Goodbye Youtube Gun Video Channels

Without permission, that's piracy - and illegal.
I agree with kyjim should be covered under fair use as I understand it.

no more illegal than recording tv shows (betamax trials), saving webpages, or pictures off the internet.

If you was to make a channel and pass the videos off as your own that would be different but clearly that is not what was described.

The youtube videos are freely accessible much like broadcast tv is.
Just did a search, and all of the old faithful gun vids and channels are still up and running.

I think this was knee jerk, fake news.

A element of panic. A change has occurred and is still occurring that threatens their source of income potentially. So that sets some folks off in a Chicken Little way. But that doesn't mean, IMHO, that it's all fake news. Something is there that bears some watching.

But there's bound to be some changes. At some point (and a piece of it is happening right now) advertisers, the source of the You Tube stars money, will question the usefulness and reach of the model. Of how much they get in return for their cash, whether it's gun shows or people raising flowers or reviews of vacuum cleaners. The bosses will ask...What do we get in return for sustaining 27 gun shows on You Tube and is it worth us?

How is using Ant to download a video any different than VCR? I know no one uses VCR but, figured old technology may be understood better.

Ethically it doesn't bother me. I am not selling it or playing to an audience. Just me watching it later.

If you have limited data out in the country, sometimes downloading is better than watching over and over again.
I don't think unauthorized downloads fall under fair use.
But, even if you do want to make that argument, it's still a violation of YouTube's TOS (Terms Of Service) agreement.

5. Your Use of Content
In addition to the general restrictions above, the following restrictions and conditions apply specifically to your use of Content.

The Content on the Service, and the trademarks, service marks and logos ("Marks") on the Service, are owned by or licensed to YouTube, subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under the law.
Content is provided to you AS IS. You may access Content for your information and personal use solely as intended through the provided functionality of the Service and as permitted under these Terms of Service. You shall not download any Content unless you see a “download” or similar link displayed by YouTube on the Service for that Content. (...)
For me ethically, if I am just watching it in my chair in my underwear, I feel ok.

I have never tried to download any gun videos. I have watched a few assembly ones over and over, that maybe I should have.
Just by watching a YouTube video, you've ALREADY downloaded and saved it on your computer. That's how it works.
Just by watching a YouTube video, you've ALREADY downloaded and saved it on your computer. That's how it works.

No, that is not how it works. You have viewed the content from the YT website. You have not downloaded it just by watching it.

So whose rights are being violated? Those of Youtube? Or those who are posting content thru youtube?

You are violating the rights of those posting the content through Youtube. It remains their intellectual property and unless otherwise stated, they have not given permission for you to download it for viewing off Youtube.
I don't think unauthorized downloads fall under fair use.
But, even if you do want to make that argument, it's still a violation of YouTube's TOS (Terms Of Service) agreement.

Actually that's unenforceable for two reasons.

1. you don't even have to agree to those terms to view youtube
The only videos that are inaccessible without an account are ones that have been flagged as mature.

2. Im unsure if it still is the case as the YT downloaders works so well but prior to those if your browser cache was large enough your browser would just cache the videos on disk, at least the standard 360p quality ones.

This is how I use to do it, I'd watch a video if I liked it enough to keep a copy I'd just go pull it out of the cache afterwords.

I imagine that is still the case, so you see the video is already stored on your disk, most people just don't know it.

GO explore your browsers cache some time, you'll be amazed how many web pages, videos, pictures, and sound files it'll hang onto, most browsers default to several 100mb's worth of cache space.
I am not encouraging the violation of copyrights/or the piracy of online media, just mildly curious.

I forget that many youtube video posters do get paid for each view of the videos in their channels. I'm sure I've made many a youtuber rich over the years. Especially those of cute cuddly kittys.