Have you ever been shot at?

Have you ever been shot at?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 45.3%
  • No

    Votes: 116 54.7%

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During my tour in Vietnam. I was not in the infantry, but was sniped at several times while on guard duty. Lucky that Charlie was a bad shot but one of the guys in my unit got hit in the leg one night while on guard. He learned the hard way it's not a good idea walking your post at night smoking a cigarette.
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7.62x39 & 9mm

Was I shot? - Yes
Where - Shot once in lower leg (broken) 7.62x39. 9mm in lower back. Circumstances - People had a high level of resolve to impress me that I wasn't in the correct place in time.
What should you do when shot?? - Quit being shot!!! Concealment and cover!!!! Return fire, put the hurt to them.
What do you do after being shot - When your shot, direct pressure. More importantly return fire and let people know where it's coming from so other people don't get shot. BTW, if you're around the poor SOB who was shot, don't expect him to be rational, content or TRUSTING!!!! It's not Hollywood!!
I have been shot at a few times, and hit twice. Once in the line of duty (I worked in private security) and once because of mistaken identity. I was in Atl. minding my own business, just waiting for a client to come out of a bar (obviously I cant carry in a bar. Im security not LE) when I heard 3 quick pops and felt a searing "hot" pain in my side. When I realized what had happened I fell to the ground ( I was scared, wouldn't you be?). The bastard had the gall to run up to me to "finish" the job. He saw I wasn't who he thought I was and actually said: "Ah S#@t, I thought you was someone else" and run away. Luckily for me he was using a .25 with cheap ammo, only hit me once, and the bullet deflected off my rib and got lodged between the rib and the skin. Pretty easy removal and no serious damage. But Damnit, it hurt! I'm not at freedom to discuss the other instance.
In Iraq I was in several engagements. I don't know for sure if anyone was shooting in my particular direction but I sure was shooting at them. Also in convoys that were hit with IED's, on bases that were being hit with rockets and sometimes mortars, and someone once tried to shoot a rocket directly at our building (while living off the base). Come to think of it we were pelted with rocks on a pretty regular occasion (while inside the vehicles). Once someone fired a string of shots at a helicopter we were flying on, but we were so high and far away there was no real danger.

In the civilian world a dude took a shot at me and a friend when we cut through his yard. He was growing marijuana in it and probably thought we were after it. We were 12 and 14.

Indirect fire can be pretty scary but not near as dangerous as you might think. I was more likely to crap my shorts over unexpected outgoing anti-rocket guns (loud and sudden enough to make you think the world was being attacked by alien invaders) than the indirect landing.

Fire fights I found to be not so scary. Rely on your training, harness your energy, take directive action, never stop moving and doing things until the threat is ended.

IEDs are bad ju-ju. I understand the concept, it is much safer for the bad guy. They happen so fast and can be potentially devastating. Don't have time to be scared. Just do what you need to.
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University of Viet Nam. Class of 68/69. Longest firefight lasted four hours, most others of shorter duration more like Rogers Rangers hit and run style. One interesting firefight when our company acted as a blocking force and another company pushed towards us, ended up getting into a mistaken short firefight with each other, you will never believe the amount of firepower you have until you have it used on yourself. Only hit once not by rifle or machine gun fire one hand grenade took out myself and two buddies. Minor wounds for two of us a serious wound for the third guy, after dustoff we never saw him again, but it totally destroyed the grenade!

Saw Puff or Spooky work out one night but never have seen an Arc Light.

Your adrenalin will take care of you as things seem to be moving in slow motion but are at light speed. Thank God for the 11 Charlie Cannon Cockers, the Jet Jockeys and the incredibly brave helcopter Dustoff/Medivac and Gunship pilots.

Have carried a handgun ever since Viet Nam over 40 years ago and have never fired a shot in self defense. I don't go looking for trouble anymore!
I was driving along I-10 in Florida. Skip details, make long story short.

My windshield was shot at by freeway shooter, two cars running together, young men. I got tag numbers.

Police cannot follow every car to see who’s shooting. No way can they do much about random shootings like this.

However, once started the perps usually think it’s fun and will continue for a while. So—I have tag numbers. Only two cars to watch for.

Called the highway patrol. They didn’t want to hear me. I finally just hung up.

A couple of weeks later I was relating this to two guys at work. One from Missouri, the other from Illinois. As soon as I said I called the police they interrupted with, both at once, “And they didn’t want to hear you!”

Turns out they both had the same experience with police about serious crimes.

