Has your significant other liked one of your guns, and it suddenly became "their gun"

My wife doesn't really care for guns (unless she feels threatened, then it's "Mike, where's your gun"), but my daughters are a different story.

So far I have lost a couple of nice .22 rifles and a neat little Taurus .380 with a "raspberry" colored grip frame to the kids, and it is starting to look like one of my deer rifles is on it's way out the door too..... By the time they are finished with me I will be lucky to have one gun to call my own.

I have also lost a couple to nephews as well, and somehow my SKS wound up in my Dad's gun cabinet a few years back. :rolleyes:
I lost my S&W 686 6" no dash to Mrs Reticle one fine afternoon. She tagged along with us boys just for kicks. Picked my revolver up, loaded the cylinder, approached the line, fired three rounds and stopped. I figured she didn't like 357 mag and was looking for another pistol to shoot. "I'm putting this one away. It's mine now....." D'oh!
No way, my girlfriend is far too respectful to start claiming my things as hers. She knows I work hard to pay for my guns, and if she really liked one of my guns she would drop a hint that it would make a good birthday or christmas gift, and in that case I am more than happy to buy her one of her own.
Lost more than one -

Ruger MKII Target 512 - After I swapped the grips with a set of thumb-rests, replaced the ejector, added the VQ accurizing kit, it ran like a sewing machine. Now it's hers. You should see her on the reactive target range.
I replaced it with a Colt Huntsman.

S&W Model 60nd - I pimped it out with Mother of Pearl grips & Tyler T-Grip Adapter. Now it's hers.
I replaced it with a S&W Model 649nd.
Once upon a time long ago -

Wife bought me my 1st 30-06 for Christmas. I trade it for a 270.

2 Christmas' ago, My 2nd 30-06 followed me home from deer camp:





It's a 1942 Winchester Model 70 period correct 20" barrel Carbine. When I first saw it - Thought it was a super grade but turned out it wasn't. It was missing a rear sight, had been D&T for scope bases, and had a non-factory rebed job under the barrel - So not the collector status I had hoped. Which was OK to me, as I'm not a collector and wanted to get this rifle back to the job of hunting it was made to do.

Now the story takes a turn I didn't see coming!

Wife confiscates rifle as hers and wants to learn to shoot and hunt - She had never shown any interest before! So I take rifle to my GS to check it out - He mentioned that I should get a box of 180 grain factory loads and let her shoot those till she gives it back - Said "Won't take long w/ that steel butt plate". LOL, I told him I had already thought of that and decided NO. I wouldn't discourage her since this was the first real interest she had in shooting/hunting. He said "Well OK - She's got good taste!"

So...I had read about the Remington 125 30-06 Managed-Recoil ammo, but couldn’t find any in stock. I got playing with a trajectory and a recoil calculator one evening and decided I could reload some reduced ammo for her. Then find that 06 dies, cases and bullets are OOS, too. So started scrounging up components - Took 3 months. A friend found a site that had 1 set of 30-06 dies left in-stock so got those dies. Finally got 120 1xFired 30-06 cases from a guy in MI and some 150 NPTs from a guy in WA. Thank God for internet connections. During this process, I was stopping every where to look and happened to find a box of the Rem M-Rs.

Took me another couple of months to get scope, mounts and work-up reloads.
Finally! - Here's a 100 yd sight-in target I shot showing both loads:


My reload is on the left target and the Rem Managed-Recoil ammo is on the right target. Shot the right target first with the Rem M-Rs. As you can see they shot a little high. Adjusted the scope down 1.5". Then shot that low group with my 150 NPT reloads. Adjusted the scope back up the same 1.5" and shot that other group in the center of the left target. Shows my reloads to be the more precise groups and that the 2 loads will NOT shoot to the same POA.

Now she's happy with the recoil and shoots'em just fine:

Nope. Not really. I spotted a nice used S&W 15 at the LGS once day. I immediately thought of her, since she really did need a gun that was "Hers". So I went and got her and brought her there and showed it to her. Bingo! She bought it right then and there, and she loves it. It is "Hers".

Problem Solved.

She's also laid claim (sorta) to the S&W 422. She says it is "Hers", but in practice it is "Ours". I shoot it when I want to, she shoots it when she wants to.
Reading some of these reminds my of my baby cousins and nieces and nephews going through their "mine" phase, you know grabbing whatever they get their hands on and declaring them "mine". :p
I had wanted a Sig P238 for a couple years and finally finangled my way into one, it even came with five mags. I was loving it. It replaced my TCP.

Took my wife to the range for the second time with her LC9. She was hating it. Couldn't hit anything, hated the muzzle flip, hated the trigger pull, hated loading the mag, hated racking the slide.

Gonna toot my own horn, being the good husband I am I went to the counter and bought a box of overpriced range .380. Pulled my prized P238 out of my pocket and gave it to her with the box of ammo. She loved everything about it and it has been hers ever since.