Hog Hunting with .45

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Sorry about the second post... I'm a little flustered. It's intimidating getting "called out" by the big guy. :o

I'm not sure I'd take the "challenge", but I wish I had the money to hunt in Texas. It sure is wet here. I make a lot of noise slogging around in rubber boots.

Joven, let us know how it goes, however you decide to hunt.
I was scouting during hunting season and walked up on a pig almost by sheer accident.
More than acceptable, under the circumstances.

No harm, No foul.

if you think this thread does not promote the responsible use of firearms, you should close the thread.
I'd rather promote responsible use of firearms in a slightly different way, when I can. To wit, back to The Challenge:
Any of you .45 pistoleros wish to Walk the Walk?
Hey, hogs come in all sizes. Down around Blountstown, Florida, "good eatin' size" seems to be in the 40- to 60-pound size. For one of those, you could almost figure on a .22 rimfire, if you did indeed make a brain shot. I said "almost". :) In the thick cover of the Appalachicola River bottoms, more than once I've eased up within ten or fifteen yards of hogs, having the wind in my favor. In that sort of deal, I'd have been happy with a .357--but I had a .308...

Back before there was such a thing as Photoshop, I saw photos of a South Texas hog that weighed 549 pounds. A hog that was choused by a group of men and dogs near Cuero, Texas, was heavy enough that it took seven pretty strong men to get it into the pickup truck after many shots from various rifles. I'd be talking Great Big Gun for one like that.

A little hog, up close, is a lot different from larger hogs in the 150-pound range and on upward in weight and out at 100 or 200 yards.

It seems to me that you've gotta factor in all that sort of variables before you go to choosing.

Howsomever, if you generally figure that what will work on a 200-pound thick-skinned critter is what's "best", you won't be far off. Just remember that shot placement and clean ethical kill is mandatory, whether game animal or pest.

thats when a shot it with my ruger P90 with 185 grain +P gold sabre round in the shoulder thinking to break it

A 185gr. 45ACP is a poor choice for defense against humans. What made you think it would be effective against bears? That poor bear. How many times did you shoot it? When hunting, you should try to make clean kills. That isn't a testament that a 45ACP isn't capable of doing the job, it just illustrates that poor ammo choice and shot-placement doesn't kill animals quickly. For regular hunting I would recommend a Magnum revolver cartridge as a minimum or even a rifle.
You happen to be one of my very few hunting Mentors.
I will NEVER take you on about your hunting experiences....I'll never be able to live/last/hunt that long. :D

But I've hunted hogs in FL (the least feral), NC, TN and TX. Just where is everyone coming up with these apparently thin skinned, 90 lb, full grown hogs that'll go down to .45's?

Seriously....do they exist as a rule somewhere?

Just to prove that I'm no armchair prude, I've no problem with rapier's actions, so long as he was "just along for the ride" on the 30-30 shooter's hunt. The bear was hit with a rifle round and needed to be put down. I'd have no problem if he did his best with a .22 pocket gun at that point.
I am not a believer...

Of using small cal to kill, but the 22 magnum was the preferred rifle of a hunter I knew.
Used dogs...had a combination of hounds and Pits. He would shoot them out of trees (bear) with one shot and they were dead when they hit the ground.

If he went after hogs same thing dogs would give chase and pits would do the jowling. Lost a few dogs once in a while but when he shot them it was a well placed hit in the ear,eye etc.

So I bought myself a little 22 mag and shot a pig (domestic) right in the brain pan fell like a sack of flour. Found the bullet where you get your canadian bacon. (Jaw) Went side ways.

I have a little 30 cal carbine necked to 5.7 mm.
I can bring my Glock 17L 9mm 147 grain.

I will take you up on that hunt Rich when and where?:)

Are we talking about hog hunting or hog shooting?

No where was hog shooting mentioned, it was hog hunting. anyone who has hunted for any length of time knows the difference. If it is not possible to make a clean kill, you don't take the shot. The question was simply what is the best type of ammo to use if the situation warranted a shot. A .45 will kill a hog, under the right circumstances(size of hog, distance, etc.) Will it kill all hogs under all circumstances? No. Will a .300 Weatherby? 30-06? .270? etc.? Not under all circumstances. It depends on the situation. If you are sitting in your bow stand and a hog walks directly under you, you have a 2-3 yard shot at the base of the neck or head. Clean kill with a .45? I have seen it done with a 9mm. I don't consider that unethical.
They are domestic pigs.

