"Grand Theft Auto 3"

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Wow, that's really funny. Comments like that lend to the legitmacy of the satire contained in the game.
Those are not "comments", they are confirmed facts! But remember, this isn't about candidates and I have stated that using a current candidate as an example was not a good choice. Let's see if you can accept that. :p;)
I cannot help but wonder how Liberal America would react if Conservatives released garbage like this game that depicted ALL Liberals to be moronic, perverted, off-the-wall idiots. They would completely freak out, call for a nationwide boycott of the game and go on CNN and tell everyone how unfair it was of the Conservatives to allow such filth to be published. ;)
It literally made me sick and infuriated me to the point where I would love to get my hands on the developer of that game. It is distributed by CAPCOM.

That is incorrect.

FWIW, it was developed and distributed Rockstar Games, now owned by Take-Two Interactive. Capcom may have handled distribution in Japan but had nothing to do with the US product.
That is incorrect.

FWIW, it was developed and distributed Rockstar Games, now owned by Take-Two Interactive. Capcom may have handled distribution in Japan but had nothing to do with the US product.
Well, tell THEM that. CAPCOM is listed in the opening credits of the game my cousin has.
My 2 cents...

I am against censoring anything because it offends someone... political correctness makes me :barf: If it offends you dont watch or play it. Personally it does offend me (wyldman knows my political stance) so I will not play the game or allow my children to play it... Sorry wyldman but people and companies have the right to say it and if we dont like what they are saying we have the right not to listen or play it, that what makes this country great. IMHO
I cannot help but wonder how Liberal America would react if Conservatives released garbage like this game that depicted ALL Liberals to be moronic, perverted, off-the-wall idiots. They would completely freak out, call for a nationwide boycott of the game and go on CNN and tell everyone how unfair it was of the Conservatives to allow such filth to be published.

Fox News?

If they did make a game like that, nobody would buy it. It's always been popular to make fun of the extremist and fanatics in country.
My 2 cents...
I am against censoring anything because it offends someone... political correctness makes me If it offends you dont watch or play it. Personally it does offend me (wyldman knows my political stance) so I will not play the game or allow my children to play it... Sorry wyldman but people and companies have the right to say it and if we dont like what they are saying we have the right not to listen or play it, that what makes this country great. IMHO
I agree, censorship is BAD! But if you will review, I DID NOT call for censorship of the game ... I called for Conservative America to BOYCOTT the game. That is NOT the same thing. ;):D
However, since censorship was mentioned ... what happened to IMUS after the comment he made? If I am not mistaken, he was CENSORED and rendered unemployable by the Liberal side. Not that I agree with what he said, I think it was wrong. However, he WAS effectively censored!
I did not say it does not happen, I said I think it is wrong

The Imus ordeal was PR...he was not censored, he was basically fired because he offended his employer

If I go around work spewing racial slurs there is a good chance I would be at the unemployment office as well
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The Imus ordeal was PR...he was not censored, he was basically fired because he offended his employer
No, he was fired because his employer was THREATENED with nation-wide boycott.

(to get things back on topic) Which, incidentally, is what needs to happen to the producers and distributors of this game. ;)
You fail to realize that most game developers tend to be very left wing. Games like movies are a platform to espouse their political beliefs. Most FPS games tend to have a politcal bent. Though most of the time it is a subliminal message than direct comment. For example COD4 has a very strong anti war on terrorism message. It also raises questions on the morality of war. Now you don't have to agree with the message, or play the games. If you don't like it don't allow your kids buy the games. Some people just get all worked up about nothing.
However, since censorship was mentioned ... what happened to IMUS after the comment he made? If I am not mistaken, he was CENSORED and rendered unemployable by the Liberal side. Not that I agree with what he said, I think it was wrong. However, he WAS effectively censored!

He was fired. Then he got a deal to do a show for more money on WABC resulting in the pair of hosts who had kicked his butt in the ratings for 10 years getting the axe.

Call for a boycott if you want. This is a game that you choose to pay for. See how many people will boycott although I think the only ones who would are the ones who wouldn't buy it in the first place.

The hyperbole from the knee jerk right in matters like this is just as nauseating as the nut jobs running the DNC and their diatribe. God it's good to be a Libertarian.
You fail to realize that most game developers tend to be very left wing. Games like movies are a platform to espouse their political beliefs. Most FPS games tend to have a politcal bent. Though most of the time it is a subliminal message than direct comment. For example COD4 has a very strong anti war on terrorism message. It also raises questions on the morality of war. Now you don't have to agree with the message, or play the games. If you don't like it don't allow your kids buy the games. Some people just get all worked up about nothing.

I do not "fail" to realize anything! I know all too well that video games are predominately left-wing and that is exactly WHY I screened the games my children owned and played very well.

Also, who is to judge what is "nothing" to me? You? I don't think so. What may be "nothing" to you is always "something" to someone else.
For example COD4 has a very strong anti war on terrorism message.

Wow, you guys crack me up. The game has a very strong message against poorly thought out and executed war on terrorism. From the get go though you are attempting to neutralize fanatics and at no time is that shown to be a bad thing. Poorly executed yes, bad no.

I seriously do not see a message in CoD4 against combating terrorism and the spread of WMDs.
This thread was intended to do two things.

1) Call for Conservatives to boycott this game.

2) Open peoples eyes to the ridiculous propaganda being spewed-out about Conservative America.

I did not and do not expect any liberal person here to understand or agree with what I am saying ... I know better. However, if the tables were turned, I cannot help but believe that Liberal America would have a HUGE issue with this game if it attacked THEM rather than US. Political rhetoric needs to be LEFT-OUT of these games as more often than not, you are going to find that children under the age of 18 are playing this game. Yes, it IS their parents fault for allowing them to own and play the game, hence my message to conservatives to screen this game OUT of their children's arsenal and boycott it. Why would you have a problem with that?
It escapes me as to how this thread departed from its only real response--get your household off the couch, out of the house, and doing something real like hunting, target shooting, fishing, golf, baseball, archery, biking, or other outdoor sports. Do that and you don't have the problem in the first place. Anything else is totally off the priority list.
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