Good Article on the Israeli Carry Method

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Ya got me, though I said it earlier that it was a part of it. But folks are splitting hairs. It did make a difference but not the main difference. It was down the line of a string of errors.

It made a bigger a difference that they had only one gun between them and it was a handgun, not a long gun, and it was kept in the backpack and the guide did not show the bowhunter how to use it.

It made more of a difference that they rang the dinner bell for the bears and did not prepare for them showing up.

To focus on condition 3 as the main reason for the death you have to ignore everything else which was actually more important. Folks don't see that I can't help.

Honestly, no. These sorts of threads don't usually make it past 3-4 pages, which is exactly where we are.

The "two empty chambers in a revolver" was new to me. I've never seen that before.
Honestly, no. These sorts of threads don't usually make it past 3-4 pages, which is exactly where we are.

Yes, hence the anagramic phrase, 'IBTL.'

The "two empty chambers in a revolver" was new to me. I've never seen that before.

That's because no advocates for that carry-method who actually got into a gunfight survived. :rolleyes:

They've long since been buried; however, rest assured that if they were so blessed as to get a 're-do' (ala 'Ground Hog Day'), they'd be carrying their wheelgun with ALL cylinders loaded.
The "two empty chambers in a revolver" was new to me. I've never seen that before.

Yeah. Me neither.

At that point why not just Barney Fife it and carry your one round in your left front shirt pocket. Maybe we could call that the "Mayberry Carry" and discuss it at length.

(I'm guessing this post will be enough to get this thread closed.)
A winner !

Mayberry Carry.

Definition - law enforcement thinks you are too much of a klutz to have a loaded gun and more than one round.

A great place to close!!
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