Has your significant other liked one of your guns, and it suddenly became "their gun"


New member
I am just curious if this has happened to many of you. You purchase a new gun, or take one out of the safe that your significant other has not shot or seen before, and after a day at the range, that gun suddenly became "their" new gun?

My fiance shot my Kahr CM9 at the range one day, and she liked it so much that it became her new daily carry gun. I went out and purchased a Springfield XDs .45 to replace it. After reliability issues, I ended up getting a new Kahr PM40, which I am now carrying.

Now she has really taken a liking to my Springfield XDm .45. She shot it at the range and really liked it. That is one of my favorite guns, so no way I'm parting with it. I can see an expensive birthday/Christmas present on the horizon:D

I'm not complaining, just thought it would be fun to share stories and experiences. I'm more than happy that my fiance took to my Kahr CM9 so well. She loves the ergonomics, size, and ability to carry it easily, and she shoots it accurately as well. It gives me peace of mind.

But no way in hell is she taking my XDm .45!!! :cool::rolleyes:
Yup, several times. But thats fine by me, means I get to start hunting for another to replace her most resent "toy".
Heck even my mother has done it to me. She couldn't rack the slide on her 1911 (WW 1 blued army issued Springfield her father gave her when she left home to go to college [it lives at my house now:p]) any longer so now my 3" model 10 S&W lives at her house.
Not mine,,, but my friends wife,,,

Coming back from the range one day,,,
We stopped in to see what was new at The Evil Pawn Shop.

My friend made an impulse buy of a CZ-75 RAMI.

So we get food and go to his house to watch a game,,,
He laid the pistol on the kitchen counter.

His wife came home and saw it,,,
She picked it up and said, "What a nice little pistol."

She tool her Bersa out of her purse,,,
Put the CZ in it's place.

I don't think my friend has ever seen it again.


My wife (GF at the time) took ownership of some of my pistols that she liked.
* Kimber 1911 9mm - she shot it enough that I was happy to change the trigger and grip to fit her better.
* STI 1911 9mm - since the Kimber became too small for me, I got an STI. Eventually she shot the STI and liked it more. Now, the STI is setup for her and the Kimber is setup for me.
* Sig P6 - for HD she barrowed my Sig P6. So, I set it up with a short trigger and trimmed the grips to make it thinner. After a while, I got her a Kahr K9. So, the Sig is now back to original config (my setup).

She does not shoot as often as I do anymore but when she shoots, she looks for the STI and the Kahr. The STI for the majority of her shooting and the Kahr just to keep familiar with it.
My wife took my Kimber Ultra 45 its hers now! She was just looking at my glock 42 saying how nice it felt in her hands, that might be gone too!
My wife liked my / her Kahr CW9. My daughter liked my / her Taurus model 65. Maybe I am too much of a push over?:o
She is very welcome to give me an excuse like that to upgrade.

Hope she takes the Thunder 380 so I can get the Plus I should have purchased.
Not my wife, but when my Dad saw and shot my then new AMT AutomagII about 25 years ago it went home with him and not me! Just a fraction of what was owed him and he loved that gun.:)
My wife has a Walther PPK/S, Ruger LCP, and a nickel plated Colt Detective Special. Thought she was good till I brought home a S&W Model 637, now it's in her purse.
Luckily I have a model 36,37,60,12,64,and 66 snubs so I guess I shouldn't complain! lol
We've been married 42 years this August - she never showed an interest in shooting until a few years back when I pretty much sold all of my long guns but got hooked on cartridge handguns. I bought a few vintage Colts, Smiths and Rugers. One of the Rugers was a pristine vintage Super Bearcat. One day we were going to the range and she said she'd like to try shooting. I got her started on the Bearcat and she really took a liking to it. She likes her "pop pop" gun - doesn't like a lot of recoil so I consider the Bearcat to be hers. A cheap price for some nice quality time together shooting. I originally bought it for a knock around gun on the farm - after she expressed that she liked it - I picked up a cheap Heritage Rough Rider for myself. I think one of the reasons she wanted to try shooting is that she really enjoyed the show "Top Shots" and we'd watch it every week. :)
My the first date with my future wife was some 38 years ago. My wife took to my Dan Wesson revolver right off during a camping and shooting weekend. Soo we got her one a few weeks later. Problem solved. She was not a gun girl before that weekend.

2 weeks ago my oldest daughter took a fancy of my cw9 kahr after going out back of the house testing some loads for function for me. I don't use it much since buying a tp40 so I gave it to her and its now her everday CC.
The only guns that are still mine...

My CZ 75 in 40S&W (we had to get one in 9mm for her, she disliked 40)

My AR (since we spent double the cost of mine on her AR)

My S&W M&P (she bought that for my birthday, so she can't go taking it from me... Can she?!)
My 92 became her go to range gun anytime we head out to shoot.

Since the first time she shot it, she loved it. Which was good for me because that one made its way in the safe unbeknownst to her when I saw a deal too good to pass up.
Yeah, about that

I found this great deal- a Smith & Wesson Model 19-3, 4" barrel, mechanically perfect, finish was beat up. After transfer fees and shipping, I was under $400 into the gun- in my area, a Model 19 typically goes for $600. I loved that gun.

Then my wife shot it at the range. Her first words were "it's mine now." My wife, who refuses to buy a new purse unless her current one is falling apart, said she would just have to buy a bigger purse so she could carry it.

In all seriousness, it's her nightstand gun, and that's fine for me. I keep a 6" Security Six in my nightstand, with a Hi Point 995 beside it.