Have you ever had a gun pulled on you?

I was in high school the first time I had a gun pullled on me. I had gotten together with a group of guys from school. Our intentions were to get a couple more friends together and then go have a "talk" with another group of guys. The second group had been giving my girlfriend a hard time on the school bus. So me and her cousins wanted to persuade them to stop.

We walked in to the home of the last guy we wanted to pick up. When I walked through the door I felt a piece of cold hard metal press in to my cheek.

I heard a voice say, "I don't know you or why you're in my house. You've got ten seconds to tell me why I shouldn't blow your face off."

I got weak in the knees. Then I turned my head. What I originally thought was a small aluminum T-ball bat, wasn't. It was a severly chopped down over-under shotgun.

I looked him in the eye and said "A bunch of guys keep putting their hands on your niece. Would you rather me make them stop, or explain to her mom it is your fault they didn't."

He laughed and pulled the trigger. There was a small explosion and I jumped back. He had cut the powder and pellets out of the shells. He thought it was the funniest joke in the world.

He tried that trick again a few months later. That time the other guy had a gun, and used it.
My wife and I were on a well deserved vacation heading to the Oregon coast to visit my parents and enjoy some precious time together. This was in the mid 80s. We had decided to drive through the central Oregon mountains. There was lots of road construction going on and the traveling was slow and it was hot.

I was driving a gutless Ford Escort; and, we just enjoying the scenery. Then a fast moving pickup truck sped around us with two creeps in the cab. The cab had a sliding window in the back; and, the guy on the passenger side slid the window open and stuck a high power hunting rifle out and pointed it directly at us. I couldn't outrun them and I was afraid that if I stopped, so would they. So, I just stared at them. After what seemed like an eternity, the guy pulled the rifle back in through the window and they sped off. We never got a licence plate number (it was too muddy). And, we didn't have a cell phone to call the police with, back then. It was sure a helpless feeling for both of us. Since then, I've always carried a gun for self protection.
Well, never a gun intentionally pulled on me. However, thru years of hunting and shooting, I've had a few scary incidents that were frightening enough.

A gal was being encouraged to shoot a 30-06 and she really didn't want to. Her boyfriend kept encouraging her to raise the rifle and shoot. I was standing behind the firing line to her right when she turned completely around to her right with rifle at waist lever, WITH HER FINGER ON THE TRIGGER, pointing the rifle directly AT ME, and said "no, I can't".

I said nothing, they left, and I continued shooting. Had just returned from Viet Nam and was, apparantly, conditioned so it didnt seem as bad at the time as it does in retrospect.:D
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Gun once, knife a couple of times

All incidents were in my high school days in NYC (back in the 60s when dinosaurs still walked on 5th avenue).

The two knife incidents were muggings. The more memorable one was when this small punk kid with a kitchen knife is telling me he wants money. I was just about to (stupidly maybe) smack him with my 20 lb. briefcase when who walks up to us but my mother. I should explain that my family has this genetic condition involving bad timing. She starts asking me who my little friend is (while he hides the dang knife under his coat) and does he go to school with me, etc. etc. etc. Anyway, I tell her that he's from school and I'm lending him some money - I give him 5 bucks from my pocket - and he runs away. While my mother is asking me why I gave him money, I was trying to wave a cop over. The cop was drinking a cup of coffee, so he ignored me. The kid got away.

The gun incident was when I had just got my full drivers license. I'm driving down a busy NYC street when this guy just runs in front of me from between two cars. I slam on the brakes and manage to avoid hitting him. He steps back and starts cursing at me, so I flip a bird at him. His response is to reach under his jacket and produce a snubbie that he points at me. I drive up the street desperately trying to put some distance between us (while every NY cabbie in the world seems to want to block the street for no good reason at the moment - probably something to do with the family bad timing condition) with the guy cursing and following me from the sidewalk with the gun pointed at me and people staring at him. I finally make it to the intersection with a major avenue and run the red light to get away from him. My heart was slamming in my chest for about an hour afterward. I've never flipped a bird at anyone in the 40 some years since that incident.
Years ago and still alive. In the military in '68 at Fort Riley I was held up walking home from my off post night job as a cook trying to make ends with a new baby. I was almost back to the barracks (yes on post!)....
Guess what no gun on me, thanks to the US gov policy, but the bad guys had 2 of them and were on post due to open the gates. Not much choice here, thankfully they got a check they couldn't cash, my drivers license, and maybe 5 dollars in a dime store wallet but didn't care to shoot me.