Gun in the shower paranoid?


I just watched a documentary on a serial killer (Cleophus Prince Jr.) who would follow women home from health clubs, break into their homes and rape and stab them. The police theorized that he knew that the women would probably get right into the shower upon returning from a health club and that made it easier for him to enter the home undetected--perhaps he was even thinking far enough ahead to reason that they were unlikely to be armed or have the means to mount any kind of defense. He most commonly used a knife taken from the kitchen of the victim.

I've seen people castigated for saying that they carry around the house, and I've seen joke threads about people carrying in the shower.

I'm not going to turn this into a plea for everyone to keep a gun in the shower or a criticism of those who say that people are paranoid for carrying around the house, but it's worth noting that we are vulnerable to criminal attack when in our own homes--at times very vulnerable. And worth noting that criminals know it and exploit it.

Why do you think they made tupperware guns with a SS slide..... they were built for such a thing.

And yes, I carry my blued Kimber Pro-Carry everywhere, including the bathroom.

It's easy to just wipe it down with a silicon cloth.

I'm not paranoid, I just know that this planet and it's people aren't all that good.

Gun in the shower is pretty paranoid unless someone has a serious threat.

I know our neighbor told us about a group of kids breaking into houses at night and stealing stuff. I carry my "always" Model 38 with me in the house now.

And for the shower a little sissy 1911 wont help. You need a Remington Marine 12ga.
I often end up carrying around the house, basically because I havent disarmed yet. And if i decide to shower before I decide to disarm, there is a gun in the shower with me. Well, on the floor right outside the shower, not IN the shower
Gun in the shower is pretty paranoid
Well, I'll repeat that I'm not advocating that people carry in the shower, but I think that the six women that Prince raped and killed might have a different opinion on what's paranoid and what's not.

The point wasn't whether or not to carry in the shower, the POINT was that we are vulnerable at home and it's good to remember that and to take steps to reduce that vulnerability.

Denying the vulnerability or branding those who prepare to a greater extent than we do as "paranoid" is not constructive.
best thing to do is run standing overwatches in the house with your family members...thus when Im in the bathroom SWMBO is using cover and concealment with the M1A ensuring that the bathroom door and all entrances thereto can be covered by supressing fire...I do the same for her...of course we have barred the bathroom window and used razor wire in both the sink and the shower to prevent subterranean attack...

if you have a large family you can rotate family members in the overwatch position, the best one is to build a sandbagged position in the corner of each room and have a family member behind it at all times with a rifle and a handgun

Nothing paranoid about it. Considering you cant hear much with the fan on and water running I'd say carrying in the bathroom is a good idea. It might also be a good idea to beef up the locks on the door also I know my bathroom door lock could broken easily. Also you could walk out into an ambush so you might want to have the gun in hand when you exit since you could be the last one alive.
HAHA. Well, I occasionally keep my hip holster on for a while after I've gotten home. I hardly notice it half the time. I don't take it off usually until I need to sit down and eat or am going out to get the mail. Heck, I've kept it on my belt sitting down late to watch a movie, in case I need to go outside to the car (nobody will see it, it is dark, and it is just in the driveway. But I usually, while I'm watching TV, keep it by my side on the table or hanging over the head of the bed in a shoulder holster.

But, I have never even thought of taking it in the shower...sheesh. Hehehehe, take a bubble bath, a badguy walks in, "Hold it right there!" he calls out! BAM! a .38 bullet shoots up from the soap suds and into his chest. :cool:

LOL, I just remembered John Wayne carrying a shotgun in the shower with him in the movie Big Jake. Blasted a guy through the shower doors who was holding him at gunpoint. :cool:
Early warning system = big barking dog.
Yup, or an alarm system... How many folks with an alarm system actually turn it on when they're in the shower or otherwise indisposed (sleeping, sick, etc.)?
A cop who just joined our range keeps a gun in the bathroom. He tucks it between a couple of towels in the towel rack. His wife thought he was paranoid until she heard a noise in the shower, and stepped out naked into the livingroom to see a guy standing there with a prybar.

He keeps a gun under the pillow, too. He woke once to find a guy he'd busted standing over his bed.

I still think it would be paranoid for me to purposely keep a gun in the bathroom, because I don't think it will happen to me. Others may not think it's paranoid. However, they may have other risk factors, that would not deem it irrational or unreasonable for them to expect something to happen to them while they're in the shower.
You never know when a Gangsta Rapper might ambush you in the crapper, sorry it popped in my head and I had to say it. I have a large aggressive dog and a small yapper. I have never yet been surprised by someone getting even close to the door and usually get a warning when they are in the driveway on foot. I live where there is a part time P.D. and one is usually left to their own devices. I have firearms strategically placed within the house and if taking a bath or shower will have one on the window sill next to the tub in arms reach. I also advocate if really worried LOCKING the door for that extra moment toward response, most inner doorknobs are easily breached.

I think some who live in a very crime infested area especially woman should perhaps have a deadbolt installed on the bathroom door and bring in their cell phone also, especially if not willing to buy a weapon and use it. We will never be 100% crime proof but some so called paranoia will go a long way in keeping one from being a victim. Paranoid is all in ones opinion and at times is derived from experience's in life. I would rather be paranoid and alive than macho and dead.
of course we have barred the bathroom window and used razor wire in both the sink and the shower to prevent subterranean attack...
Better get some more razor wire, Wild. Might infiltrate through the toilet, you know. :p
How many folks with an alarm system actually turn it on when they're in the shower or otherwise indisposed (sleeping, sick, etc.)?
I do. Religiously. 24/7.

Except when I have to get in or out, of course.
my .45 goes with me everywhere.
while showering there is a window sill (ledge) that is in easy reach for me but not from someone outside reching in. i out a layer of TP over it to absorb moisture (thts the only part i consider paranoia, my baby boy gettin wet) ;)
Anybody remember the cartoon in American Handgunner about guns for every room. It was a takeoff of an article by Ayoob about guns for every season.

It had a fat commando dude with a shower cap, guns and ammo hanging over his naked body. Funny.

There was later some letters that were angry about making fun of serious business.

Lock the bathroom door and gun nearby but not in the shower. Also, take a class on Soap-on-Rope-Fu. Or Philippino towel snap lethal techniques.