Have you ever been shot at?

Have you ever been shot at?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 45.3%
  • No

    Votes: 116 54.7%

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Seems several of us have been "friendly" fired upon while in Iraq. I too was fired upon, at checkpoint 28 (those of you that have been there, especially around the '04-'05 timeframe, will know exactly where this is at) just south of Baghdad on MSR Tampa. We were coming up on the checkpoint when the Marines guarding the checkpoint blasted a three round burst at my lead vehicle. Luckily nobody was hurt. Two rounds actually penetrated the radiator. Good times I tell ya!
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Many of times throughout my 6 deployments in the military and an old farmer with rock salt in his 12ga (as a bunch of kids out partying on his land, we deserved it :o).
Don't know how many times, but a few. Lot's of 81 MM Mortars.

Worst memory is hearing a rocket coming from behind me. You can tell by the sound that its moving so fast that there is no way you can get out of way, so I just looked up and watched it fly off into the ocean. Figure it missed me by four or five feet.
Don't know where it came from.
I got shot in the upper arm with a 22 when I was 15. Never been so scared getting away after being shot. I was on a bicycle with a friend. Blood shooting out of my arm. Three guys took off after me and my adrenaline was in the "I am going to die" mode. We flew into a store and the
bad guys took off. Probably a good 1/2 mile chase and I was pretty shook up because for one, I didn't provoke it. No eye contact, no dialog.. just Pow!
This is how it got diffused... store called my mom. She came down. Called the police. Took me to the hospital. Police made out a report. I couldn't identify the shooter (Oakland, Ca.) End of story.
Spent a year in Vietnam and was never a direct target. Just a lot of praying and crossed fingers.
Was with some friends in a bad part of Sac when I was 13 and had a car load of gangbangers shoot at us. Was the scariest moment of my life. Everything felt like slow motion and I could actually hear the bullets pass by me and hit the ground around me as I was running. Never been back to that part of Sac ever since.
Been shot at by an annoyed farmer a couple of times when in high school. Once fishing on a lake. My buddies and I pulled into a cove to catfish. We had been ther a thousand times. Bout ten minutes after we get there this one night we keep getting swept by a spotlight. We didn't think anything of as we were not doing anything wrong. A few minutes of being swept the light stayed on us and then there was a "whiz" then loud impact sound on the deck of our pontoon boat, followed by the report of the muzzle blast. Needless to say we left as fast as we could!! That was very scary. Once when I was a kid I was sitting leaned up againt a tree when a bullet impacted the tree about 20 feet above my head. I never rember hearing the shot. I don't know if that was an miss gone real bad or what. I just ran to my house. So I guess the three or four times the farmer shot at us (yeah we were kinda slow learners). Then the time on the lake and in the field next to my house.
I have not been shot at (knock on wood), but I have friends who had bullet holes in their house (they moved now) or had been shot at while in a car (indirect target but took out the car behind).
coupla times...

pot shots from a mortar
direct fire

leaving base when some crack head took a few pot shots at my in my jeep
12ga packing rock salt ****** off father - took it in the flank -ouch!
friends with shotgun shells loaded with airsoft plastic pellets (outside of 25yards and with glasses on -still dumb, and funny, though)
In Honduras local took a potshot at our convoy,we opened up on the tree line with a straight belt of tracers,we found sodden pants(1 and 2)left

behind.One time in Panama,but i called in an airstrike so i won.Rock breaks scissors.
I've been shot at some.

It was after I invaded their country so I figured it wasn't personal. Luckily, arabs are bad shots.

Oh yes

Several times throughout my life have i been shot at and hit.

First time i got hit, i was out hunting, i was 12-13, and i caught a few pellets of birdshot to the shoulder. They didnt get much penetration because of distance and my winter garb, but damn it didnt tickle.

Second time, i believe i was 15, and my "friend" decided it would be a good idea to "suprise" me that he'd found his fathers .22 deringer. Caught that round full well to the left buttock. (Go ahead, laugh, i do about it. Kinda)

Third time, it wasent me, but my poor Ford Wagon, when i was 24. I was turning onto I-295 in RI, when i lost control of the car. I thought i'd just had a blowout, until they put the new tire on and there was a chunk of brass inside my tire. Nothing conclusive, but i have no other explanation how a new tire (three months on the car) blows out and brass gets in my rim.