Or are they Javalinas??? Joven where are you at??? By gosh lets kill them critters. Invite Rich and have us a humdinger of a Texas BBQ.

I believe you are correct.
I have a plan, invite me and my shooters, we will rid the land of that scourge.

Rich, I know a lot about Bambi and Wily and a few other critters on account of listening and doing, but I haven't had anywhere near the breadth of experience you've had. Anyhow, I really doubt there is such a thing as a thin-skinned hog. Even a little old 35-pound javelina has a hide that's a lot tougher than a deer.

I just figured that at ten or fifteen yards, an eye isn't all that hard a shot on a standing-around critter. If it were, I'd take up a new line of work. (I grant that I'm sorta coasting on what I used to be able to do. :D) But an eye at 15 yards is darned near like a small pie-plate at 100.

Look: Anybody who's gonna hunt with a pistol, here's a good practice deal. Draw a bunch of circles, using a nickel for the pattern. It's mathematically possible to shoot seven rounds of .45 and cut out the circle. At five yards it ain't easy, but you'll danged sure learn sight-picture and trigger control. Once you get to "Darned near did it!" you can work up to being pretty fast at just hitting the center. Then start backing away to the point of unreliability. "A fella's gotta know his limitations." Most folks hadn't oughta hunt with a pistol.

Somebody sez to me, "Art, let's go hog-huntin'," my first choice is my '06 and some 180-grain loads.

Art I agree with you, lots of time you just are

Not able to get that close.

Joven stated the distance. I am a firm believer of not pushing the limitations myself.

Rich is probably talking some pretty good distances livin in the panhandle area. If I could walk up close enough to get a good shot (knowing my limitations and the guns) Heck let her rip as one said earlier.

I am not going to go charging in and having them run around and being frantic. But with what I have named in my get kit. I will do it any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Rid them critters I say.

Hi...Lets do it...

I'll have to reconnoiter my old 45's, Heck I can hit the range tommorrow, hone in on one of um. I can bring my Barong (filipine bolo) Karasak and Sankil (spear).:D

You can PM me. Night.

I can bring my Glock 17L 9mm 147 grain.
You are So On....Let's Do it. You bring the 17L (or even one of them heavy's like a Mod 22 in 45 ACP); we'll prove this out right quick.

Understand, however, that in My Hunting World you use dogs to pin hogs, not for a 3 yard shot to the brain, but to climb on and take them with a knife as TFL Staffer Rob Pincus does.

We're talking about your responses to the original post by a non-hog hunter, Joven, who stated
I am currently on a lease that is infested with hogs, at the landowners request, we are going to lessen the hog population. I can easily take shots within 25 yards, so I would like to shoot a couple with my .45. Do you think FMJ or HP ammo would be best?
He never spoke of dogs, feeders, salt licks or leashes. He spoke of HUNTING. We'll do our best to get you within sight of hogs that you can stalk to your prescribed 25 yards. We'll film it all from distance. Should make for great TFL stories and video for years to come. You need only prove your claim with 45 ACP or less.

How about next weekend? You make your way by air to DFW (or by auto to Paducah, further directions to follow), and I'll handle your transport, food and lodging from there. Arrive on Friday, Oct 21. Hunt Friday evening thru Sun evening. Plan a flight out of DFW on Monday the 24th after noon.

Date not good? I'm flexible. I simply wanna see this done.

In fact, I wanna see this done so bad for Joven's sake, I'll even relax the rules. Bring dogs, by all means. Your dogs....no handlers....that's for REAL dog trainers; also for cream puffs and cullers. If you're a REAL dog trainer, you get to best me with a shot from 6 feet.

Wanna make it REAL interesting? Put a gentlemanly wager down: your ability to kill a hog, with a 45 ACP or less, selected by you from a herd at distance (I'll even give you three tries). You name the wager.

We can call this the TFL True Hunter Search. :D
You in?
Rich it is Bow season here in NE FL and the Hogs aren't skittish yet. I'm not a Bow hunter, but have been scouting unarmed each of the last 3 weekends. On each trip into the woods we have managed to drive up or walk up to within 15-25 yards on small packs of pigs. It truly is unbelievable how un-afraid they are of either the vehicel or us at this early part of hunting season.

