Has your significant other liked one of your guns, and it suddenly became "their gun"

This thread kind of goes hand in hand with the one asking if folks had any doubles of things..

I don't mind any that I lost to her so far.. some are doubles so we can shoot the same things.

She has good taste..and it is always fun at the range..I get a smile when she outshoots me..
I am glad it is something we can share together.

I only had to tell her no on one of them..
But after a double, some smith work and a 22 conversion all is well...lol
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I bought my girlfriend her own single action 9mm so she has something to play with, but she has my only other key to my cabinet so the guns are just as much hers as they are mine anyway. I look at it that anything we own is not mine or hers, but ours. She loves the guns and shooting and that pleases me greatly. She can requisition any of them at any time and that's fine with me.
wife taking pistol

Back in the day when I was working le my now wife was my girlfriend.I was shooting in the back yard an she came out there.She asked if she could try,i said well ok,i was shooting a ruger 7.5 stainless .357 supervel reversed wad cutters.That was my service relover an what everybody was carrying an shooting.Ha she asked if I hit the target could I have the gun,i told her yeah, but you have to put three in the head and three in the chest.Well I was set up !!!!! She did just that,i was speechless,come to find out her daddy was a U.S marshall.Needless to say I had to buy her one.She also took my walthers ppk 380.
I think a woman can aim 45 degrees away from a target an the bullet will hit the target.
no problem here

Never had my wife co-opt one of my guns due to my buying habits. If I am looking for a new gun, I take my wife with me. If she sees something she likes, I pay for it and she leaves my new firearm alone. Also the fact that I am 12" taller, 100 lbs heavier means most of my guns have more kick than she is really comfortable with. However, her ability to shoot my guns when needed is unbeaten.
I am also twice divorced and have been single for some time now.

Follow me here if you will:
My GF that would later be my second wife, went nuts over another Jetfire I had, being 19, and she being the good looking honey she was...

First wife decided the Grendel .380 daddy gave her, and with some "help" from FIL, my shooting buddy, one I competed with as pards, Ended up with another Model 64 with 3" bbl for a home/car gun. Thanks a lot FIL...

Remember that GF, from yesteryear? Stupid me, came home with yet another Colt Combat Commander.
Well, I gotta admit she did look a lot better carrying the darn thing on her hip, than I did.
Hum, if you build guns and are married, it is not pretty. Oh, did you build that for me...... Ok you can shoot it, but bring it back, that is the gun you built for me.....Do not mess it up....etc., etc. Now she wants to shoot my new 358 MGP AR-15:D
The only guns she has not claimed are my 12 gage shotguns, the rest are hers and I just get to use them. 40 years ago we went shooting on a date, she had her dads 22 pump and I took along a few guns. Somehow they became our guns with the exception of a few that are only hers including that 22 pump.
YES, YES, and YES!

About 6 or 7 years back I purchased a real pretty Henry lever action 22LR with an octagon barrel and I put a fun little red dot scope on it. I use it for hunting ground squirrels on our property. But now when ever we are getting ready to go up there my wife reminds me that I need to put "HER" Henry in the truck, at which time I remind her that when I bought that rifle she grumbled about me "buying another firearm I don't really need". Now, I just tell her that the reason more firearms keep showing up the safe is because the safe is too small, They are to close to one another and they are procreating. NOT MY FAULT!:) But I digress......I rarely complain about it when she wants me to bring "her" Henry out, the reason?.......I am very thankful my wife will go shoot with me and after 12 years of marriage I rarely get scolded anymore about buying new weapons. Win/Win.....................
Every time I buy a new gun my girlfriend asks when I'm taking her to go shoot it. If I keep her well armed she stays away from mine!

Ill take the one who adopts my guns over the one who made me sell my collection off. If I had known you guys then maybe I would have gotten rid of the gf instead of the guns. Or someone would have gotten a good deal on a collection anyway.
I'm going to have to add my CZ-75 Omega to the list (which was a bday present from her in may). Got two whole range trips in and got to hitting pie plates at 25 yards.

Then made the fatal mistake of bringing it on Father's Day when we went shooting with her family... One mag and a grin from her and I knew she just "Indian gave" my newest range toy. But what do ya do? Lol...

I'm just thankful she picked up shooting after we got together and enjoys it because I like to go shooting a lot and well, she'd be left on the couch quite a bit otherwise.:D
Yes ,I bought a Ruger Vaquero high polished stainless with faux Ivory grip in 44 mag. I loaded some 44 specials and let my wife shoot it. That has now become "her Gun"
My wife took my stainless Ruger Police Service Six, 4 inch barrel. She is 5 ft, 105lbs and shoots full load magnums out of it like its a bb gun. I hide my S&W model 19 and 15 from her.
My wife has a nice little collection of her own. But, the PPK/S and the Marlin 60 both started on my side of the safe. She ended up the "official" keeper of the PPK/S and now considers it "hers".
Luckily, my wife couldn't care less about guns.

I tell her about everything I'm buying and show it to her when it comes home, but I could get away with anything gun-wise if I wanted to.
This has happened to me several times.
And it's a great day for me when it happens,,, I get to go out and buy a NEW gun to replace it.
I have 3 guns in my collection because I had to replace them at one time or another.
My G26 that I carry is one of the better ones.
But then again I still miss my 66.

But for the life of me, I can't figure out how she decided a Soviet DPM was "cute". But she immediately announced it was hers, and then bought a crate of 54R to feed it.