Have you ever had a gun pulled on you?


New member
To counter the thread about pulling a weapon on someone, has anyone ever had a firearm pulled on them, and what happened?

I shall start with my own experience.

I work at the gun desk of a retail store, but this day (about 2 years ago) i was stuck running the cash registers. An older man walked in and stood in my line, so i figure he just has a question (common thing for people to do i've noticed).

Well, when he gets up to me, he pulls a black, scratched, medium sized revolver out of his pocket, and sets it on the register counter with the muzzle facing me. The first thing i think is "he's barely got his hand on it, at a bad angle, finger nowhere near the trigger. do i try to see if i'm faster and take it from him?". I didn't have to do either thankfully

He asked me "Do you know what this is?" I obviously think this guy is nuts. but then he said "This is a gun! Guns are meant to kill people! Now I need some ammo!".

he then flipped open the cylinder and showed me it was empty. I wanted to slug him. I called my general manager, and the guy who was currently covering the gun desk and they escorted him everywhere, but didn't let him buy ammo due to his actions. we also notified the police and other gun stores close to us.

i know it happened a few years ago, but it's amazing how much detail one will remember when scarred to the point of needing to go change their undergarmets...
Chrz said:
Have you ever had a gun pulled on you?

Yep. Wasn't fun. I have since forgiven my girlfriend's dad. In his defense, he caught me with his daughter... He is now my Father-In-Law.

I have also forgiven my Mother-In-Law for the same offense...
I have had a pipe displayed to me as if it were a gun. Guy got out of a car all hunched over, had a sweater in his hands, pulled it back and pointed what then looked like a gun barrel at me while saying "Don't move mother ________. I shot the guy. His cousin was getting out of his car with a real revolver in his hand but on hearing the shot decided to flee, waited for dirtbag #1 to catch up. 2 days later, dirtbag #1 in hospital, they were both arrested. Went to jail for a few years each.

I have had a rifle pointed at me by a psycho drugged out dirtbag. He was looking for someone else. I was in my teens, he shot at someone else repeatedly while chasing him through a neighborhood park. He mised the other guy.

I have also had, 2 times, people try to pull my pistol out of my holster to shoot me:

Once it was a single guy. I was about to question him and he jumped at me and immediately went for my revolver. He got a good hold on it, had it partially out of the holster, probably 1/2 to 3/4 of the way, by the time I got my hand over his, locked my hand in place by pulling my arm in close and tight to my body and then pushed him off by slamming my left hand into his right shoulder. He did manage to bite my left bicep when I made that move and I still have the scar about 27-28 years later. It took one tug, three or 4 punches and a head butt or two to get his teeth off my arm. Docs back then said it was only a superficial bite wound but I do have the scar. Justified and legal physical force was used on him until he stopped fighting and could be restrained and arrested. The bad guy went to jail for a grand total of 14 days and was then deported to Guatemala because the judge felt sorry for him that his seeing me in uniform had scared him since he had had previous bad expereinces with uniformed men in Guatemala and Mexico. He is probably back now, my guess would be at a high level of authority in the administration.

The other time, I was being dragged intom Mexico through a hole in the border fence and one or more of my assailants tried to take my gun away. Despite 5 or 6 guys fighting me, and me laying atop my recently arrested prisoner with my left arm under me and caught in the handcuffs on the prisoner, I was able to retain my pistol and somehow get untangled, out of their grips, and remain on our side of the border. The main antagonist, sort of like a gang leader, then confronted me telling me he was going to kill me, then called for others on the south side to come and kill me. He was unarmed at the moment, I was a young, fairly greenhorned LEO, and I shot one over his head. I swear it actually made his hair go whoosh and may have actually given him a new part. He fled, they all fled. I doubt I would ever again fire a warning shot but that time it saved me.

Had police officers point guns at me more than once in cases of mistaken identity or when they were looking for some sort of suspect, both when I was on the job and prior to that. I complied with their orders. I was unharmed and am still here because I did so. After they ordered me to "stop, don't move" while pointing guns at me, had I done something very stupid, ike turned, while pulling up my shirt rapidly chances are I likely would have been shot and they would have been found to have been justified whether or not I ever grabbed, displayed or even had a weapon or not.

Also had a couple of knives pulled on me over the years.

All the best,
I have had a pipe displayed to me as if it were a gun. Guy got out of a car all hunched over, had a sweater in his hands, pulled it back and pointed what then looked like a gun barrel at me while saying "Don't move mother ________. I shot the guy. His cousin was getting out of his car with a real revolver in his hand but on hearing the shot decided to flee, waited for dirtbag #1 to catch up. 2 days later, dirtbag #1 in hospital, they were both arrested. Went to jail for a few years each.

I have had a rifle pointed at me by a psycho drugged out dirtbag. He was looking for someone else. I was in my teens, he shot at someone else repeatedly while chasing him through a neighborhood park. He mised the other guy.

