Have you ever had a gun pulled on you?

Cool. Good to hear that.
There’s a group in my area that was started by women for women. Cops and others were glad to help them out with training and such.
If there isn’t a group in your area and you’d like one, you might consider starting one up.
They call themselves LAWS (Lauderdale Association of Women Shooters) .. "Lauderdale" is the County. I’m pretty sure a quick google would yield contact information and I’d be willing to bet they would be happy to help you out with tips and such if you wanted to start a group like them.
When I was a about 16 or 17 years old me and about five or so of my other friends were sitting under my neighbours garage porch and a guy drove up at the end of his driveway and the passenger got out with a red bandana around his face with an AK or SKS type rifle and just pointed it at us, we all just stood their dumb-founded and all of a sudden my ears were ringing and I was deafened by the extremely loud concussion of a .357 mag snub nose being discharged right next to my ear under a porch which made it much worse.

Apparently while we were all standing there looking stupid my friends dad had enough wit to go grab his own gun and fire one at the guy, the guy jumped in his truck and they peeled off like a bat out of hell. It all happened really fast, and the guy who pointed the rifle at us was a rival gang member of the son of the man who shot at him, and supposedly they used to be friends until he joined a rival gang.
Long time ago walking along a railroad.
Guy about 100 yards away pointing a rifle at me.
I dropped over the embankment and ran.
Never figured out why he was doing that.
Never went back to ask.

Passed a guy who evidently wanted to be in front.
Four lane street, he on right, me on left.
Pulled alongside at a red light with a revolver pointed at me.
I made a quick and illegal U-turn.

Shot at on the freeway.
Busted my windshield.
Had their tag number and a fairly good description of the occupants.
Been some freeway shootings.
Cops said they had no leads.
Called the cops.
They didn’t want to hear me.
I have had it happen twice in 18 years as a LEO. The first was while a rookie. I went to a 911 unknown. When I arrived I didn't hear anything. I knocked on the door and a drunk man rushed out with a .38 snub nose in hand pointed at me. As I drew my gun I yelled Drop it! as I brought my gun up he put his to his chest and pulled the trigger shooting himself.
Several years later I was responding to a domestic trespass call before I arrived the person left. I met him on the highway and turned around to stop him. I called dispatch and told them I had the suspect and was doing a stop. I pulled him over and got out of the car. I walked up to the drivers side and noticed the window was already down. I did a text book approach to the driver as soon as I got up behind the drivers door a 30-30 barrel was pointing at me. I took two shuffle steps back to get out of his line of fire. As I drew my pistol the rifle fired. He had taken his own life. Later that night I got to hear the 911 call. While I was pulling the guy over he called 911 on a cell phone and told them he was being pulled over and that he was going to kill me. 911 had never told me.
Wow Bd, wow!!! Good to hear you are still around to tell the story, sounds like both instances could have gone bad in a flash. Hopefully that never happens again.
My family has large turnover business in a dangerous part of South Africa. The following is documented by the SAPS and i have stood trial for the 8 shootings, 2 fatal and all of them have been judged as justifiable.

Most of the events have been during robberies.

9mm pistol when i was about 6 years old. 38 snub on 2 occasions. Taurus 9mm, guy fired at me until slide lock, i didnt realise his gun was empty and shot him twice with my 357, he expired on the scene.

Feg walther copy, not sure of calibre. 32 cz 70. I have been at the wrong end of a 1911 twice, on one of these occasions the robber was shot and killed with a 22.

I have been stabbed 3 times, once in the face.

I have even experienced a malfunction once while shooting to save my life. It was a Glock 21 and i will never carry that brand of weapon EVER again.

For all my years i have depended on one brand and model of auto loader, my beloved and trusted battle proven Browning High Power. The 357 and 22 were hideout guns that were place strategically.