Been shot at quite a few times as well.

First time i was about 8, visiting my uncle in NYC. I was in the back seet of his car, and we were going to dinner, when there was a bang, and the back windows both shattered. Yeah, theres a reason i dont like big cities.

Second time, my hunting buddy had an "accidental" discharge or his 12ga, the pattern in the snow stopped about 18-20 inches from my boot. That was around 18-19.

At about 22, walking home (slightly merry) from a country bar, i apparently strayed onto someones front yard. He decided to give me some double barrel inscentive to speed my trip along.

I suppose growing up in the country, i had alot more exposure to firearms than most, which is probably why i have a decent amount of stories without being in the military.

But i am still proud that i have never caused a single firearm related accident. But then again, it doesnt matter how well you handle them, when theres 5 billion others out there who might not.
I have never been shot at but I have been in a few scary situations. I used to work for a private ambulance company is southern california. The first incident was a stabbing, a guy came home for lunch and for what ever reason started stabbing his girl friend. We are supposed to wait till the police clear scenes like that but for what ever reason I followed the county medic unite right on scene before the police could clear the scene. We were outside getting our ambulance ready when we heard gun shots. The officer inside trying to disarm the guy wound up having to shoot him, but we had no idea that's what was going on and we were pretty scared for a minute. The county guys have vests issued to them and were going for them. My partner and I did not have any thing so we just got behind our ambulance. We were not really in any danger but it was a little more than exciting for a minute.

The second was is a small upper class neighborhood. A guy took a jewelers wife hostage and was holding her for ransom. unknown the the Orange County swat the guy left the house and the wife wanted to come out. So they thought it would be a great idea to send us up the street to meet the wife and two officers. The scary part was we were between the house and a bunch of Swat officers who were pointing their assault rifles at the house. If there had been problems we would have been right between the problem.

I think a little more about what I am about to do before I go on scene these days.
I've been robbed at gunpoint twice but never shot at.

I can't believe how many people have been shot/shot at in the civilian sector!

I will never leave my sidearm at home ever again
Myself no but....
A friend of mine and I were in seperate cars and when we tried to pass a third car with some thugs in it we ended up in a bad situation. The men in in third car picked up a third person and cought up with us on the road (main street in the middle of town)
As they came past me the front seat passenger looked at me and I looked back but gave him a look like "it is what it is" trying to not to add to the issue so they passed me by. They pulled next to my buddy (hot head) and ended up having words. It ended with them shooting at him with a handgun wrapped in a shirt or something. The police cought them not far away with the gun. This was maybe 15 years ago and in an area where you would NEVER expect something like this to happen.
Althought not the only instance that changed my thinking it is maybe the first. I grew up in an area where kids roamed the streets with no thought of harm or danger at all hours. In the past years I have had friends shot at, friends stabbed or shot and killed, had bodies found in yards across the street and in our road, had drunk or high strangers attempt to enter my car at gas stations. I don't NOT feel safe these days but I do understand the danger and take steps to minimize dangerl.
A few years back I was out for an early morning run on a country road. The part of the road I was on ran directly toward the Interstate. I was probably a football field away from the Interstate when I noticed a semi pulled over on the shoulder directly in line with the road I was on. This was "out in the country". Nothing around but cows. Then I noticed a guy, probably the driver, standing at the front of his tractor. Taking a leak I figured. Next thing I hear a zing just above my head and then a pop from the direction of the truck. Having spent 13 months in Nam I instinctively hit the deck. A few seconds later the guy was back in his truck heading west. All I can figure is that it was just some goofball who decided to take a pot shot in the general direction of a jogger. Just for kicks I suppose. By the time I got back by a phone there wasn't much point in calling police. The guy was long gone by that time.:mad:
Yeah plenty, but no enemy marksmanship badge for me. Have heard some zingers and pops though. We always opened up with every weapon we had at hand and laid down *ahem* aimed suppressive fire.
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