Have you personally fired a gun in a car or room without ear protection?

I HAD an Accidental Disch two yrs ago with a 38 spl in my apt. The Cat jumped on me as I was unloading my J-frame to do some dry firing. At the crucial moment, the rounds tumbled out but the one closest to the frame got (as I figured out later) stopped by the cylinder guard thingy. That was the round that was farthest from... eh so I did some dry firing and BLAMO! shot a hole in a wall. Wow, that totally sucked. Nothing a movie poster can't cover up!! I had owned the cat for just a few days by then and I was getting used to her hopping all over me. It coulda been worse. :/ I've never been that lax
One time me and a couple of buddies were cruising around some property that we frequently shot and had bonfires at, and I for whatever reason went to shoot my AK47 out the window..... I only fired once and will never do that again. All four of us were instantly in a half deaf daze and I got the brass to the face after it bounced around the cab.
I got a job on a surveying crew when I started college. Company was very good
as far as scheduling your hours to school. But this put the binders on hunting
season you couldn't have everything. Any way we were laying out a new plant
site in a river bottom full of scrub woods. There were 4 of us in a jeep station
wagon. I had a S&W m58 41mg with me and told guys I would shoot a deer if
I got the chance. We pulled in the site and the fog was so thick you couldn't see
to front of the hood. The party chief was driving, I was shotgun and other 2 guys
in back seat. Waiting out the fog older guys were taking a little nap. I was about
to nod off myself when deer appeared right beside the jeep. Not 10' away. Wing
window was open so I shot nearest deer a spike with the 41 mag. Had no choice
of deer because of angle of wing window. The blast was horrendous. We couldn't
here for 5 minutes. To say other guys got a rude awakening is putting it mildly.
If you fire a short barrel .357 in a dark room , you'd better hit your target with the first round cuz your gonna be blind and deaf for awhile afterward.
That sir, is probably the most insightful comment made on this thread, if not the entire board!
(And is probably true for most firearms)