Handgun target thread. How well do you shoot?

Also I note that about half the posts on here people are shooting revolvers even though revolvers comprise a small fraction of all handgun sales and ownership. Coincidence? Me thinks not. :)
I shoot in the middle of the pack at our clubs USPSA but at the top in the super senior class (need to change the name of that class).

How about 7 rounds at 15 yards with the Russian '95 Nagant (single action)

Maybe I should use it in USPSA matches.

There's definitely a lot of shooting talent around here.
Very enjoyable to see.
Rumor has it, kraigwy, that there's going to be a new aged based category of competitors at the matches coming very soon.
It's going to be called the Still Breathing, Upright and Able to Walk Class.
And there will be special rules for it, like running will be replaced with moseying real fast and the like.
And anyone who falls down can continue shooting from that position without penalty.
Radny97 said:
Also I note that about half the posts on here people are shooting revolvers

Yeah, and it gives me warm fuzzies. :D

I did, however, play a little with my MkIII this weekend. A pair of 15 yards groups shaping up to be very nice, when I started thinking about what a good group this'll be. The 5th shot in each shows what happens when you think about the goal of a good group, rather than the process of executing each shot well...

Radny97 said:
Also I note that about half the posts on here people are shooting revolvers even though revolvers comprise a small fraction of all handgun sales and ownership. Coincidence? Me thinks not.

Folks who shoot the revolver generally are "gun folks" while those who shoot the autoloader usually are not. Revolver shooters tend to be older, and have been involved in hunting, target shooting and reloading. The auto shooters often tend to be the average man (or woman) who own a pistol for protection/self defense. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, there are serious shooters who favor the auto pistol, but that more folks who are not "gun folks" lean toward the auto pistol.

Bob Wright
Revolver shooters tend to be older
Probably true to a large degree.
I didn't get involved with auto loaders until well into middle age.
I like both and most range sessions include both.
My defensive gun is still a revolver.
Do older folks prefer the revolver because they are more comfortable with them, having been around them for so long?
Or because they begin to lose confidence in using auto loaders for safety reasons as cognitive skills weaken with age?
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Not a current, or even recent, revolver shooter, but I have an attraction to true, self-cocking, revolver-style DAO pistols, and wish that there were more current models offered in this configuration.
I took out my new/used Sig P226 two days ago and shot these targets. This is the first time I have shot this gun, or any Sig for that matter and these are the best targets of the day.

Wind was coming from across the range @ about ten miles and hour and I had a couple of flies that were trying their best to screw up my groups.

Lower left was ten rounds rapid fire, lower right was fifteen rounds slow fire with one called flier (the damn flies). Top two targets are seven yards, ten rounds on the left target, fifteen rounds on the right both were shot slow fire.

I am making my statement from my observations of shooters around me, as well as my own experience.

I began shooting in NRA bull's eye competition. Became interested in handgun hunting and magnum revolver performance. Especially interested in long range handgunning. Many of my (unfortunately, late) companions shared my interest, many even going into metllic silhouette shooting. Some of my older friends belonged to a hunting club down in Mississippi where custom .400 caliber revolvers were worked up for bear and wild hogs hunted from horseback.

Conversely, my observation of those who lean toward the Glocks and SIGs don't shoot over 100 ronds a week, and few reload, as evidenced by the brass strewn around the range. They get relatively good at their chosen discipline and leave it at that.

Bob Wright
I recognize some might disagree but in addition to everything else said about revolvers in this thread (and I agree with all) I think that shooting a revolver in double action helps develop trigger control and eventually makes you a better overall shooter. (The coin video linked in this thread above being a clear example of that.) Not that you can't get trigger control in other ways too, but a revolver is probably the easiest and most fun way to do it.
I was never a great marksman and I got old I got worse. Once in a while the stars align and I accidentally put a few shots close together.

A 6" Python...


A 1926 44 Special S&W. The 5 are close then I pulled one right to the center of the bull. Go figure.


A 1942 M&P Smith 38 Special. Off to the left a little but fairly close together.


A 1945 British Victory Model in 38 S&W. Nice group...even if one bullet did go in sideways. No idea why it did that.


The gun gods smiled on me one day while I was shooting my Colt Super. Wish that one on top could have sneaked into the one hole group.


How come the photos don't open?

This is my YouTube video of me shooting an unmodified S&W Model 29-2 .44 Magnum off-hand at a one-half inch dot at a distance of approximately 75 feet. I am shooting with my right hand and filming with the camera in my left hand. The ammo is factory Remington .44 Magnum 240 grain gas-check.

I have a dozen YouTube videos with everything from a .22 to a .460 Magnum. Half of the videos are revolvers and the other half are autos. It's not the arrow, it's the Indian.

Mark aka BubbaBlades
I am 50 , grew up with revolvers, and still prefer them in general.

I am a mediocre shot most of the time.

This is with my Makarov at 7 yards.

I hunt with my Taurus Raging Bull .454 (8" Barrel)

Here is an old target while setting the scope at 100 yards on a sand bag. The last two shots are in the orange. (12" target)

( I know some of you have seen this pic before, But its the best I have ever shot with the gun)

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20 ft distance.

The bottom 5 groups are from a Taurus 22 revolver, 9 shots each.

The upper 10 groups are a czp01 9mm, 5 shots each.
That 0.6" group is the best I've ever shot w/ a handgun.


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g.willikers said:
Rumor has it, kraigwy, that there's going to be a new aged based category of competitors at the matches coming very soon.
It's going to be called the Still Breathing, Upright and Able to Walk Class.
And there will be special rules for it, like running will be replaced with moseying real fast and the like.
And anyone who falls down can continue shooting from that position without penalty.
(Snicker) Dang, g.willikers (snicker), you shouldn't make fun (snort) of your elders like that (chortle). :p "moseying real fast" (chuckle) Oh I can't help it - hahahahahahahahaha. :D