"Grand Theft Auto 3"

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It has just occurred to me, you are not even allowed to start watching the T.V. shows until you get into the game a little ways. Seems like an awful lot of "vile profanity" and "extreme sensless violence" to willingly sit through just to get the chance to be "appalled" by a portion of the game that is completely optional to interact with.

It was his cousin's game.
However, if the tables were turned, I cannot help but believe that Liberal America would have a HUGE issue with this game if it attacked THEM rather than US.

The GTA series DOES attack liberals, you just didn't mess with the game long enough to see it. On top of that, liberals DO hate it. The only state in the nation (as far as I know) that has raged a running battle with video games is Illinois. That little Serbian dwarf Blagdodgavich (sp?), the biggest pinko in a pinko state, hates GTA with a passion and has been trying to pass some dumb law or another since these games came out. I guess you and him have more in common than you thought...

Seriously, turn on the "public radio" channel the next time you are near a GTA game. They really let 'em have it and it's damn funny.
I see the boycott has begun!
The people that this post was actually meant for got my message loud and clear and NONE of them posted in the thread because they didn't need to.

I am sure though that tonight, those parents will be rummaging through their children's games looking for this one so that they can promptly remove it. It also warned them of the game and now they won't buy it for their kids either.

I just can't understand one thing here: You guys keep ranting about your rights to free speech, etc. but when I exercise MINE (without infringing on YOUR'S), you guys go ballistic and attack me from every angle! Why? Am I to understand that ONLY YOU are entitled to these rights? I have seen some of you in other threads BASHING and attacking Conservatives, praising your candidates and the liberal agenda but when I post something completely harmless to you, you guys completely freak-out. You guys sure like that old "double standard", don't you?

Post Edit: I do realize that there are only a couple of you that what I wrote above applies to.
I am sure though that tonight, those parents will be rummaging through their children's games looking for this one so that they can promptly remove it. It also warned them of the game and now they won't buy it for their kids either.

The GTA series DOES attack liberals, you just didn't mess with the game long enough to see it. On top of that, liberals DO hate it. The only state in the nation (as far as I know) that has raged a running battle with video games is Illinois. That little Serbian dwarf Blagdodgavich (sp?), the biggest pinko in a pinko state, hates GTA with a passion and has been trying to pass some dumb law or another since these games came out. I guess you and him have more in common than you thought...

Seriously, turn on the "public radio" channel the next time you are near a GTA game. They really let 'em have it and it's damn funny.
EVERYONE should hate this game and games like it IMO! But then again, that is just MY OPINION! Like it or not, it doesn't matter.
i only have 1 question.

in the GTA games can you hit someone or something with a trashbag full of poo? if not i am not buying any of them.
sorry,i skipped pages 2-3 so this may have been covered but...

as for the political issue,GTA games take on both sides.ive seen/heard plenty of digs directed at the left in the games as well.

the whole thing is a satirical look at pop culture,politics,etc...noone is safe.

i find alot of the stuff offensive and much of it hillarious,not necessarily divided among "party lines" either(imo both sides could use some making fun of,in many cases).
Just to clarify Wyldman, I respect your free speech rights. Having right to free speech does not mean you are exempt from criticism, it just prevents others from throwing you in the Gulag (most of the time at least).

The only thing I really disagreed with was the idea that the in-game TV was an effective propaganda tool.

The game in of itself is violent and of dubious taste (yet I admit it is a guilty pleasure of mine). It is not for everyone, just as 'Chaucher's Canterbury Tales' is not meant for kids or those with delicate sensibilities. It is completely within your rights to not like it and encourage others not to buy it.

Fight on!
in the GTA games can you hit someone or something with a trashbag full of poo? if not i am not buying any of them.

They have something even better than a trashbag full of poo. Hidden throughout the city are 200 pigeons, or "flying rats" as they call them. As you find them you are supposed to kill them. So far I have only spotted two, but the second one was the funnest to kill. There I was at an abandoned hospital getting ready to go reclaim some stolen cocaine from a motorcycle gang. I had already killed two of the bikers with my sniper rifle (I blew the nazi war helmet right off the one guys head :)), when I spot the pigeon in a window sill. I'm about 100 yards out but I've got the sucker right in my sights - BAM! Pink mist and a cloud of feathers. The police would go on to kill me many, many times before I finally passed that mission, but at least I got to head shot that pigeon over and over again.

Good clean family fun? Not quite. Vast liberal conspiracy aimed at making Republicans look stupid, requiring immediate action via boycott? Not quite that either.
I think it's kind of funny that Wyldman thinks that this forum is populated by pinko commie liberals.

I'm about 200 degrees to the left of most people on this forum but my (European admittedly) friends this I'm still some kind of reactionary fascist, mostly because I own a gun.

Are we sure he's not trolling.
I think it's kind of funny that Wyldman thinks that this forum is populated by pinko commie liberals.
I think I would like to know WHAT EVER gave you the idea that "I think that this forum is populated by pinko commie liberals" and WHY you feel qualified to TELL ME and others here what I think. Unless you are a true-to-life "mind reader", I would say that comment by you was unwarranted and completely inappropriate.

Post Edit: By the way, even if you were a mind reader, your comment would still be wayyy off!
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