Oh and a Smith 357 or 38, could not confirm as police took the firearm and all i could see was the smith logo.
Twice. Both times when 18 years old. The first time me and a friend had shoveled snow for 2 bucks an hour. The boss said that his bro. would pay us and we drove to that address and asked this old man about it. He said I'll be right back, and he was with a snub nosed revolver. He was shaking like a dog passing peach seeds pointing the gun in our face. We left. But for some reason, probably young and stupid, it didn't scare me. The second time we were stealing corn out of a field about 2:00 AM. when the porch light came on." I no yer-all isa steelen Korrn. Boom and you could hear the pellants or rock salt hittin the corn. We ran like scalded cats and never went back.
Lol. Two stories from me:

Once, my friend was shooting my AK for the first time. After the mag was apparently emptied he started to spin around with it. Well, guess where I was. It would've been aimed right at me but I had a feeling about what he was about to do, one of the intuitive moments, so I grabbed the barrel and burned the $h!+ out of my hand but I'd rather have a blister than an AK pointed at me that "might" not have one in the chamber.

This other time, I was working outside and heard yelling coming from behind the garage. There's a tavern and a 6ft fence between us so I walked back there and when I stuck my head over the fence there was about 7 or 8 cops with guns drawn in my general direction, lol. They saw me and kinda moved. They had some guy stopped in a van but he was standing close to where I would be behind him in the line-of-sight from a few of the officers.
It seemed pretty routine and none of them or the guy were very excited or anything. Everyone was being calm. I was kinda hoping for a hollywood style shootout but it didn't happen.
Wow, lots of cops and girlfriend's dad pulling guns on us. If I ever have a daughter I am sure I will pull my gun on some guy at some point so I can't blame the dads:D

About 5 years ago I was playing golf (in a public city course in Chicago) with three buddies. We were on the 17th hole getting ready to tee off when this guy walks up and starts talking. BG said, " Can you guys do me a quick favor? Empty your pockets." I was standing closest to him and he had the gun (Glock 17 or 22 I think) pointed at me. It was kinda funny though because we emptied our pockets and a bunch of golf balls and tees came flying out :p He then proceeded to tell us to empty our golf bag pockets. He grabbed the stuff (cash, wallets, phones) and walked to the street where his buddy in a car was waiting. Apparently, he robbed two guys at an adjacent hole before us.

So we finish our round, file a police report, and go to the club house to tell them what happened. The guy at the club house says, ya the same thing happened a few weeks ago. I thanked him for giving us a heads up.:confused:
What an idiot. He didnt warn you about a potential deadly situation. Same thing for the LEO who over the radio the BG said he was going to "kill you". I think dispatch should have let you know.:eek:
I personally haven't had a gun pulled on me, but my father did 4 or 5 years ago while we were visiting family at their cabin in the middle of the countryside in NW PA. My father was riding around on a 4-wheeler (ATV) and took a wrong turn about a mile away from the cabin, he had to turn around in a driveway and head back the way he came. Apparently, the guy who owned the property wasn't happy that someone entered his driveway, so the guy jumped in his white pick-up truck and took off after my father, chasing after him, pick-up truck vs. ATV. The guy in the pickup truck was brandishing a revolver, waving it at my father all the way up the driveway of the family's cabin.

