Have you ever been shot at?

Have you ever been shot at?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 45.3%
  • No

    Votes: 116 54.7%

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MSR Tampa, Iraq

Many times have I been shot at on that road. Luckily the Army started armoring their vehicles.
Never, but I feel very lucky as i almost got hit by a stray bullet.
I was at a friends house and we were sitting in his porch after having a firing session which devastated his grass :D. It was the night of the 13th Aug 2009 i.e. the Independence Day of Pakistan and celebratory firing mostly aerial is pretty common (Just like on new year or July 1st of urs.) .

So suddenly something struck the top of the front gate and whizzed passed me. I am guessing it missed me by a good 2 ft. above my head and slightly to the left. We looked for it and sure it was a 7.62*25 bullet slightly deformed from the impact. I felt very lucky that day.
perhaps the next time you should stay indoors after a firing session on Aug 13Th.

Anyway, Karachi is in a bit of turmoil these days. be safe.
I was 13 when it I was shot at. A friend and I had stopped to rest at a large rock along the cross country running trail behind our school. It was a Saturday so we were not in a race or training, although we were both team members. As we were sitting there we both heard the "zzzzzz",...the fastest maddest bee had just flown behind me....W T F??? I asked, or something close. Another one, this time behind Jason. And another between us. Then they started to ricochet off the rock we were sitting on, and thats when we figured it out...

We RAN!!!

While I had shot my 30-30 and 20 ga plenty, I had never heard a bullet before. I had no idea what it was. I don't believe Jason had ever shot anything, but he knew as soon as it hit the rock.

I found out maybe 10 years later, that it was a couple of older kids in town that were out "messing around" with their 22's. I found out because one of them told me. They thought it was hillarious. The one that told me was a supposed friend then and at the time of the "prank". There has not been any contact between us since.
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Panama 1989....enough said about that
In Iraq, I was armed with a MRK-19 mounted on a Hummer, so never got close enough to anybody to recieve small arms fire.

When I came back home in '92 (I was 23), I went deer hunting with my dad. I had just come over the top of a ridge over a ravine when I heard the familiar "ZZZzzzzzzr" then an immediate report from a high caliber rifle. I threw myself face first in the snow by instinct. Sat there for a second, and then my brain completly disengaged. I stood up, threw my rifle back down into the snow, pulled the .357 from its holster and began yelling "Stick your head out you so-and-so cause I'm gonna blow your frick'n head off!" I remember firing a couple shots aimlessly and yellin something like "I'm leaving one bullet in here for you". I then started about 30 feet down the hill towards where the shot came from when fear came over me. Not fear of being shot at, but fear that I would have honestly killed the SOB if I had seen him. I stopped in my tracks, yelled a couple more profanitys , went back up to look for my rifle and then went back the way I came.
In Panama, you learned to keep your head down and would even joke with your buddys when bullets were zing'n overhead, I guess fear manifests itself in different ways in different situations.
I didn't go deer hunting for several years after that, and am still leary during rifle season.

BTW, I was wearing a hunter orange jacket with an orange cap (Not required in Idaho). My guess is he or she saw movement coming over the top of the ridge and shot.

Yup.. but they didn't aim to kill me, just scare me.. That's just before I got kidnapped!

Stayed with them (in captivity) for a month... worst days of my life..
Central America early 90's. We were on a re-supply mission. No one informed us of the scheduled diplomatic mission behind us. The panel truck there to take us to the Pax area acquired some holes from over 1k away. Being unarmed at the time I was a scene from "The Jerk". " He hates this truck! Stay away from the truck!"
Once I ran back to my air craft and acquired the radio I shouldn't have left; I politely asked the Army to dispatch their gunship. They promptly dispatched said gunship and did a little gardening back in the trees.

At really long ranges like this, you can't hear a rifle over prop wash. Eerie to say the least.
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