (if I remember correctly there is no bag limit), that will build up your confidence and take off a lot of the pressure, then use the .45 and see how that goes.

Hopefully this will add enough fuel to the caliber wars to keep them interesting LOL :D Although if you are going for surgical CNS shots calibers probably don't mean too much.

Its cool that Rich is so generous to offer up the challenge and use his own money for it!

And whatever you do,

Use the Force young Jedi...

Thanks Cobray

I believe that is good information and it does follow my own thought pattern...

Yes I believe It is a nice situation. I am glad I made the decision to do it, appears not many others are inclined.

It just so happens I can take advantage of this great offer. Anyone want to post odds on this:D

5 to 1 on the hog, Harley! (Just kidding :D )

Seriously, a college roomie hunted boar in TN with a .44 mag. Approx. 20 yds. and a good solid hit right behind the shoulder. Boar returned fire with .50 cal. tusks :eek: . Split him from mid-thigh to mid calf, needed over 200 stitches, and months to get over the infection :( . Good luck, good hunting, and y'all be careful, hear?

No matter who wins, there's going to be some interesting reading on TFL around the 25th, & I wouldn't miss it for the world :D :D .
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