Now I don't know what PA's laws are regarding brandishing firearms, but there's no way what this guy did could be considered legal. My father was shaken up, he had been minding his own business, and did absolutely nothing wrong by turning around in someone's driveway; my uncle (who owns the cabin in NW PA) was furious, could not believe the audacity of this guy to chase someone down for turning around in a driveway, then doing the same thing himself, chasing someone all the way up someone else's driveway a mile down the road while threatening him by waving a revolver in plain sight. Fortunately, he deescalated the situation and no one was harmed. We just refer to the guy as the "angry enraged hillbilly in a white pick-up truck".
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Thats sounds more like a criminal action to me. He should not have a firearm in his hands, EVER. Thank god you guys weren't hurt, your name for him is defintley justifiable lol.
Definitely agree, Tyler. This guy was a lunatic. He made up a BS story when my uncle confronted him, blabbering some crap about kids doing damage to his pavilion in weeks prior, which was his reason for pulling a revolver and chasing my father. My father was a 60 yr old adult, not some 18-yr old punk kid on a dirt bike. Somehow I doubt this guy even had a legit PA pistol permit, most who go through the permit process read up on the laws, take the basic safety courses, and know to never brandish or pull a firearm unless the situation is life threatening. If the area in NW PA wasn't so remote, I would have brought the Sheriff into the matter. At the very least, the guy would've lost his permit, and his firearms would have been confiscated (the world would've been better off). I'm sure jail time could've been a possibility as well. We go to the cabin every Summer holiday, I haven't seen the guy up there since that incident, maybe someone told him to get lost and he listened. ;)
Hope so. With actions like that he will lose his permit sooner or later I just hope no one gets hurt. Like you said you questioned if he even had a legit permit I was thinking about that as well. I completley understand about the remote area aspect I wouldnt have called them either, most likely. If it was a more populated place like you said then police would get a call. Either way Im glad you and your father are safe, and steer clear of that pyscho :eek: lol. I dont think I need to tell you that.
I've been robbed at gunpoint 3 times and would not wish that on anyone. The only perp the police caught was the last ones (two guys). We gave descriptions to the police and they knew who they were. One guy looked like Johnny Fever on "WKRP in Cincinatti". They were multiple offenders with records. We went down to court and testified. The police said they were going up for life.
Zihuatenejo/Ixtapa, Mexico (they are adjacent to each other- one is a beach and the other is rougher waters on that beach). JAN1996 on the zihuatenejo side(by the way, same exact beach from Shawshank Redemption w/morgan freeman and tim robbins which I hadn't seen yet).

my buddy from college and later groomsman at my wedding(my brother was bestman) was born in mexico but adopted. he always had to stay a day or two later when college vacation would start so I used to take him to mass to party. well, he invited me to mexico. Great. australian girl, two new zealand friends(his dad worked for an international wheat company to feed the homeless so my buddy had international friends). well, we're young, and I am drunk, and we are smoking a lot. three guys coming running out of the bushes, woods, whatever you call it onto the beach?! at gunpoint theres a conversation between my buddy and them in spanish(something about you dumb kids dont know how much trouble you'll be in in jail in mexico and so-on). a Really Edgy moment was when the other guy from new zealand went for his lighter to smoke. big mistake! he had a gun right in his face. anyways, long story short I was told to cough up the cash. we all gave money: either the blue paper or the red paper(cant remember which one was worth more). they wanted more but were ok and left not touching smoke, alcohol or nothing. wait a minute, were these guyz crooks or cops?!?! still not sure today but the story at the wedding reception was a good one. I guess they were cops my buddy claims
My brother was driving my truck, me, the passenger because I had a broken leg. He gets stopped & gets a DUI. The cop tells me to follow him to the jail to bail him out. Following the cop, I had a flat tire & pulled over to change it. I'm sitting on the ground working on it when the cop pulls up behind my truck. I look up & the cop has his gun pointed at my head. I ask what his problem was. He said," Your brother said you were a bad MF & you would kill my ass." I told him I would have to thank my brother for that. He laughed & told me to meet him at the station.

Jeremiah, that is hilarious(well maybe it wasn't for you)!
I was shot in the arm when I was 15. Oakland, Ca. I took off. They (three) took off after me. All of us on bikes. Never seen them before and don't know why one of them shot me. I made it down the street to a dept. store. Ran in and they turned around and disappeared. Called my mom, she called the police and I went to the hospital. 22 bullet.

