Have you ever had a gun pulled on you?

A thug Mexican policeman robbed me in Tiahuana several decades ago.

Uh, . . . and, yeah, . . . the business end of a 1911, .45ACP does look big.

I haven't been back since.

May God bless,
Once in Brazil I was playing pool in a bar when a man comes and points his gun at us through an open window and says we are all gonna die. This was before I had any training or preparation of any kind. I was totally condition white while the guy came around to the door, walked in, and gave the owner of the bar a hug and laughed really hard at us. After I regained my facilities I WAS LIVID.
Once I was in Arizona, at the range with a cousin of mine who I had only met a few times before and didn't really know very well.. but we were cousins so I had to trust him (bad mistake)!

I jokingly made a remark about how he should be wearing a skirt instead of jeans due to his inaccurate shooting, and he "jokingly" pointed a pistol at my head and told me to 'shut the %*$& up."

I have never gone shooting with him again, and don't like to be around him.
Had a bunch of our fine neighbors to the South shoot at me while riding a motorcycle (unarmed) in Arizona. I did manage to get the plates, but it turned up stolen unfortunately.
Was driving up south 24th st I was like 17 so it was in the 70s. A car pulls up next to mine with a few guys in it, they level a rifle at me I floor it and get the heck out of there.

Age 22 working at Dads bar 5 or 6 blocks from that intersection, was a bouncer for him, 2 brothers name simits was creating a scene so I take each ones elbow and ask them to come with me. I was very polite as always with the clientele or Dad would skin my hide. We get to the outer door, I let em go and tell them to never come back as they were selling drugs in the bar. One steps out and turns brings a .25 POS up and empties the mag. Slugs hit the bar wall around me but I wasnt hit. They run off, cops arrest them and let them go as no prints on the gun and no witnesses other than me to say yep they shot at him. Police reports are there to document this one. After that incident I carried a .38 snub I bought off a cop friend of my cousins, he is ret. LEO now.

Simits is still a trouble maker, was in the news about a bunch of pit bulls he was using to fight. Maybe he will go to jail for this one.
My brother was driving my truck, me, the passenger because I had a broken leg. He gets stopped & gets a DUI. The cop tells me to follow him to the jail to bail him out. Following the cop, I had a flat tire & pulled over to change it. I'm sitting on the ground working on it when the cop pulls up behind my truck. I look up & the cop has his gun pointed at my head. I ask what his problem was. He said," Your brother said you were a bad MF & you would kill my ass." I told him I would have to thank my brother for that. He laughed & told me to meet him at the station.
It was a long time ago,maybe 80,s.A party.Host got a little out of control.At some point I had a loaded Mini-14 pointed at my head.
"I said "It is a good day to die,but,before I do,I will drink one more of your beers,and I turned around and went to his refrigerator,opened it,got a beer.
The situation defused,I left.
1967. I had a new Corvette and was driving home from work. I pulled up at a stoplight and there was a police car on my left who had the green light.

I was wondering why he did not move. Finally my light turned green and I started into the intersection and so did the policeman. I stopped and HE stopped. He does not have his lights on so I do not know if he is responding to a call.

I begin to move again and so does the policeman! It is like he wants to cut me off or cut in front of me. I stop again and motion for him to go ahead of me. He just sits there. By now, I am POd. I drop the hammer and leave and sure as the world, he is behind me with the lights on.

I pull over and stop and this guy is out of the car with his gun drawn.

He comes up to the car wanting to see registration and I am having a terrible time finding anything.

I asked him what was going on and he told me a call had come in about a car, similar to mine, that had been stolen and he thought it was me.

I was only 23 at the time and do not remember being scared as much as POd at the policeman for the way he handled the stop.

Come to find out, we both had not been in the workforce very long.

He was new at his job and so was I.

It could have been a whole lot different.

Ex Yugoslavia, some fifteen years ago. Doing some let's say "liaison" jobs to ensure safe passage for humanitarian supplies. I was "guest" for that night of a militia camp. One of the militiamen, really plastered put the business end of an AK between my eyes shouting something in Croatian that (afterwards I got a summary translation) meant thet he believed I was a spy and he was going to shoot me.
I stood still, because there wasn't actually much I could do, and the boss of the camp came to rescue me.
He said "You are really brave. Didn't escaped, simply kept still...". I could have confessed that my steadfastness was simply due to me petrified by terror, but I preferred to omit that detail. The morning after that militiaman (with no traces of hangover, how I envyied him....) had breakfast with me and saying in a broken Italian that the night before he was just joking... and as a sign of friendship he gave me his bajonet. I gave the bajonet to a scout a few years later, but this is another history.

