"Grand Theft Auto 3"

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My cousin recently bought this game (Grand Theft Auto 3) for his PS3. I was at his house the other day and since he had never played the game before and I hadn't either, we decided to check it out. I was floored by what I saw in it. Aside from the vile profanity and extreme, senseless violence in the game there was something else we discovered that completely appalled me!

In the game, you have a "safe-house" where you have to go in order to save the game. In the safe house is a television and you can actually sit down in the house and watch this television. So, we began watching the TV to see what it was all about. I have to say that what they show OUR CHILDREN on that television is disgusting and reflects absolute irresponsibility on the part of the developer and distributor of this game. It is EXTREME left wing programming that bashes and ridicules conservatives in ways that I have never seen anywhere else in my life! It literally made me sick and infuriated me to the point where I would love to get my hands on the developer of that game. It is distributed by CAPCOM.

I urge you all to boycott this game and by all means, do not allow your children to own or even play this game!

I hope that this post is not out of line in here (after all, this is a political issue) and if it is, then please accept my apologies in advance. I just feel very strongly that we as responsible parents need to protect our children from garbage like this!
lol, I played all the GTA games and thats all they are - games, its not something to get excited about either way.
lol, I played all the GTA games and thats all they are - games, its not something to get excited about either way.
I STRONGLY disagree and I suspect that MANY more in here will also!!! This game is extreme leftist propaganda and complete garbage!
I STRONGLY disagree and I suspect that MANY more in here will also!!! This game is extreme leftist propaganda and complete garbage!

lol, Would you feel the same if it was BSing about Democrats?
I am not going to get drawn into an argument with you over this. I have spoken my piece and if you don't like it or don't agree with me, so be it. ;)
The new one is GTA IV, III was way back when. It's just a game, and it's not made for kids anyway. If you don't like it, don't let your kids buy it, but hilarious and gory videogames are protected by the Constitution. The game has a load of political satire in it, or didn't you notice? Turn on the "public radio" station on one of the GTA games, they roast liberals severely and it's funny as hell.

GTA IV looks pretty nice, I need a PS3, but that's on the back burner for now. Colt vs. Sony... I'll take Colt every time. Once this new pistol project is complete I can save up for superduper ultraviolent goofy adult entertainment. It's no different than watching "Scarface" or reading a brutal comic book. Games are not real, and even dumb kids can understand that. The ones who don't understand that would have been screwed up by movies or TV if they didn't have video games.
I have to say that what they show OUR CHILDREN

You do realize that the game is rated M (for what that means, see the ratings guide) and I wonder why you would let CHILDREN play it?

Your complaint is like renting an X rated video for little Billy and then complaining about boobs.
SecDef is right on.

Why would you let a child watch that? Would you let a child watch an R rated movie, especially one loaded with extreme violence and sex?

Video Games have gone beyond being toys and did so years ago. They are now another form of entertainment media and should be treated as such.
Children under 18 should not play these games, certainly. So, if you have children, don't buy them this game or don't let them buy this game. However, I don't think the government should do anything more than rate the age appropriateness of these games.
Yeah GTA4 is definatly not for children. adults only

But anyway its a fake world made to parody the real world such as in your case the crap you see on tv nowadays just brought to the extreme in the game.

its like any other comedy some people think its hilarious some dont.
GTA IV looks pretty nice, I need a PS3, but that's on the back burner for now. Colt vs. Sony... I'll take Colt every time. Once this new pistol project is complete I can save up for superduper ultraviolent goofy adult entertainment.

It'll hit PC soon enough. Probably cheaper to upgrade the PC, even if it requires a complete overhaul, and you'll get more benefit out of it (having a faster computer) as well. Though there are some PS3 exclusives that might make it worth it, plus the Blu-ray player if that's your thing.

It's no different than watching "Scarface" or reading a brutal comic book. Games are not real, and even dumb kids can understand that. The ones who don't understand that would have been screwed up by movies or TV if they didn't have video games.

Well, there is some argument that the interactive element might make it more damaging, but I think the jury is still out on that one. But I do find it amusing that some of the same parents will flip out of their kid plays a violent video game but not if they watch 300 or Pulp Fiction.

