Thanks for the info - I've logged it.
Your SPORTSMAN was made in 1984 and it's the 3rd Model last variation.
BTW - your front sight should be height adjustable by means of the screw that is visible from the front, just above the muzzle. If that adjustment screw is not there, please let me know.
Thanks, again.

to 32 Magnum

thanks for the info on the 999

mine does have the adjustment screw on the muzzle end, I had no idea what it was for, thank.

Sorry 32 Magnum, I just own the 929 9 shot with a 6 inch barrel and blued finish.

No need to apologize - thanks for sharing. I'm sure you've found your 929 to be suitable for plinking and general fun shooting. Some are actually pretty darn accurate. Yours looks to be a "new" variation - give me the serial number including letter prefixes and I'll tell you year and any specifics about it you may want to know.
I've got a "few" of that model covering most of the production span.
Here's a pic or two:


Hello 22Mag. I have an old H&R 999 that I'm curious about it's age. The answers to your questions are:
1) Serial Number - U17XXX (sorry prefer not to give serial # to the whole world)
2) Hammer mounted firing pin
3) Safety Rim - No Patent info
4) Small Push Button
5) No manufacturer address
6) DA
7) Adjustable Front sight

Thanks for your interest in these great pistols. I love to shoot mine when I have the time.
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Your SPORTSMAN was made in 1958. It is a 2nd Model.
Intriguing: there is no Manufacturer's name and address on your gun? -or there is the H&R stamp but no address?
Does yours have the "vented" rib barrel - cuts go all the way through barrel rib? or is there no vents and a solid barrel?
How's about more digits to the serial number in a PM?

Pic shows un "vented" barrel

This pic shows "vented" (cut through) barrel
32 Mag. Sorry for the downgrade to 22 Mag. in the last post. With your knowledge you should be at least a 44 Mag.

On the left side of the barrel looking as to shoot, there is - H & R "Sportsman" with Double Action under it. On the right side there is - 22 Long Rifle CTG. The barrel is solid. There are no other markings on the gun other than an "H" on the left side under the grip and a "looks like a three leaf clover" stamp and the 0 1 2 on the cylinder. Pretty new to forums other than reading them so don't know exactly how to do the PM thing. Let me know and I shoot you the whole serial number later tonight as I have meeting shortly.
Thanks 32 Mag, I have done some research on my 929 already and determined it was manufactured in 1984 shortly before H&R closed their doors in 1986. It is a great shooter and is pretty accurate. The cylinder has some slight problem locking back into place after loading it but if I jimmy it around it goes into place.

My 929 is not for self defense, just for fun, so I can stand a few hiccups now and then on this beast.
wsyfrett -
Thanks for the additional info. Everything is as it should be for that model, except the absence of the "address" - are you sure it's not stamped into the top of the barrel rib?
Anyway - no need to PM with the serial number, I now have it.
You're welcome, glad to help out. Try screwing the "ejector" rod a bit further into the cylinder bushing, that may help with the cylinder closing problem.
The 929 is a fun shooting gun and most are surprisingly accurate. Enjoy.
32 Mag.
No there is no "address" or any markings on this Sportsman other than what have been discussed. I sorta thought it was older than 1958 but at least now I know. The best I can remember I bought if from a guy in the late 60's or early 70's and if memory serves me right, I paid $40.00 for it.
Thanks for the information.
Lack of address in "unusual" but not unheard of with H&Rs from that period. Things like this are what make a collector happy for the "find" and a researcher "nuts" because it's not linear or "normal".
Thanks for the information. Glad to help out.

p.s. Nothing personal intended when re-asking the questions - just trying to make sure 'cause I can't examine the piece, personally.
Here's another one for you. I just inherited this and i'd like to know it's DOM.
1. ser. no 44566
2. firing pin on hammer
3. cylinder has safety rim and two pat. numbers
4. small cylinder release button on left side
5. manufacturers address on right side
6. double action stamped on left side of barrel
7. adjustable front sight
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You're welcome, glad to help out. Try screwing the "ejector" rod a bit further into the cylinder bushing, that may help with the cylinder closing problem.
The 929 is a fun shooting gun and most are surprisingly accurate. Enjoy.

Ok, I will try that. Thanks for the advice.
Thanks for the information. The more s/n's I get in the 40K range the more confusing the information becomes. Yours probably dates from the late 1937 early 1938 period. Looks like H&R may have sat on a bunch of serial numbered frames for some period of time, pulled them from inventory as needed without regard to sequential numbering and then put cylinders, etc. on them. The mixture of 1 patent number and 2 patent numbers is scattered over a fairly large span of numbers. It may prove to be that the pre-1940 serial numbers cannot be used, reliably, to provide a date of manufacture - and that the only reasonable way to date a specific gun will be by the "attributes" as I've asked for them. I'm hoping something jumps up and bites me on the butt, helping straighten this out - so far nothing has.
Good number there, buddy - you've added to my confusion. ;)
Soorry for the confusion. I kinda know how you feel, I've been trying to compare this gun to info provided by other sources only to end up confused. that's why I came here. I really appreciate the info and I hope you find the missing pieces to this puzzle. I really enjoy this gun, it's easy to shoot and extremely accurate. Thanks Jim