Handguns you'd love to own but never will...

Any colt. I love them, but would never be spend the money one one. Just not worth the price. But if someone wants to give me one, I'll PM you my address. :)
Over the years I've always had a yen for one of Colt's Pythons. Back when I was working and making good money, I could have tracked one down and bought it...a royal blued Python with a 4" barrel is truly a thing of beauty, but I'm a shooter and not a collector per se, and I'd want to both shoot and carry it. Even then (the late 70's), those Colt's were expensive and had a following....I knew they'd be collector pieces and just couldn't bring myself to do that to a beautiful gun. Alas, it's too late...

I was luck enough to find a .22 LR Diamondback in superb condition with superficial damage to the rear sight. I fixed that with some careful home gun-smithing, like it never happened...it's a great gun..but not the Python of my day-dreams.

Best Regards, Rod
There are two handguns I'd love to own, and for completely difference reasons.

1. Colt Python - I shot one once, and it's got to be the best revolver I've ever shot. And the prices on them keep going up. At the point in time when I can start adding to my collection for the purpose of collecting, it'll likely be cost prohibitive for me to get one. Besides, they're just beautiful guns.

2. Original German Luger - I'm a history nut. 1911's, even old ones are fairly common. But original Lugers? Rare and expensive. They are beautiful guns and the machining that had to go into them is absolutely amazing.
A Wilson Combat classic super grade and or a Limcat Razorcat race gun. Just can't part with $5200.00 for either one.
There are many that I'd like to own but probably never will that haven't yet been relegated to the never list.

Glock 18 w/ shoulder stock and suppressor is probably the highest handgun on my "never" list.
Webley-Fosbery automatic revolver in .455 Webly, just because its so weird!
Oh & a few of the "prideaux" speed loaders for the same reason.:eek:
If I hit the lottery I'm going for a top of the line Schofield revolver in .44 Russian. Always wanted one but whenever I have a grand ready for a gun purchase I buy a rifle!

...bug :)
Anything class 3

Mateba autorevolver

Broomhandle mauser with the original stock, may eventually get the pistol but the original stock pushes it firmly out of my price range.

SBR'd version of the triple barrel shotgun
Luckily I live in a state where most guns are welcome. And I live with my mom and have no bills to pay too. I'd say the fully automatic glock 18. That's illegal so I can't get it.
Indiana Jones' S&W .45 revolver, as loaned by Bapty's of London, and used by Harrison Ford. In the meantime, I make do with my own replica. .........
None Come to Mind

Really, I must be the odd one out.
I've had Lugers, P38s and a variety Walthers, even a Colt Python.
I've never had a burning desire for any handguns.
Now rifles is a whole other story.