Guns that invite ridicule....

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"just fine" isn't good enough for me. I want a stock because I shoot rifles better with a stock. And I'll bet most others do as well.

I don't doubt that is true. No problem!! We agree!!

However,different tools for different tasks. If there is no wrist brace on an AR pistol,there is no need to quibble over it being a short barreled rifle. Its a pistol.

Its not a long range prairie dog gun. If you want a prairie dog RIFLE,you can build a pretty good AR-15 RIFLE.

Just for perspective,the military role for handgun is up to 50 yds on a man size target.
With a buffer tube spot weld,no brace, an AR pistol can easily tear up 50 yd man size targets.

If need be,that can easily be steadied up and stretched to 200 yds or so.
If the plan is shooting prairie dogs,even a fine $3500 custom Wilson 1911(Or the Glock of your choice) might not be the right tool. Its a rifle day.

As ranges get to 50 yds and beyond,it becomes less likely a true "self defense" scenario exists. Generally,for self defense,the 50yd capability is more relevant.
As the world exists today,a tool that will engage overwhelming odds at close range might be more useful than a tool good for destroying targets at 300 yds.
I fully accept that YOU have no interest in an AR pistol. Thats perfectly OK.
And I will not judge or ridicule YOUR firearms choices

I'm not a golfer,but I understand you don't ridicule a putter or # 9 iron because its not a good driver. Sand traps and putting greens are part of the game.

The Golf Pro will have all of them in his bag,and will use all of them.

And the young couple blissfully playing Putt-Putt on a Thursday night will think all the golf clubs but the putter are ridiculous.
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If there is any merit to being able to laugh at ourselves, which guns or related items do you find most ridiculous? :D i'll start with a few that I perceive as utterly meritless:
  1. Ruger Charger
  2. Mossberg Shockwave
  3. Mare's Laig
  4. Revolvers without barrels
  5. Bumpstocks, anyone?
This is just for fun, without the intent to offend anyone. I know there's a lot more that could be added, so what's on your list?

I'm not sure what most of those are but bump stocks? Myself I can see no use of any kind for them. From what I've read they are no more than a way around a full auto rifle and other than that I see no use for them. Our insistence on having them paint's a bad picture of all gun owners. I've never seen or even heard of a revolver without a barrel. Can't imagine the first use of one! I'm wondering if the other's on the list are the famous Black Rifles or AR's. Many insist they have a right to have them and I think they probably do. But a good deal of people are terrified by them and for myself I see no reason to get in their face and make a bad situation worse! No I don't own a black rifle and doubt I ever will! We have a laws in many places that allow us to carry handgun's openly. But those same areas, or most of them, require a license to carry concealed. Why is that? It's right back to thein your face deal with black rifles and bump stocks. There are people ignorant completely about all guns and we get in their face? How many bad guys carry a gun openly? My best guess is zero yet the good guy's get a license to carry concealed! I think for a lot of people these things paint a really bad picture of gun owners.
I will have to disagree with Scorch regarding "polymer ARs". My recently completed WWSD2020 build on a KP-15 lower assembly is 5#4oz (including Holosun) of black semi-auto goodness.
Some people by things because it's something they want and logic doesn't factor in. I think that has to be most of the reason people buy those .45 Colt/.410 shotgun revolvers.

I was going to say something about really cheap handguns but sometimes, some people need something for self defense and that's the best they can afford.

I have a hard time comprehending why some members of the firearm community, are so anti-AR and AK types. They are very open about bashing them. That's fine as they are entitled to their opinions.

I don’t get it either. For me it’s about function over form. If I’m in a self-defense scenario the AR platform is best suited for the job. To be fair, when I first got into guns about 11 yrs ago I had zero interest in AR’s or handguns. The riots changed all of that in an instant and now I can’t imagine not having one. I think for some it just takes time to evolve. I used to be a strictly wood stock guy and didn’t like anything that had polymer/metal, now I like both. Ymmv
I think it's important to distinguish between folks who see no point in certain designs and folks who are actually bashing them. Also to distinguish between folks who dislike (or don't care about) AR/AK pistols and folks who dislike AR/AK's in general.

For example, I don't dislike ARs or AKs at all. I own a couple of AK based firearms and have owned a number of AR based firearms over the years. The next rifle I buy will almost certainly be an AR based rifle.

But I don't have any interest in an AR/AK pistol, or really in any pistol that's basically a cut-down/modified rifle. There's just no niche that they fill for me. If someone gave me a bunch of them, I'd sell them or donate them or something to get rid of them without even shooting any of them. They interest me not a whit.