I have also had, 2 times while working, people try to pull my pistol out of my holster to shoot me:

Once it was a single guy. I was about to question him and he jumped at me and immediately went for my revolver. He got a good hold on it, had it partially out of the holster, probably 3/4 of the way, by the time I got my hand over his, locked my hand in place by pulling my arm in close and tight to my body and then pushed him off by slamming my left hand into his right shoulder. He did manage to bite my left bicep when I made that move and I still have the scar about 27-28 years later. It took one tug, three or 4 punches and a head butt or two to get his teeth off my arm. Docs back then said it was only a superficial bite wound but I do have the scar. Justified and legal physical force was used on him until he stopped fighting and could be restrained and arrested. The bad guy went to jail for a grand total of 14 days and was then deported to Guatemala because the judge felt sorry for him that his seeing me in uniform had supposedly scared him to do what he did to me since he had had previous bad expereinces with uniformed men in Guatemala and Mexico. He is probably back now, my guess would be at a high level of authority in some anti-border fence group.

The other time, I was being dragged into Mexico through a hole in the border fence and one or more of my assailants tried to take my gun away. Despite 5 or 6 guys fighting me from above, and me laying atop my recently arrested prisoner with my left arm under me and caught in the handcuffs on the prisoner, I was able to retain my pistol and somehow get untangled, out of their grips, and remain on our side of the border. The main antagonist, sort of like a gang leader, then confronted me telling me he was going to kill me, then called for others on the south side to come and kill me. He was unarmed at the moment, I was a young, fairly greenhorned LEO, and I shot one over his head. I swear it actually made his hair go whoosh and may have actually given him a new part. He fled, they all fled. I doubt I would ever again fire a warning shot but that time it saved me.

Had police officers point guns at me more than once in cases of mistaken identity or when they were looking for some sort of suspect. That happened both when I was on the job and prior to that. I complied with their orders. I was unharmed and am still here because I did so. After they ordered me to "stop, don't move" while pointing guns at me, had I done something very stupid, like turned while pulling up my shirt rapidly, chances are I likely would have been shot and they would have been found to have been justified whether or not I ever grabbed, displayed or even had a weapon.

Also had a couple of knives pulled on me over the years.

All the best,
Working at a pawn shop for nearly two decades this has happened many times to "us" and I mean all of us.

Fortunately none who have pulled a gun (to pawn) have ever decided to rob. I have to say that I would have been behind in the reactionary curve during most.

We are programmed to watch for warning signs or odd behaviors from a potential robber. When a perfectly normal person walks in smiling and asking how you are doing and responding to your answer and just making small talk in general then pulls a gun to pawn from their back pocket (as if to present id from a wallet) you just get caught off guard. If they want you shot you will not be able to stop it.

I used to get all upset about it both with the customer and at myself for failing to respond but I don't anymore. I just explain how that could get them in trouble physically with one of our more paranoid employees and ask that they case or bag it next time or announce prior to pulling that they have a gun to pawn. As for me getting mad at myself well I just realize that I can't expect to predict on everyone without being psychic.

Several of our employees have responded in the past by drawing their gun but it would have been in the face of gunfire had the intent of the idiot been bad.
I was tossing a football with a friend once and the ball sailed over my head and stopped at the roads edge. As I caught up to the ball bent to pick it up my beretta jetfire slid from my top left breast jacket pocket and onto the roadway several feet. I immediately scooped it up and dusted it off checking for scratches of course. I returned it to my pocket and continued to play ball. A small red pickup truck with a man, young child, and woman stay stopped at the corner stop sign for several minutes as we play. I had assumed that they were looking at a map or had truck trouble. Finally we finished and prepared to get into my truck and leave. This red truck pulled and blocked my driveway. The man got out and announced he was a police officer while displaying his badge pulled his revolver and demanded I put my hands up. I did as asked and after some tense negotiations I was allowed to show my CWP. I suddenly became MR. THREEGUN after being treated as a scumbag initially. The off duty officer scolded me and then apologized to me and went off with his family.

He was right I was wrong he handled it very well** as did I.

**except that if my friend and I had been bad guys and decided to fight back he was directly in front of his young daughter and wife. Any return fire from us that missed him would have found them.
Once - a 12 ga. shotgun pointed in my general direction. I got behind the engine of my car, drew and cocked my duty Model 19, and aimed it between his eyes from a distance of about 20 feet. After a tense 5 minutes, he decided to go back inside the house and sleep it off.

Girlfriend's father overdosed on pain meds for his back. We didn't stay BF/GF long after that.
Once when I was a kid

My friends and I were out screwing around with .22s in the woods, just target shooting. We encountered some other kids doing the same thing. One of the "other kids" thought it would be hilarious to shoot a few over my head from about 500 yards away. He failed to realize how much a .22 drops from 500 yards out, I had bullets whizzing by my ear!!
We "asked" the other kids to leave after that incident, they did. Scary, Scary, Scary
One time a buddy of mine flipped a guy off going down a busy highway as the other guy was in the passing lane.

