Have you ever been shot at?

Have you ever been shot at?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 45.3%
  • No

    Votes: 116 54.7%

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New member
I would to know if you have ever been shot at? What was your response? Were you hit, if so, with what caliber and what were the circumstances? In your experience what should one do when shot? Any first aide tips before the help arrives?

During my tour of Vietnam, I was shot at quite a few times but never hit.:D I've seen people hit in various places on their bodies. Not pretty. My response was to return fire when a target appeared or I knew where the shots came from. Pretty basic I guess.
Me and my buddy were crossing through a bad part of town.(note: we both actually lived in a bad part of town and an even worse part of town was between our houses and to get to and from our houses you had to cross there or go way out the way) Common practice in the area is for a group of thugs to make a line in the road and hold up the folks who stop. Well my buddy wasn't having any part of that and sped the car up towards them. One of em decided he was too much a thug to get out our way and was clipped by the car and flew to the ground. They then threw bottles and fired what I belive was a pellet gun but may have been a .22 at us. They didn't even hit the car much less us. So when we arrived at my house we let the police know what happened.
While I've never been shot at, I was robbed at gunpoint. I was 20 (I'm 23 now) at the time. I can safely say it was an illegally aquired .38, maybe 38 Special. It was by 5 african american kids (and when I say kids I mean it: youngest 13, oldest 15) outside of a local concert venue. Me and my friend were the only ones out of a group of 7 who weren't able to run off. They stole my wallet, car keys, and cell phone. Got it all back except the phone. I did lose some wallet photos of a friend who passed away, but I'd rather that then die. I had the gun to my head for about a minute while they searched me. Whole scenario was about 4 minutes. They got caught that night, and I'd like to think my description of "He looks like a black Gary Busey" to the cop helped lol. Turns out, the kids found a gun and decided to play "Gangster" and carjacked 5 or 6 different cars and robbed 10 separate groups of people over the course of 4 hours. They went all over the town doing this and were caught in a stolen car IN ON OF THE KIDS DRIVEWAYS. It had me rattled for a bit but I'm fine now. It also got me out of jury duty. I had a jury-selection call and it happened to be a gun crime. I openly admitted to the judge "I was robbed at gunpoint three weeks ago. This is a gun crime and rape case. I cannot be unbiased. I have a vendetta against people who improperly use guns and rob and violate innocent people." That made a bit of a gasp come over the courtroom.... Perhaps "vendetta" was a little much... Ah well, young a stupid. This incident is a BIG reason why I will probably constantly CC when I get my license to do so. I knew it was going to happen but didn't have anyway to get around it as I was the front person in the line. I would have had enough time, however, to arm myself and protect my friends and I.
ACTUALLY, come to think of it: I was driving on the expressway some months back and some idiots had been throwing rocks at cars for a few weeks (as documented by police). My lucky car was the one they "upped the ante" on and shot at it with either a .22 or a pellet gun. It didn't penetrate but left a nice sized shatter mark and spider web style cracks in my window. The reason I'm fairly certain it was a gun is I heard a bang and THEN saw my window shatter with a second bang. Gotta love VOLVO's... Tanks on wheels I say.
Growing up in the country I had the unfortunate experience of being shot at more than once. My brother was hit in the butt with rocksalt from an old farmer's shot gun once. He had many sores, and blisters all over his bottom (the old addadge of do not steal watermellons, then give the old farmer the finger when going back over the fence:eek:)
One of the times I can rmber being shot at was when I was crossing a field as a shortcut to get to school, I heard the bullets going over my head. Needless to say I got out of there fast, and never took that shortcut again. The property owner was later arrested for growing marijuana in that field. (I guess I know why he was shooting at me now.)
I've been shot around. Does that count?

A buddy of mine and I were fishing one day when I/we heard a "whirrrrrrrrrr" sound (is the only way I can describe it). I thought it was to the right of me, and he thought it was to the left of him. Which put it right between us in an 18 foot bass boat. :eek:

The "Whirrrrrrrrrr" sound was followed immediately by the sound of a rifle shot. Then another. And another. No idea what caliber, but it was bigger than a 22 judging by the boom. We yelled up toward the bank to cease fire, there was someone down here. Never heard another shot. No one came down to the riverbank.

I'm pretty sure they didn't shoot AT us. They shot toward the river, and the bullet probably passed well over our heads, the river bank was a fairly high bluff at that point, but it was a lot closer than I ever want to have happen again. However, they did sound like they went right between the two of us.
Admittedly, . . . the jerks were not shooting "at" us, . . . but the rounds did the little "whrrrrrrrrrrrr" thing right above our heads.