That doesn't mean I think they shouldn't exist or that they should be legally restricted, or that people who do like them are confused or worthy of ridicule, it's just that they do nothing for me personally. For what it's worth, I also don't make it a point to weigh in on every AR/AK pistol thread to re-iterate my opinion on the topic either--why would I go out of my way to talk about a product I don't care anything about?
Why talk about things I don’t care for? Because I am a small, opinionated, judgemental and mean spirited man. I enjoy sarcasm and good natured ribbing among friends. I can dish it out, and can take it in return.

For pete’s sake, I used to gather with buddies wearing cowboy hats and chaps, just to sit on a barrel with a cardboard pony head on it to shoot a period incorrect sixgun and play cowboy!

Who am I to say a 9mm sixgun is ridiculous? Yes, well, I used to own a conversion barrel that did just that... but imagine the look John Wayne’s character would give you when he tried to load your side iron! “Well, Pilgrim.. the metric system you say? How about you go get a French beret and a tutu before we set out.”

Paying $125 for a single shot 9mm pistol with a screw on breech that looks like a cheap soldering gun? (Altor). Sorry, It’s possible to still build something I’d be ashamed to own. A proper zip gun made from plumbing supplies has more panache.
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And you do what, John? Determine that by caliber?
I determine it just how I said. I don't have any use for a pistol that is basically a cut-down/modified version of a rifle. Doesn't have anything to do with caliber--I would include guns like the Ruger Charger (.22LR), or a "Mare's Leg" type lever gun which are typically pistol calibers, in addition to the AR/AK type, as well as bolt-action hunting pistols which are typically rifle calibers. That type of gun is just not something I have a use for or interest in.

If I want something that big, I'll just go ahead and go with a compact rifle. If I want a handgun, I want it to be a more conventional handgun design.

If you do have a use for AR/AK pistols and find them practical--or even if you just like them purely for fun, that's great. That doesn't bother me at all. It doesn't make me think any less of you or question your preferences or needs. But it doesn't change what I need or want.
I had to look up Altor. I had not heard of them before. I can't say that a single shot self defense hand gun sounds like a good idea. It looks to me like a steam punk Harper's Ferry pistol...

Smart Guns that Aren't

"Smartguns" tied to authorized owner via electronical control concept.

Not to mention the companies that attempt to mfg them...

The others listed? Maybe a small smile (wry grin) or shake of head (w/ smile).

Smart Guns? Stupid Idea. Ridicule Us
All of those pot metal guns of the past that were chambered in .25 and .32. My friend kept a Raven .25 in his tackle box, and one day he took it out to dispatch a cottonmouth and it had corroded and locked up. Wouldn’t even make a useful anchor. I’m surprised I didn’t see HiPoint.....
Highpoints are supposed to be very reliable. Not that I would own the Woolworth of Guns but I don't laugh at something to work. During WW II the Filipinos used pipe to make slam fire single shot shotguns. After they killed a Japanese, they attempted (if safe) to recover their gun. It served its purpose.

Ditto with plastic frame pistols. My big objection is that the HK VP-70 was first but overlooked. Timing was bad but the VP-70 was the first big framed plastic gun (too bad it didn't come with the shoulder stock holster). Plastic has been proven.

I don't care for the shockwave but if it's what you can afford and it keeps the naughty people at bay, go for it.
If I remember correctly there was a version of the VP-70 that had a stock, and the stock had the selector switch on it, making the gun legally a machine gun in the US.

Why do people ridicule some guns? For the same reason some Camaro owners ridicule the guy driving a VW beetle...or (in my home area in the 70s) Arctic Cat owners looked down on those who owned "lesser" brands of snowmobiles.

It's part snobbery, ok, its a LOT snobbery...but in the end it boils down to I'm better than you are because my toys/tools are better than yours.

I don't play that game, I think the only gun deserving of ridicule is the one that fails to work when you need it to work.

But, that's just me...
I've shot a friend's Shockwave with magnum buckshot ammo and found it quite unpleasant. Surprisingly, it was most abrasive to my bare hand on the pump handle. I would need gloves for more than a couple of shots. I think it's an entirely un-needed attempt to work around equally un-needed regulations. With or without regulations, it needs a real stock. As it is, I consider it ridiculous at best, and more likely can come up with appropriate expletives that it richly deserves. But if it suits someone else better, have at it.
Jennings 22

When I reported that I'd bought a Jennings 22 on this forum there were a few who were sure I'd made a huge mistake.

Got the little sucker and it runs just fine for cheaply made gun. Couple hundered rounds through it now and only 3 jams.

Fun range toy.

Life is good
Prof Young
I own a Taurus's my nightstand gun;
I own a Hi Point carbine...and I outshot my friends who shot Ruger and Beretta PCPs;
I own a Charter Arms SouthPaw...because I'm a lefty;
I just bought a Mossberg Shockwave...because I wanted it.

I don't let those who ridicule me change the way I approach my self-defense tactics and/or weapons. I couldn't care less what they think - and I will never ridicule those who make different choices.
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