I was 16 yrs old (around 1973), we had just purchased burgers and drinks at a McDonald's and were parked in the McDonald's lot when three squad cars surrounded us, the officers flew out of their cars with guns drawn and pointed at us in the car. I had that open mouth look on my face about to bite into my burger when the officers looked at each other shook their heads (in a negative persuasion) holstered their weapons, got back in their squads and left as swiftly as they arrived with out saying a word to us. I gotta say looking down the barrel of a gun is NEVER a fun experience and I remember it as it if it were yesterday.
several times by cops, slightly wild and energetic:D teen. Had a couple of gorilla sized men try to cut me up with an ice scraper in the back of a suburban on the way to the hog lot when I was an energetic teen also. Maybe partially or mostly my fault:D. Learned alot in those days.
Senior year college. First week with a new roommate.
I went out one night with my buddies and stayed out till, well, late.
I got in after he had gone to bed. I came in without turning on the lights, but from the street light coming through the window, I saw him reach under his bed and pull out his 12 gauge that he had said he kept there.
I was young, drunk and somewhat amused. "Hey man, go back to bed." I said.
He did.
The next morning, he didn't remember pulling that blunderbuss at all.
I was much less amused then...
I had a female state trooper draw on me while I was sitting in my car. I don’t blame her one bit for what she did, and I’m surprised to this day that she didn’t shoot me. She pulled me over for speeding. Got my drivers license from my wallet. She asked for the vehicle registration. When I opened the glove box door a starters pistol that I used to train a coon dog fell out. Instinctively I quickly grabbed it. I heard her unsnap her holster and I knew she was aiming right at the side of my head. In a very loud voice I explained to her it was a blank pistol, and not a working pistol. I grabbed it with two fingers on the grip, barrel pointing down and asked her if she wanted to see it. She said yes, but do not make any sudden moves. I swung it around VERY slowly and handed it to her. She took it then put her pistol back in it’s holster. Why she didn’t shoot me, I’ll never know. But she did the right thing, and I’m glad of that.
I've had a few drawn on me. Neighbor was growing a bunch of pot plants and didn't like us having a party in our back yard. Things got heated and before we knew what had happened there was a SWAT team swarming around our houses. They were up on the roofs and hopping fences and sneaking around side yards and pointing a lot of guns at us. They sort of apologized to us after they figured out that we weren't growing plants, nor stealing them from the neighbor.

I was once pulled over by a very young and nervous CHP officer and as he walked up to the car, I went for my wallet..... just as he went for his gun. These days I place my open hands on the wheel and wait for instructions. :)

Back in the late 70s, while we were recovering a stolen motorcycle from East Palo Alto, someone called the police and I've never seen so many cop cars in my life. CHP came from the east over the Dumbarton bridge, more CHP, San Mateo County Sheriff, Palo Alto and Redwood City police came from the west. Must have been 30 patrol cars converge on us and I've never seen the business end of so many guns in my life. Once they had the eight or ten of us spread-eagle against the cars, they asked what was going on. My buddy calmly said "I'd like to report the recovery of a stolen vehicle". In the end, all charges were dropped, but the police didn't care for our recovery methodology, so we did get to go to jail that night. :)

There were other times and a couple where I was shot at, but the stories are long.
Had it happen to me one time when I was 17. I was living with a friend at the time our neighbor was also a good friend at the time. She calls use up says her brother and his friend is messing with her so away we went. Walked next door stood around talking crap then a black car speeds in the drive way. Guy gets out points his pistol at me, had it in his pocket. Says im going to hit the first person to say something takes his pistol out of his pocket and hits my friend I was staying with as he was half my size. Punched him in the throat but I can tell ya for a small guy he fought like it was no bodys business!

When I was 10 had a neighbor put a knife to my throat and ask me if I wanted to die. After a couple of tense minutes he put it down and walked away.

Last one was when I was walking through the woods behind my grandparents house screwing around I heard a shot. It was close very close! I hauld but outa there. Never found out who it was.
A few months ago I was in Kabul and had an Afghan level his M16 at me through the windshield.....was going through a checkpoint and there was a rash of ANP guys taking armored SUVs (something to do with taxes).....but since the windshield was armored guess it doesn't really count........
Had a Browning Hi-power emptied at me, thankfully I had cover and the guy ended up with a broken face. That's when I started carrying full time. The guy was a cop hater, we were camping and he actually was a buddy cop of mine's landlord!

Had to disarm a mentally disturbed man who thought I was the CIA there to kill him, why is it the paranoid ones always think its the CIA!