Just back from Vietnam and I got a construction job. Met another 22 yr old vet and we hooked up. We really thought we were pretty tuff and bullet proof.
He had an El Camino and we were in So. Lake Tahoe one night. In the middle of stealing 12' rolls of carpet from a carpet store we are arrested.
The LEO handcuffs my right hand to my buds right hand.
We are standing in front of the Tahoe officer when my friend halls off and punches the LEO in the nose. He pulls out his service revolver and says, "I'll blow you friggin' head off if you try doin that again".
He does. A California Hiway Patrol officer is now standing behind us.
All hell breaks loose. I got knocked out of commison with a punch to the stomach and while being still handcuffed to my pal, he is getting a real beat down on his head with the Tahoe Officer's pistol.
It is snow on the ground, blood everywhere, I am on my knees as my friend is beat till he passes out.
Now, I look down between my knees and one of the officers revolvers is lying there in the snow. I thought about picking it up with my left hand. To this day, I think it was intentionally dropped. If I had grabbed it, I would have had my back of my head blown off.
We were very very dumb and both of us (I still hang with the guy) have been good boys ever since.

I have had a gun pulled on me twice. The first time I was about 12. My mother and us kids were living with my grandmother since my dad was deployed in the Air Force and we did not go with him. My oldest brother (probably 22 at the time) had apparently stolen a keg from a party and returned it for the deposit. The person that actually paid for the keg came to the house and pulled a gun on all of us demanding his money back. From the way his hands were shaking I think he was more scared than the rest of us. He was finally talked into putting the gun down and my sister chewed him out for about 20 minutes. The funny part is he turned out to be my boss when I worked as a correctional officer.

The second time was in Forth Worth. I was around 14. I used to hang out with this guy that looking back on it now was definitely unbalanced. We went to some girls house for reasons I do not remember. What I do remember is there was tension between them and she ended up pulling a gun on us. Another tense situation but she eventually let us leave.

I know neither is really anything close to being a clerk at a convenience store or a bank teller during a robbery, but they were tense situations none the less. The main thing I learned is that you never know when it will happen and unless you start something you are more likely to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I will apologize in advance for the long post but here's my story. There was the time shortly after high school when I was in town on a college break. I visited my cousin at his family's business, just dropped in to say hello as I usually had done. He was showing me around the place and without warning, he grabbed his father's revolver from behind the counter and pointed it at me. It was a nickel plated Smith & Wesson large frame gun. For a few seconds, I froze not knowing what to think. This nut could have killed me right there and called it an accident.

After a second or two, he started laughing and said that he just wanted to show me the gun. If he just wanted to show it to me, he could have done it the regular way and he didn't have to point it at me. The thing is, he wanted to see the expression of fear on my face. You see, this cousin of mine was a sociopath but we grew up together and he was, unfortunately, part of the family and I cared for him. Many thoughts ran through my mind as I decided how to handle this situation. In the end, I basically decided to disconnect from this family member.

The whole incident shook me up and I didn't care for him much at all after that. Fast forward 10 or so years. This guy was usually in trouble for one thing or another ... drug addiction, theft, child support, etc. It got to the point where his parents didn't trust him and they put him out of the family business. He was always threatening people and anecdotally talking about shooting people. Several times he bragged about shooting someone and I didn't know whether he was telling the truth or just trying to build himself up to seem like a bad dude.

Fast forward several more years. I got a call one night that cousin had been arrested for first degree murder. He shot someone and was seen by witnesses. Eventually he was caught and has been serving a life sentence for several years.

He had the nerve to ask family members for money for legal expenses. I wouldn't give a dime to free him but I would pay good money to keep him locked up. His parents soaked money into lawyers but it was a losing battle since so much evidence was stacked against him. He has been writing to members of the family trying to get cigarette money and favors and he wrote to me twice. I have not responded and I don't think I ever will. I think about what he did to me almost 20 years ago and how he was showing his murderous tendencies way back then. It finally caught up with him and now he can spend the rest of his life in prison with some people who are just like him.

It hurts to see how that kid that I grew up with turned out to be such a loser. He had every advantage in life and maybe that's what spoiled him. He always acted as if people owed him something and he had some serious character flaws. Whenever there was peace, he couldn't resist starting trouble, arguments and fights. He was only happy when he made trouble for others and he could never be trusted to do the right thing. When I think about all the sociopaths in the world, it makes me sick and I wish they all could be locked up.