Hillary... Is It Possible??

Didn't the secret service have to pull Hillary off Bill at one point, after one of his "bimbo eruptions"?
I just don't think hillary would last three rounds. :D

"Well, I think that in the US, where we've never had a woman president, there are still many people that simply would not vote for a woman."

(EDIT: Male vs Female situation) I think that these people who refuse to vote for a woman would be balanced out by those who are just voting for a woman to get a female president.
I think she could win - especially if Bush keeps paving the road to the White House for her. He better get his ducks lined up fast...
Hillary will bring a whole new meaning to negative turnout.

That said, I fear there is another dynamic at work not discussed in polite circles. It has to do with all the strange things going on in and around Arkansas whilst Bill was governor and George 41th was Director of CIA. Yea, I know there exists lots of conspiracy and black helicopter nonsense going on but enough is known to cause some to say "Hummmh!" before saying "Naaah." Arms went one direction and recreational pharmaceutica went the other direction. Both principals were involved to some extent. And each knows about the participation of the other.

It is my concern the House of Clinton and the House of Bush have achieve a status of Mutually Assured Destruction. Part of the status involves a sharing of the executive branch. I hope I am because it means the end of the great experiment.

Now where is my roll of tinfoil.
She stands a VERY good chance, because there's lots of folks who either will vote for "anyone but a Republican," who will vote third party out of protest (which in a case of "vote against the worst candidate" is just useless), or who will just not vote.

The internet campaign has been going full force on the "anyone but a Republican" bit... Just remember that not everyone who you see posting on the internet gun boards is a gun person... Some of the folks are trying to lure HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of votes.

The deciding factor will be folks who switch or who don't vote...

Figure this...

49% R
49% D
2% 3

If you take 1% and convince 'em to switch...

48% R
50% D
2% 3

Now, if you take that 1% and convince 'em to vote "anyone but Republican"

48% R
49% D
3% 3

Same result, campers.
What's the problem?

She has already been president for eight years. If she gets in again, will it be semen stains on her dress?:barf:
It would almost be worth having Hillary win so we can refer to Bill Clinton as the First Lady.

almost worth it....
This has been in the works for years of planning. EVERYTHING she has done decision wise is designed with plans for the Presidency. If you look at the National Polls already out, she would win(unfortunately). She has made a conscience effort to(lately) move to the center so she can point to that when people look at her voting record in the Senate.
It is so designed that Bill actually backed off the amount of support he would show for the Kerry campaign. She knew then that if Kerry had won the election in 2004, that would have killed her chances of running and winning in 2008. Kerry would have been the Democratic nominee(obviously) and thus killed ANY chances in 2008--thus 2012 would have been her next available chance and that wasn't going to happen.
Thus it was good that Bush won in 2004(Supreme Court nominations), THE only bad thing is that it left the grand plan for Hillary in 2008 still wide open.
Remember, she wouldn't have to win the popular vote, only the Electoral. She would be guaranteed NY and Cal just to start with many big states likely going her way. Rice or Rudi(more Rice) would be about the only chance of knocking her out:eek: :eek:
Vote ListL

Gulliani (I REALLY HOPE SO!!!)
Kerry (Isn't as anti as some believe)
Hillary (UGLY AS HELL)

Out of the 3 obvious canidates above Kerry gets my vote. Hes slightly under Hillary.

Actually Gullian and Kerry get my vote. Which I decide to vote for will be decided at a later time. Both support guns wether you want to believe that or not.

Now a less realistic choices of Candiates would be Hillary VS. Jeb . I wouldnt vote for either.
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