Handguns you'd love to own but never will...

Of all the revolvers I own, at least one of them comes pretty close to being my ideal sixgun, so I don't really have an unobtainable Single Action on my list.

Do want a Colt New Frontier though, which is still within reach. Another gun on my want list is a USFA Single Action, though its not really high on my want list.

Bob Wright
I got my 1917 P-08 Luger, and 1941 Walther P-38, and Colt Python.

My dream gun now is a Korth revolver, maybe one day.
God willing, and the creek don't rise.
Luger and Mauser Broomhandle,,,

Luger and Mauser Broomhandle,,,
They have become too expensive for me.

Actually I probably could afford to buy the guns,,,
But I won't spend that much for guns I wouldn't shoot very much.

I'm still kicking my rear end,,,
For letting a shooter grade (ugly but functional) Luger get away,,,
The old gentleman didn't want his kids to get it so he offered it to me for $500.00.

That was with a original (maybe) holster,,,
And two functioning magazines.

I really don't have a strong urge to own either one,,,
I just would like to be able to shoot one every now and then.

So, it's a good thing I have lots of gun friends with lots of guns,,,
Whenever we go to the range together I can always say,,,
Hey, bring that (whatever I'm thinking about) along.


All of them! :D

Joking aside:

A high-dollar 1911 like a Wilson. I would love to have a CQB but I can never imagine spending $3000 on a handgun (or any gun actually.) It is too much to spend for something that would basically get a fews mags shot threw it once a month and never ever carried for any reason at that price point. It just wouldn't be practical.
Looks like the most often answered thus far in the thread is also on my list. Sig P210, the only Sig that really, truly has my interest.

Others that occur to me at the moment is the phenomenally gorgeous Smith & Wesson 952 and hey, while I'm at it, the Smith & Wesson 945. May as well have an 845 while I'm shopping.

For what I'd like to use it for, an HK P7 of any variant seems to get farther away every day. I won't say they aren't worth their (ever increasing) price tag, but I can say they aren't worth it to me.

A Python is something that I seriously doubt I will ever even aspire to own. The value just isn't there for me, and I love revolvers.

I could, however, see myself getting suckered in to the horrendous money involved in a Korth. And I only say that because I don't know enough about them to (yet) scare me off. What continually blows my mind about a Korth is that I am in my 40's now and I still have never, ever, EVER laid my eyes on a Korth in the flesh. How is this possible?!