"Grand Theft Auto 3"

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It escapes me as to how this thread departed from its only real response--get your household off the couch, out of the house, and doing something real like hunting, target shooting, fishing, golf, baseball, archery, biking, or other outdoor sports. Do that and you don't have the problem in the first place. Anything else is totally off the priority list.

This is a good point. However, I do NOT think that is the only "real" response to this thread. Children are extremely impressionable and garbage like this game sends them the wrong message and I am not only referring to it's political undertones. I abhor the violence and profanity that this game exposes our children to although I have not fully expressed that until now.
Yes, it IS! Have you watched the TV in the safe house? "Republican Space Rangers" painting conservatives as stupid, ignorant and perverted warmonger's?! If that is not propaganda then I am Mickey Mouse!

What a dilemma! Should I sit and watch the imaginary leftist cartoon that offends me on the imaginary television being projected onto my real television? Maybe I should change the imaginary channel. I could turn off the imaginary television set but leave my REAL television set on, or I could turn my real television off too. Decisions, decisions.
(to get things back on topic) Which, incidentally, is what needs to happen to the producers and distributors of this game.

Absolutely nothing, of course.

Do you believe in capitalism at all?
Maybe you believe in big government, suggesting that LIBERALS should have prevented this material in a game?
Maybe you don't like the first amendment?
Maybe you don't like exposing people to the second amendment?
You do realize that your from-left-field insertion of / appeal to What about the Children? is propaganda, right?

Seriously, if you are so concerned about PROPAGANDA, you should be outraged by the use of Military Advisers propaganda program channeled via the MSM.
get your household off the couch, out of the house, and doing something real
LOL, Speaking of this, that is something that I need to do now. To those who were respectful in this debate ... thank you! Also, I hope that you found me respectful in my responses as well. Mutual respect is #1 and if we can all realize that, then this will become a much better world!

Have a great day guys ... I am outta here! :)
Sec-def ... please read my posts closer. I called for a BOYCOTT, NOT censorship so your comments are off base, IMHO.

See ya guys. :)
I did not and do not expect any liberal person here to understand or agree with what I am saying ... I know better. However, if the tables were turned, I cannot help but believe that Liberal America would have a HUGE issue with this game if it attacked THEM rather than US.

You need to review your Grand Theft Auto history. The last political uproar over the series was lead by none other than Hillary Clinton herself, with the San Andreas "hot coffee" controversy.
I did not and do not expect any liberal person here to understand or agree with what I am saying ... I know better. However, if the tables were turned, I cannot help but believe that Liberal America would have a HUGE issue with this game if it attacked THEM rather than US. Political rhetoric needs to be LEFT-OUT of these games as more often than not, you are going to find that children under the age of 18 are playing this game. Yes, it IS their parents fault for allowing them to own and play the game, hence my message to conservatives to screen this game OUT of their children's arsenal and boycott it. Why would you have a problem with that?

Your not the one who should tell parents what their kids should or shouldn't watch .
You need to review your Grand Theft Auto history. The last political uproar over the series was lead by none other than Hillary Clinton herself, with the San Andreas "hot coffee" controversy.
Please review post #5. ;)
Good luck with the boycott. Try to ban it and I will buy it out of spite though.

I love the right's responses in cases like this. "Agree with us or you are a leftist!"

What happens if both Nancy Pelosi and Rush Limbaugh agree on something at the same time and what would all the knee jerk Republicans and Democrats do?

FYI, If you has simply made a post regarding how inappropriate this game was for kids you would have gotten nothing but agreement. It is when one departs into the realms of "Liberal Conspiracies" when we are discussing a video game that the thing takes a truly idiotic detour into loonyville. Throw in some "Obama is a Muslim" comments and what do you think would happen.

Hey, I heard if you spin the CD backwards you will get a Vote for Obama commercial!
Its a game that glorifies stealing cars, selling drugs, prostuition, and killing people, and you're worried about a short political message on a fake tv in the game?:confused::rolleyes:

Overreact much?
Sec-def ... please read my posts closer. I called for a BOYCOTT, NOT censorship so your comments are off base, IMHO.

Ok, I'll pull my 2nd question, leaving the other four out there for you to ponder.

BTW, excellent timing, calling for a boycott after the most successful entertainment event in history (3 guiness book records in sales)... D'oh

I think most of your complaints is lack of honoring parody. It seems that far right wingers lack a sense of humor. (For instance, see Dennis Miller who freaked out post 9/11 . . . he became completely unfunny).

See, the thing is, parody puts something up to criticism. Either cracks are found and exposed or the thing stands up on its own. Parody is intrinsically a good thing.
Not to mention Colbert's parody of Bill Oreilly is hilariously funny.

Sure I don't usually agree with what Colbert says in his shows but they are still fun to watch.
You need to review your Grand Theft Auto history. The last political uproar over the series was lead by none other than Hillary Clinton herself, with the San Andreas "hot coffee" controversy.
Please review post #5.

No, not the same thing.

Hot Coffee was not political in the least. (In the "if the tables were turned" way you indicate in #5)

Overreact much?

I am thinking so..
Not to mention Colbert's parody of Bill Oreilly is hilariously funny.

Sure I don't usually agree with what Colbert says in his shows but they are still fun to watch.

The parody is on whoever is in power (or who has large market share). If a democrat is elected president, you can be sure there will plenty of fodder for stewart and colbert. They won't pull punches either, that's not what they do.

However, I am intrigued via this thread to see the controversy first hand and have just ordered a copy of GTAIV.
I am very Conservative and do not see anything wrong with any satire in the game. If they want to put that in there, don't watch the little fake TV.

1) Children should not be playing the game.
2) Do you really think that anyone playing that game gives a crap about what is on that TV program? Are they listening to any of the radio talk shows in the game and actually forming opinions on how they should live their life?

More power to you for choosing not to play or buy the game, but there is no way I would endorse a boycott. I see nothing wrong with the game in itself - it is flashy violent escapist entertainment.

Other games like CounterStrike have you play on either the Terrorist Team or the Counter-Terrorist (GSG9, etc). Should we believe that the game designer is promoting terrorism?

In Chess the King is only capable of moving 1 doddering space at a time, yet the Queen is possibly the most dangerous piece on the board. Is this an indictment against our current administration or a jab at male inferiority?

Look at your demographic - the main reason people are playing the game is to break things and do damage - they aren't going to waste their time watching a fake TV show inside this game. Anyone who is so weak-willed that they will formulate public opinion and how they live their life based on that experience is an idiot. Not only that, but that means they are liable to be swayed by any piece of fluff that comes along.
My cousin recently bought this game (Grand Theft Auto 3) for his PS3. I was at his house the other day and since he had never played the game before and I hadn't either, we decided to check it out. I was floored by what I saw in it. Aside from the vile profanity and extreme, senseless violence in the game there was something else we discovered that completely appalled me!

In the game, you have a "safe-house" where you have to go in order to save the game. In the safe house is a television and you can actually sit down in the house and watch this television. So, we began watching the TV to see what it was all about. I have to say that what they show OUR CHILDREN on that television is disgusting and reflects absolute irresponsibility on the part of the developer and distributor of this game. It is EXTREME left wing programming that bashes and ridicules conservatives in ways that I have never seen anywhere else in my life! It literally made me sick and infuriated me to the point where I would love to get my hands on the developer of that game.

It has just occurred to me, you are not even allowed to start watching the T.V. shows until you get into the game a little ways. Seems like an awful lot of "vile profanity" and "extreme sensless violence" to willingly sit through just to get the chance to be "appalled" by a portion of the game that is completely optional to interact with.
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