We were building the house I live in right now, . . . four Asians (local university brats we surmised) were in an SUV about 600 feet from us in the wildlife area.

One of them had a handgun, sounded like a .38, they were shooting at the "No Vehicles Beyond This Point" sign. After the rounds buzzed over us, . . . my buddy and I loaded up into my pickup and headed over where they were to put a stop to it.

My assumption is that they were exchange students, . . . probably got the gun under the table somewhere, . . . three of the four gave me the old "no speaka Inglees" jargon.

I put on my best gunnery sergeant's impersonator voice, . . . chewed the stuffing out of them for about five minutes, . . . gave them 30 seconds to clear the area, . . . never saw them again.

After we got back to the house, . . . it dawned on me that if they were bg's, we would have been in trouble, . . . :eek:

May God bless,
I was 9 years old. Case of wrong place, wrong time. Fired at directly, protected by vehicle and REALLY COURAGEOUS third party. A 12 ga slug makes an aweful noise when it hits right over your head and the muzzle flash is most impressive when viewed from the receiving end!!! At 9 I was looking for a weapon with which to return fire. I was looking directly in my attacker's face when he received a fatal hit................
Vietnam...numerous misses, three hits. NVA AK-47

1972....during a storefront holdup. Armed robber with .357 magnum revolver.

1985...doing a repo of a stolen bicycle. Pscho with a 12 gauge shotgun.

1999...shot three times during a home invasion robbery. 9mm semi-auto.
Shot at numerous times in the rockpile, never hit. Have provided first aid to friends who were down with torso and abdomen wounds, the latter smell awful. Robbed at gunpoint while unarmed once in Los Angeles... learned my lesson as I should NEVER have been where I was at that time of night in less than platoon strength.
Not sure. I was driving down the freeway in Los Angeles not too long ago when I heard a big bang. Sounded more like a gun shot than a blown truck tire (I've heard both). Lot's of traffic around, but no one was swerving or doing anything unusual. Checked my truck for bullet holes the next time I stopped, didn't find any.
I have been unintentionally shot at while playing golf. Some idiots were dove hunting next to the course and not paying attention to the direction they were shooting. We got peppered with pellets 3 or 4 times. Large amounts of screaming and yelling between volleys had no effect. We called the sheriff's office to report it when we got back to the car. I don't know if anything came of it.
Not by anyone actually trying to kill me, but i was shot at as a mischievous youngster engaged in mischief. I also was almost perforated by a .30-06 when this IDIOT hunting the opposite fenceline took a shot at a deer that hopped out about three feet in front of me. The deer was the size of a medium labrador retriever; had it been worth shooting, i was three feet away with a 12 guage in my hands. I did hear a weird noise as the bullet went by me, but it could've been deer laughter as the lil fellar skipped away unscathed.
Oh HELL no!!

I have never been shot at and hope I never find out what it feels like. I had someone shoot ahead of my feet (a FORMER shooting buddy that I never shot with again after that) and that scared me senseless even though I knew he was not trying to hit me. I can't imagine what the feeling is when the shooter is deliberately trying to score one on you.
In Cambodia I can't count the number of shots fired in my direction.
Durring a search in a village a 8 year old boy shot me in the ear and took a chunk of it as it hit. It was with an AK47, damn Russian made one at that. I was only two feet away from the little brat. To this day I can feel that missing piece of ear. No purple heart, we wern't supposed to be there.
Getting shot at!

When I was about 11…a friend took the bullet out of a .22LR shell and replaced it with cotton. While visiting he 'showed' me is .22 rifle and then shot at me. I remember this little white ball came at me from 5 feet away and hit me too. That was the last time I associated with that kid. The NRA taught me you don't play around with firearms or point them at anything you don't want to destroy. I never forgot this and its some 50 years now.
Yes, but in a stupid sort of way. Given the time of year and the general location, I'm guessing the idiot who did it had hallucinated a set of antlers onto my head.

Fortunately he was a lousy shot.

I gave my vocabulary a good loud workout. The idiot didn't answer.
Spent June 2004 to May 2005 in Iraq as an Army Officer. 99% of my time there was as a convoy commander all over the place. Needless to say, I have seen my fair share of getting shot at. I will never forget the sound of an enemy round hitting the hardox steel plate that we had bolted to our doors. Also makes a nice little mushroom on the door as well, but nothing a little rattlecan paint wouldnt fix! Also seen my fair share of IED's, RPG's, mortars, etc. Not a fun time!
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