I'm still trying to figure out why videogames are so much more worthy of government attention (like, from what I understand, a recent bill to mandate ID checks for M-rated games) compared to movies or music. But then, I also find it amusing that places like Wal-Mart will edit out the F-bombs on an Eminem album while at the same time still sell (unedited) movies chock-full of them.

Also, if you honestly had any outrage left after watching the other depravities of that game to be offended by some faux-left-wing programming, I'd suggest that says quite a lot about you. I mean, you were appalled at the senseless violence, but boy when you saw that left-wing TV programming you wanted to get your hands on the developers, m i rite?
But isn't bashing "the conservative POV" what generally goes on with the MSM on real TV all the time? Perhaps the game producer were just going for accuracy?

We don't do those kinds games at this house anyway so I can't comments on the "entertainment" aspects of the product.


I'm not a gamer and will never play GTA3 ... so how about some details as to what is so offensive on the game's screen? Assaults on Bush? Gun rights? Pro-abortion?
GTA IV RULES! More than just a mere video game, it is an interactive piece of art. The previous games in the series have been cool and have had a nice nostalgic feel to them, as they were set in the past. The new game is set right now, and reflects everything that is happening in the world today - whether it is pretty or not. There is sensless violence in the world, so there is sensless violence in the game. The real life media has a way with sensationalizing facts, so the media in the game is like that too. One way to get a sense of that is to go listen to the car radio after you have completed a particularly violent mission in the game. You will soon hear a news update describing what you just did, but there will be so much speculation in the report that you will almost think they are talking about someone else.

Grand Theft Auto isn't turning the culture to crap. The culture already is crap and Grand Theft Auto is just using it as fodder.
The Grand Theft Auto games have always had extreme satire involved, on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. Yes, the "Republican Space Rangers" TV show is remarkably over the top. So is the public radio station. It's satire.

Note that video games are not to be considered toys for children just because they are video games. I am part of a generation who grew up playing them, and they have kept pace with us as we grew. They should be viewed like any other media (music, movies, books, etc.). Some are aimed at and suited for children. Some are very much not. You wouldn't let your kid watch any movie they wanted because some were Disney movies. You likewise shouldn't let kids play any video game just because Mario Bros. was kid friendly. The game ratings are there for a reason, and in many ways they are more restrictive than the ratings for movies (not to mention the useless "parental advisory" label on music).

I've enjoyed Grand Theft Auto since GTAIII, and I quite enjoy GTAIV. I don't let the humor get under my skin, I enjoy it in the spirit in which it was intended- pure over the top satire.

Pac-Man wasn't about teaching our children to pop pills to chase away ghosts. Super Mario Brothers wasn't a tutorial on how to do 'shrooms. Grand Theft Auto isn't propaganda.

There's a rather significant difference between reality and the fantasy world of games. Many people would have far lower blood pressure if they recognized that.
I'm not a gamer and will never play GTA3 ... so how about some details as to what is so offensive on the game's screen? Assaults on Bush? Gun rights? Pro-abortion?

Actually, they do tackle gun rights in the game. In the previous games they made fun of gun owner ship by having these super gun mega stores (called AMMUNATION) and went with the myth that guns are too easy to get. The new game is set in Liberty City, which is a cartoon version of New York City. The gun laws are strict in New York City, so they are also strict in Liberty City. The only way you can buy a gun in Liberty City is on the black market - which is fitting because you are a criminal in the game. There is also a heavy police presence in Liberty City and every so often you will hear a street cop yell at you that "It's a felony to own a weapon in this city!".
You do realize that the game is rated M (for what that means, see the ratings guide) and I wonder why you would let CHILDREN play it?
And that is the REAL problem. Parents just buy kids these games because they want them, not bothering to find out just what they are purchasing them.

I've played all the GTA series, and many other games that I would never buy for kids. Parents need to stop buying things for kids, that are not made for them...and says so right on the freakin' box!:rolleyes:

Stop blaming the makers of games, and play a more active roll in doing a little research into the content before buying "little billy" something just because he throws a fit if you don't. Parents need to be parents 1st...friends 2nd.
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