And the police wonder why most civilians have an “Us and Them” attitude about police. “We want citizen input.” Yeah, right. BS
When i was about 8 years old my best friend and I were picking blackberrys in the field down from his house. We picked blackberrys to sell to his grandma, who would then make us blackberry cobbler. What a deal. Anyways I digress. Back to topic. As we were walking thru a field getting to our patch. Next thing we know we see several rounds impact the ground and throw dirt in the air, and heard crack of the rounds going off. We were scared poopless turned tail and ran all the way back to the house. We later found out that on top of the hill was a meeting place for some KKK. Dont know if it was because my best friend is black or if we got too close. Anyways we were so scared we never told anyone till many years later.
spent a year in iraq, shot at with everything from 5.56("friendly fire") to 109mm rocket.

never took a hit(from small arms), but a buddy handing me a bottle of water took one in his sapi plate. if he hadn't stepped right then it would have gotten me in the side.

we got ambushed by a bunch of army reservists once, luckily they really sucked, and only shot out a few tires.

also splattered with gasoline that they tried to jelly into foo gas. glad i didnt return fire then!
Not yet.But I'm on call thru the week end, so there's still the chance, plus duty daily as a state LEO. Always a possibility for the last 35 years or so. Good score so far!!:eek:

Not so good for some of my friends though, had one shot three times (flesh wounds)with his own gun, taken from him in the jail by a mental person (10-96). Officer recovered nicely and currently is the chief of the dept.

Two other of our guys got in ashoot out with 2 escaped bank robbers, our guys won,not injured. Bad guys,not so good. One ofthem now uses the colostomy bag waste removal system for completeing his digestive process.

So, I'm still trying to lay low and be careful. So far,so good.
in 3 years of duty in Lebanon I was shot at with most calibers one can think of, from 0.22 to RPG's, 122mm rockets and an IED that was made of a 155 mm canon shell.
Hit twice (0.22 and 7.62x39) from bullets, once a few fragments from a grenade and last was the IED.
As others have said, when under fire, get cover, return fire ( Except when you notice its some idiot from your own army that's shooting at you), tell others where its coming from and apply a pressure dressing on the wound.

As a civilian, no shots have been fired at me.

I had met "a girl", that lived in Los Angeles, Me I was a cowboy and had a ranch 800 miles away..I flew my plane down to have a 1st date with her. Pulled up in front and she came out to the curb to meet me, saying "I really cannot go out with you"..I asked if it was because of her X....she just looked down..about this time some guy peeks around the corner of her building. I decided to go invite him to leave and start walking right at him...BANG a shot sails by me...my response (pretty stupid, but adrenalin kicks in), You SOB and I run right at him, the takes off down the back alley..about 20 strides down the back alley and the brain re-engages...and reminds me how stupid is to chase a guy down holding a pistol.

I went jumped back in the car, drove 45 minutes to my friends house at the beach where i was staying, grabbed my 45 and started out...bunch of people in the living room wanted to know what was wrong...when I told them,,,they started laughing at me...saying "Do you really think he will wait around and hour and a half for you to come back and fight him fair...??????????

Never did see that girl again.
While driving to work years ago, I heard something akin to a sledgehammer hitting my car. Figured I hit something, so at 45 mph, I was looking as best I could for debris in the road behind me. There was none. The vehicle seemed alright, so I kind of forgot about it and continued to work. At work, I remembered it while talking to a few friends and decided to check out the car for damage when I got off. I found what appeared to be a .30 caliber hole in the left rear fender down by the bottom and just above a moulding. Still don't know if I was shot at or if it was a stray bullet.
I was in my father's shop, walking by the front windows when I was a kid, and all of a sudden, whack, there was a bullet hole right in line with me. The shot more than likely came from the school yard across the street. It was night. The bullet was probably a low caliber, and it did not penetrate all the way through the safety glass. My dad was ******, grabbed his Walther PPK that he carries, and wanted to go outside and unload the gun in the direction of the school yard, but he used common sense and restrained himself. Nothing came of the matter. It was kinda scary being a kid and being shot at for whatever reason.
Buckshot from a drunken hunter who didn't actually know what his target was and just shot through the bush. Fortunately his aim was off too and the only 'shot that hit me was what deflected off a tree and had lost nearly all of it's energy. I took more damage from wood splinters and diving onto the ground and hitting a sharp rock.

Grazed in the leg once by a .22LR round from an underage 'banger when I surprised him trying to steal a car. He was so mortified that he'd actually fired his gun that he dropped it and started crying.

Yeah, pretty much a charmed life so far.
Yep, several times in Iraq. Rifles, medium machine guns (including a 240B in the hands of some Army reservists), RPG's, and once an old Soviet copy of a LAW. Never been hit though, and never shot at in civilian life.
yes. i lived in portland oregon not a very bad area me and 4 of my friends were walking to a 7/11 and a man open fired hitting a stopsign behind me
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