Handguns... Our favorites

My favorite would have to be my 1851 Colt Navy .36 caliber revolver.

Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

And tremendously fun and satisfying to shoot as well.
My favorite is probably my S&W M28-2. While not my first handgun, it was my first revolver and my first S&W. For whatever reason, I seem to shoot this gun particularly well. Most likely the familiarity enhances my shooting as picking up the M28 is like shaking hands with an old friend. If I even had to defend my life with a handgun, not knowing the circumstances ahead of time, the M28 is the gun I'd want in my hand because I trust it above all others.
My favorite has to be my Ruger SP101 2.25" .357.

It is my daily companion. It feels right in my hand.. a lot of other gun grips feel to skinny, to fat, to blocky, to large, to small.. Something about the stock grips on the SP101 that my hand wraps around it just right. The SP101 points naturally for me as well, so the shots go where I want them to (within reason, I do fairly well but I'm no bulls-eye artist). The weight of the gun just feels right too.. not to light with just enough weight to absorb the recoil without being to heavy. I like the balance of it as well.. I know some people like the balance of semi-autos and some like the balance of revolvers.. I guess I'm just a revolver guy. Out of all the guns I own, I have the most confidence in the .357 snub-nosed SP101.
Favorite home defense: G19
Favorite range toy: Colt Gold Cup
Favorite plinker: Hi Standard Victor
Favorite 9mm semi auto; FN Hi Power
Favorite revolver; (don't have yet) Colt Python 4"
Such a difficult question.

I'd say my 2 3/4" blued Security Six.

Of course, I'll change my mind tomorrow when I shoot my BHP.
This one is equally tricky. I recently had to shed one handgun to allow the purchase of an AR, so I had to examine the importance of each to me.

But, whilst I like all 3 of my remaining stock, I think my Ruger Redhawk in .44 is still top dog.

My SP-01 is a very comfortable, accurate and inspiring and my little Astra 680 snub still fits my palm beautifully, putting holes closely together at 10yds or less, but for feel in hand, sense of potency and versatility the big Ruger stands above the rest in my book.
My question... What is your favorite handgun that you own and why. It can be subjective or practical... Any reason at all.

I'm an old guy and tend to prefer revolvers, but my favorite is the Colt 1911.
I have shot many 1911s and I love them, just never got around to owning one. That will end soon I hope, and most likely it will become the favorite.
Hands down it's the Beretta 92FS. The gun I always wanted (OK, I'll admit it, Lethal Weapon started it :) ), the first hand gun I bought and by far, even after owning and shooting many more, by far still my favorite. Nothing else even comes close. I'll start posting the numerous reasons next.
I work aviation... We are doing a digital glass cockpit upgrade to a customers plane. I am loading up the operating software. It takes 6 hours to do, but I only push a few buttons and then wait for it to finish.

I'm mostly a babysitter for this part, unless there is a problem, then I fix it and continue on. Sometime a software load goes bad and requires starting over, which takes up more time. Problems loading and incorrect procedures can be complicated and cause issues, so it's only me or the lead tech that do the software.

Sounds like a cool gig you've got there. I work in Logistics which is very fast paced; sometimes I have to wait 5-10 minutes for a report to run and I always plan bathroom breaks around it.

I hope your installation went well.
A Colt M1991A1 that I bought used, stripped-down and rebuilt to suit my personal needs.
I'd been shooting USPSA and IDPA competition with the same gun for a number of years, and decided I ought to have a gun suited to each sport.
The "IDPA gun" was supposed to be a dual-purpose piece, also suitable for carry or other defensive use, so it doesn't have many "game" modifications.
I chose all the components, fitted everything that could be reasonably fitted with files rather than a mill, then had it professionally refinished.
I've shot literally hundreds of matches with it, from USPSA nationals, to local club matches.


that's an easy one
would have to be my Pardini GT-9 Titanium


honestly though, it's hard not to say that my tristar T100 isn't my favorite handgun ever, to shoot anyways, not to carry or brag about
Ahhhh! Such a difficult question. I will avoid this difficulty by cheating and naming more than one gun.

My favorite semi-autos are the different Beretta 92 models and (Swiss) SIG P210 models. The steel-frame, SAO, frame-safety Berettas (Billennium and Steel I) are my favorite 92s to shoot. From the P210s, the P210-6 Heavy Frame is my favorite aesthetically, and the P210-5 (either frame) is my favorite to shoot.

I love all of the revolvers in my small wheelgun collection, but my Pythons are my favorites both to look at and to shoot.
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No favorite for Me.Between my highpower,S&W 28,PYTHON,SRH.454,& A half a dozen glocks I'M in gun nut Heaven.:D
I am currently sitting at 27 handguns. They are all guns that I have lusted after over the years so picking just one is pretty difficult. If my arm was twisted real hard though, I would have to say it would be a tossup between my '59 S&W M29, my early Python, or a Hipower I have had for a long time.
I am associtated my favorite handgun that I own the same as the last one I would part with. (aka if I could only have one) The most fun range toy I have I think is my FNS-9.

My favorite handgun (it changes from time to time, but I think I am settled) would have to be my HK P2000 V3 in 9mm. It is my main carry sidearm and I shoot better with it than my P30. I really think that it is the perfect handgun all around. The size is just big enough, but very easy to conceal. It carries enough firepower (in my eyes) of 9mm (13+1). Low recoil, and follow up shotes are a breeze. You could break this thing if you tried. Did I mention accurate? I won a friendly competition in a handgun class last week. I went up against many other handguns including a vp9 and G17 with an RMR and aftermarket barrel. My little P2000 put a round on the 8x11 plate at 50 yards.....Double action.

I am sure a USP compact would be almost the same as well as they are close to the same size.