As mentioned above I'm scouting without a bow or a gun . . .nothing to take one down with, but when you can slip up to within 15yards of a 80lb boar, 2 pigs at about 60lb and a whole bunch of piglets, let me tell you I am certain I could have taken down that boar with my 1911 - - I was just so close!
I agree that our Florida hogs run smaller and are less skittish than those in other states. I believe they have far more human contact than in some other places and they also seem to be less removed, generationally, from the domestic population. I've hunted ranches in central Florida where you could drive up to them at a feed trough.

But that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about Hunting. And we're responding to someone who is, evidently, just starting out. Joven is not in the Florida Glades. He's in Texas. 80 lb mature boars in TX? That's a truly tiny piggy, no? There MIGHT be some, but I think you'll find 150 lbs is a more common starting weight.

As I've stated, I don't doubt that this can be done. I've seen it done with less than a 45 ACP and had no problem with it. I'm simply surprised to find we have so many here who do it regularly, without unnecessary wounding and carnage. So, I'm providing an opportunity for those here to back up their claims.....in the same environs that Joven has asked about.
Joven answer up let me know what to do?

I either go to your location and give you some pointers or I will have to go and take Rich up on his offer. The thing is, I know I can dump them at the yardage you are talking about...

If Rich can get me as close then, Hey I am all for it, but to go out and hunt spooked pigs. Heck I can never get that close. That is why I threw in my 5.7mm. I can take them out at 100 yds with that cute little caliber. Right behind that hairy ear or in it, side angle, no problem.

I am pondering Rich's offer. I am confused though. Are you in Flordia or Texas Rich?
I checked Map quest it is a 1600 mile one way to the location you are talking about. That is a 2 day trip. Then I need to scout the area and see what the terrain is like. I have no clue.

I think you are under the wrong impression I do not do dogs that was a friend of mine several years ago. I do Bow have in the past not recently, got a couple of them hanging in the closet. I am just an excellent shot and fearless. So that combination make's me either stupid or
what??? While we are at it let's take a few of those Armidillos. Pig and Armadillo meat make a nice tasting Chilli.
I have mentioned many times (seen to many John Wayne movies) LOL

Harley:confused:About location????
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Once again, I'm in Florida. The Hunting Lease is in the Texas Panhandle. Paducah. See attached Sat Image. Ground ranges from river to swamp to hilly.

If Rich can get me as close then, Hey I am all for it, but to go out and hunt spooked pigs. Heck I can never get that close.
We'll get you on hogs, most likely. But I won't hold your hand and walk you up to 'em. You're the hunter, Harley. I'm just the camera crew.
I can take them out at 100 yds with that cute little caliber. Right behind that hairy ear or in it, side angle, no problem.
Good deal, bring the 5.7 MM and we'll also video you placing three rounds, offhand into a 2 square inch target at 100 yards....that's the distance from earhole to behind the ear. Hogs don't generally stand downrange of bench rests and the terrain doesn't lend itself to prone shoots. You can go to a kneel, if you'd prefer; snake population is dissipating at this time, though TFL'er H&H,Hunter lost a fabulous hunting dog to a 5' Western Diamondback up there about 10 days ago.

So, what do you say?


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Hi Rich, lighten up on the insults.

I don't need anyone holding my hand or worring about my shooting.

I have shot more bullets than I have brain cells at this time of my life (anyway, just to be seriously talking and planning this is truly remarkable).

Lets hear what Joven has to say about my deal.

I figure you will have a strawman (staff) stand in and that is fine, but I am thinking about it. I have things to do, I will get back to you.

Your welcome to come to my place, but the guest fee is $150 per day plus $100 per animal. (Landowners rules, not mine). Rich is willing to give you an all expense paid trip. That's sounds like a pretty good deal.
Somebody should take him up on this.
I figure you will have a strawman (staff) stand in and that is fine
No StrawMan and I honestly didn't mean to insult. If you took it that way, I apologize. It's just that you claim to be a regular handgun hunter and then mention that you'd expect me to get you close enough to do your stuff. Not my deal; not my job.

I will be there personally as cook and camera man. Will also invite Art Eatman and/or Johnny Guest along as witnesses. We'll report it fairly and honestly right here.

I'm in Georgia for the moment, but I'm gonna be westbound for Texas on the 23rd or 24th. :) If the timing works, it would be easy enough to hook up.

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