Handguns... Our favorites


New member
seeing as how I got to work at 7am (because I didn't want to be here at 6am) and I will likely be here until 1am... I am hoping to get a nice discussion going to help pass time. (if my battery holds out)

My question... What is your favorite handgun that you own and why. It can be subjective or practical... Any reason at all.

No arguing, just a friendly discussion about our personal choices.

For me I have a hard time choosing between my CZ 75b or my Sig P226.

I am faster and more accurate with my CZ, but the Sig is just so smooth under recoil. Both feel nice in the hand, though the CZ gets the edge.

Join me over in the rifle section to talk favorite rifles, if you wish.
Kimber 38 super commander with meprolight sights and crimson trace grips. I got tired of having guns that I was afraid to scratch and so I intentionally went out and bought my most expensive pistol to be used, sweated on, concealed, scratched, worn, etc. I have absolute faith in the round for all my needs here in texas. No bears, and I've killed hogs with smaller than 38 super, and with 38 super. It has less flash and more importantly, less noise. I can get a 124 grain bullet safely to 1350 fps. It's also super-accurate. I also quite like my baby eagle II 9mm and my 686+ 4".
S/42 Luger my dad brought back from WWII. It is the only thing he gave me. After learning what he experienced as an 18 yr old, I respect him more than I ever thought I could.
Right now it's my Metro Arms Commander in 45, but then again there's my old Ruger Vaquero 4.75 in 45. Sometimes it's nice to have choices, other times I wish I could be happy with just one. WOW, that might just explain why I have so many ex's.
My Glock 19 for reasons I don't quite understand. It isn't especially accurate, it feels bulky in my hand, and it isn't pretty; but if I ever feel threatened it's what I reach for, even over the shotgun.
When I carry it is what I carry and I feel incredibly comfortable and familiar with the gun. I can draw and fire it very quickly and it is well within "combat" accuracy at reasonable distances shooting double taps or rapid fire.

It's so simple, and I'm so familiar with it.
P.S. What job to you have that you get to spend time on discussion forums? And where do you apply? ;)
I’m in my early 60’s and had a very beloved Aunt about 20 years older than me. In late 50s/early 60s she worked for Dr. Debakey in Houston. Because of the late hours, she bought a new S&W M43 for protection that, in later years, stayed in her night stand. Around 35 years ago I gave/loaned her a M64 as a more practical weapon. She died 10 years ago and her family gave me back the M64 and her M43. I cherish the little 43 and will eventually give it to my niece. I’ve got a safe full of guns but this one is absolutely my favorite.
My favorite is also the first one I ever owned. Norinco 1911.
It's not competition accurate (neither is the owner) but it & me can put rounds center mass. And I can field strip it with my eyes closed (yes I've done it, several times).
I work aviation... We are doing a digital glass cockpit upgrade to a customers plane. I am loading up the operating software. It takes 6 hours to do, but I only push a few buttons and then wait for it to finish.

I'm mostly a babysitter for this part, unless there is a problem, then I fix it and continue on. Sometime a software load goes bad and requires starting over, which takes up more time. Problems loading and incorrect procedures can be complicated and cause issues, so it's only me or the lead tech that do the software.

Phone dying, will check back later.
I have 3 that really do it for me. Among my 1911's a beat up CQB is my favorite. Its worn im just rigjt looks like hell and has dead nightsigjts but I can't bring myself to change it. Normally wear in a gun finish alloys me but on that gun it does not.

In revolvers I have a 649 that is so smooth I actually enjoy shootimg it.

Also have a 625-3 that is a favorite, amazing shooter.

Both the wheel guns were worked over at some point, not by me but are amazing.
The boring old Glock

For those who have not done that sort of work it sounds pretty good........................trust me.....it's not.

I guess I too have to pick my G19 so reliable and easy, and familiar it's boring. But if the SHTF it's the one I want on my hip or in my hand.
Reliability, capacity and accurate enough.......just the ticket.
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A 1911a1, I have carried 1 for 45 years and would not be here today without the one I carried way back when. The saying goes" you stay with the one that you came to the dance with"
My favorite right now, and probably forever, is my first, a Colt Commander. Ony had to replace an extractor in 35 years. But the 1911's are my favorites, Full size, commander, Colt, non-Colt, .45 ACP, .38 Super. To be honest, the latest one I buy is my favorite for a short period of time. Fortunately, that is usually a 1911.

But firearms are like your kids, you love the Smith & Wessons, the Rugers, heck, even the Charter Arms, but don't tell anyone else.

Semper Fi fellow Leatherneck!

CZ's P-01 and P-07. I love the balance on both of them and how all of the controls seem like they were custom configured on the pistols to my hand. They're both accurate, have excellent shot recovery, and have had no issues after 550 rounds each with no further cleaning after the initial degreasing and light lubing, and ready for more! Going to keep shooting them until I can induce a feed and/or extraction problem and then I will clean. Anyway, enough rambling...

But, since the question you posed was about my favorite and not favorites, I unequivocally choose the P-01. It just fits all of my individual wants & needs better than any other pistol. But especially if we played a hypothetical, "must be 100% stock, out of the box with no mods" rule.

I prefer the following things, to name a few:
•Aluminum alloy frame construction over the polymer- and steel-framed pistols I own/have owned. It just feels right!
•Steel sights over the polymer ones of other brands, as I have personally experienced chipped sights on both my Glock and Walther doing one-handed clearance drills.
•Hammer-fired, DA/SA trigger system with a decocker, as I'm just not a fan of striker-fire trigger safeties, no matter how much I shoot them. This goes back to shooting, training with, and carrying Berettas and Rugers for years equipped with decockers and/or a combo decocker/safety. It's what works for me.
•Excellent ergonomics (for me). I can operate all the user controls w/o having to shift the pistol any in my hand; my thumb easily reaches and activates both the slide release/lock and the decocker, and I can effortlessly manipulate the mag release button with my middle finger. Why the middle finger vice using my thumb when firing strong-side? Because I simply cannot reliably hit the mag release of ANY pistol without drastically rotating it in my hand. Damn short, stubby thumb!
You could of made the question a little easier by being more specific like the favorite to carry, the favorite to shoot, and etc.

Therefore I will just have to say my favorite overall is a Colt M1911 which was manufactured and delivered to the U.S. Government in 1918.

I won it at an outside auction standing ankle deep in rain water with lightning flashing all around on a 4th of July. A few other gun nuts and I could of gotten killed that day. :o
Ugh. Talk about a tough question. Well, for a blast to shoot I would have to go with my PAP M85np. Technically it's a pistol so yeah, 5.56 through a pistol that takes AR mags and hardly any recoil. Just waiting to save up some $$ and finish it up right.
No arguing?? How do you expect this string to last? :D

It really is a tough question.

I'm pretty fond of my 686 4"bbl. I got it in 1986 and it's a darn nice shooter. Good balance (some would find it front-heavy; but that's okay, I'm not "some"), nice smooth trigger, accurate. Pretty sweet gun.
Mine are close between my Sig 229 SAS DAK, S&W 629 6", and GP100 4". My main reasons are because I can reload for them. If I could reload .22lr it would be my grandfathers Colt Woodsman or my S&W 617.

Marine- What bird are you doing updates on? I'm a airframer in the navy.
Sig P220. My reasons are it fits my hand great, I am very accurate with it and I love the decocking mechanism on it. It was also my grandfather's pistol and we were pretty close. It has a special meaning to me.