Goodbye Youtube Gun Video Channels

So what does it take to put up a new service?
Instead of youtube we could call it guntube.
Now there's a good idea if I ever did hear one!
I think all you would need is a website of some kind to get it started, we would give you tons of support.
It wouldn't need to be just for guns. Bows, knives, and anything related to weapons would be invited, it would actually be really neat to see.
Great idea.

Let's here some good name suggestions for it.
This sounds like very poor policy. Taking down videos of irresponsible and dangerous behavior might make sense but why penalize those who are constructively, or even just benignly sharing their knowledge, opinions and insights?

It strikes me as a temper tantrum aimed at punishing gun enthusiasts for our current political situation. That is pure speculation and as far as I will tread into partisan politics.

I spend a lot of time watching Youtube. Too much time. Guns, cars, music videos, how-to videos, kittens :o... If they follow through with this anti-gun policy, I am confident that my viewership will be about 10% of the current level. They would be doing me a favor really.

Go ahead Youtube. Make my day.
I've been following Youtube's monetization changes and other policy changes that they've been considering or actively doing for months now and all I can determine is that Youtube is committing suicide and it seems to be speeding up as it approaches the cliff.

De-monetizing accounts (removing ads and thus, revenue from views) is being done to more than just gun channels or gun related content, it's being done to any channel or video that's being flagged as inappropriate for some reason or another.

I can't help but think back to this new-ish Youtube idea called "Youtube Heroes." It's this stupid idea that would make ordinary people unpaid moderators for Youtube in giving them the ability to mass flag videos. So, theoretically, all these college graduate snowflakes that have no jobs and rings in their nipples can join the youtube Hero program and flag videos that they are offended by.

Could be because of guns, could be because the video only featured a straight, White Christian male. Whatever the case, it's giving people powers they shouldn't have without consequence.

So it could be that, but I think all this is related to advertisers freaking out that the neo-nazi and ISIS related videos are being directly endorsed by Pepsi, Chevy, Apple, etc. It's another overreaction that's lacking in common sense, but we live in a world today where people are increasingly becoming stupider and they can start movements on social media to communicate with other stupids that if you drink Pepsi, you support the Holocaust and the Sandy Hook massacre.

I hope that this gets fixed soon, but a part of me thinks that the long term solution is that youtube will stop monetizing accounts altogether and the big channels, like Hickok45 and IraqVeteran8888 are going to need to need to be sponsors to be financially compensated for their work.

The suck part of that is small guys like ZRUS, ShootingTheBull410, FortuneCookie45LC, etc. will never find sponsors to help fund them and they're some of the most in depth channels related to shooting on youtube.
They're overreacting to the public overreacting to some ads that showed up in some racist videos. They'll probably get it sorted out. It's not easy to make an alternative service to replace YouTube, it requires servers with large amounts of storage, and more importantly (and much more expensively), massive amounts of bandwidth.
There's already a sight up called full 30 that a few of the popular YouTube gun guys utilize.

Alternatively, people who support all their constitutional rights still have the ability (possibly obligation) to donate to these pro 2A channels. A lot of these popular Chanel's have tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Donating a dollar each would send a HUGE message to YouTube and the media in general.


I just saw where this issue possibly morphed from not allowing ad revenue for gun videos to simply banning gun videos.
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A blog is hardly a ‘reliable source.’

References to ‘it seems as if’ are anecdotal and unsubstantiated; the blog post is yet another ridiculous, tedious example of the inane hyperbole common to far too many online gun venues, and the nonsensical perception that everyone is ‘anti-gun’ and ‘out to get’ gunowners, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
MAC has a video up about it, evidently it's a combination of their AI algorithms potentially flagging gun stuff as questionable content and the fact YouTube managed to PO their advertisers and they pulled out taking about 750 million with them. So there's just not the money there for ads to be placed in videos for monetization.
the nonsensical perception that everyone is ‘anti-gun’ and ‘out to get’ gunowners, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
No, not everyone, just the power hungry psychopaths who understand the path to dominance begins with disarming the citizenry, both intellectually and physically.
By now, it's quite clear that history has enough examples to motivate being wary.
So what does it take to put up a new service?

Instead of youtube we could call it guntube.

Yes it's called Hickock45 and MAC and many others are already in there. This moment was foreseen some time ago.

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Let's here some good name suggestions for it.

Outdoor Tube - for ALL things outdoors from hunting, shooting, fishing, camping, knives, atvs, racing, boating, etc. Take away a SUBSTANTIAL amount of Google traffic (and ad clicks)
First, I believe very little I read on any blog so let's not over react.
Second, I'm not a frequent visitor to some of the gun related sights but I do enjoy them. I wasn't aware that these sights were someone's main source income. Weren't some of these around before they started adding ads? I never got the impression Hickock45 was doing it for the money. Not saying he doesn't appreciate it but I don't think he will have to go on welfare.
First, I believe very little I read on any blog so let's not over react.
It's more widespread than that.
My initial reaction was the same as yours, but a quick search of YouTube, itself, turned up many "gun channels" talking about the recent "demonitization" and what it may or may not mean for their future(s).
Youtube has gotten some bad press recently.

With advertisements for major corporations being shown on objectionable channels.

This might be an attempt to appear more moderate to those companies that have pulled their adds.

I tend to doubt youtube would pull a money making channel though.