He fell back and came up beside us again and had a stainless synthethic stock high powered rifle pointing out the passenger window aimed right at me.
I was not happy with my performance at all. One really weird thing about it was we both had stupid smiles on our faces, we just could not believe it. I just was so shocked I hit the gas and the car did not go fast enough. I could not really slam on the brakes because somebody was right behing me. After I gained enough distance by getting up to 90mph with a rifle pointed at me I hit the brakes and he went on. I am sure he wanted to teach us a lesson but I wonder if he had a round chambered. I really did not think he was going to shoot.

I did not get the plate # or anything. I felt like my friend was totally in the wrong and I thought the other guy was way in the wrong. We where 17 and that was really out of character for my friend.

It's not something I really ever think about but I do remember it very clearly.

We where just kids and my friend did something stupid for no reason. We could have recked if I panicked and killed us all. If I had slammed on my brakes I could have been rearended and maybe killed others as well. I have a good job and kids and do some charity work and have never not one time been in trouble with the law. My friend is now a teacher with a kid of his own never been in trouble with the law. The guy in the truck had a nice pickup and a nice rifle and I am sure he was headed home from deer hunting.

I think technically I would have been legal to run him off the road or pull a gun to defend my self, not that that would have helped with a rifle already on me but it could have happened if I was stupid. My only real thought was get away somehow. If I had it to do again I would have pulled off and slammed on the brakes and went the other way real fast, we did not have cell phones as kids.
Yes. Two, confirmed separate incidences during my wilder, hard partying days as a teen. Should be self explanatory.

One unconfirmed time as a teen. The guy stated he was armed but all I could see was his hand wrapped in a towel.

And another unconfirmed not too long ago in a WallyWorld parking lot by a speeding mini-van driver. During the confrontation, the fella hid his hand behind his back the entire time. Huh. And get this, the guy actually had his children in the van. That was the last time and it really stuck with me. He had his kids with him and still behaved like an ass. And that was the only time I was ever armed. It was real tense for minute.
Had a police officer draw his weapon, but not point it at me. Evidently I was leaving my apartment right as the police were responding to a domestic violence call to an adjacent apartment. No harm, no foul - the other officer checked my ID and sent me on my way.
And another unconfirmed not too long ago in a WallyWorld parking lot by a speeding mini-van driver. During the confrontation, the fella hid his hand behind his back the entire time. Huh. And get this, the guy actually had his children in the van. That was the last time and it really stuck with me. He had his kids with him and still behaved like an ass. And that was the only time I was ever armed. It was real tense for minute.

Details man you forgot the juicy details.

The wife and I just picked up some lawn furniture and were leaving. As I stopped at the end of the parking aisle to look for cross traffic, I notice a van moving but it was off in the distance. I pull out to make my way to an exit and next thing I know, there's the van along side of me.

The driver was honking and screaming and was well, obviously very agitated. I guess I entered his very own one man WalMart relay and caused his lap time to suffer.

Well, in my infinite wisdom, I give the guy the nonstandard universally understood peace sign, ahem, to which he responds with speeding up and cutting me off. Then stopping. Oh boy.

Be back in a sec...
yep, back in '76 driving a cab in denver. fortunately he made me get out of the cab and was arrested a short time later.
Once when I was 15. I was coming out of a corner store. It was after dark. The guy was in the shadows around the corner where I was walking. He leveled it at my head. I was a strong stocky 15 year old. It was a huge mistake on his part. He wound up with a broken index finger from me getting a hold of the gun and turning, and twisting it. I bopped him ontop of the head with it, and he went down, I proceded to feed him a steel toed boot.
The clerk in the store saw what was happening and called the cops. They were there in seconds. I was held at gunpoint till they found out I was the victim. Turns out the other person was a teen runaway from a few towns over. He had stolen the neighbor's .38 snub.
From what the cops later told me he was minus some teeth, had a few broken ribs, a concussion, a broken finger, and a ruptured testicle. I do not remember striking for the groin. Hell I barely can remeber what all I did after I saw the gun.
Mine was incredibly stupid and I will never claim it as not being my fault.

I was in a very very drunkin phone argument with an ex. I was at home cleaning my shotgun. converstation was just going on and on and I was sick of it and as I was getting of the phone I had just finished putting the shotgun back together and I racked the slide as I was hanging up (not thinking what she was hearing before I hung up the phone) I proceeded to load the tube as it was my home defense gun at the time, put it away and proceeded to drink my beer and hang out in my room upstairs. She repeatedly called me and I just ignored it. about 30 minutes later I thought I heard something downstairs and I was out of beer so I figured I'd go down and get a new one. LUCKIILY I left my gun in my room. Didn't hear or see anything when I got downstairs so I proceeded to grab a beer. Had to spit so I opened my front door to spit outside. 5 cops drew there pistols on me and 2 drew there shotguns. Told me to step out with my hands up. I fully complied and told them what had happened

30 minutes later and after having the sh*t completely scared out of me they left.

Turned out there was another incident going on a few blocks away so the officers coming from that just met up with the ones coming to talk to me hence why there was 7 of them.