Glocks at 500 yards?

Maybe I should have started with the premise for my post. It was never meant to be about how I can shoot but rather, how Glocks can shoot. All my guns are stock except for the triggers and a couple have after-market bbls. I never meant to say that Glocks were the only ones that could do this, only that they can. Many folks on these boards are ecstatic to luck one into a paper plate at 50 yards once in awhile. My G20 will consistently shoot into 3.5" at 50 with my handloads.
OK, but now really what can you do with an accurate handgun.:p
This has been a funny read. Although I'm NOT an authority on 500 yard penetration with a pistol, I have a hard time seeing the bullet penetrating BOTH sides of the barrel at any distance over 250 yards.

scout1, that's some good shootin but not good enough for me.

When you are next in the Pacific North West, send me a PM and we'll go out and shoot up the side of a mountain or two, and I'll bring my softballs and my 6 shooters and we'll have a hell of a time!

I talk more schitt than I can shoot, and only two months ago did I finally hit my first target with my Ruger .44 and .41 mag and my oh my is it easier than I imagined once I figures it out.

I whack softballs out of trees and off the ground at 60 yards with 5 of 6 shots with my Rugers. I'd LOVE to be able to learn to shoot 150-500 yards with them, and I'll let YOU teach me :)

Its all a matter of talent...or luck

Elmer Keith once wrote about how a friend brought him a suitcase full of pistols (many different types), and he was able to get on target with each one, before the gun was empty. The only exception was a short barreled .45 "slipgun" that took him 12 rnds. The target was an old outhouse, at 700 yds!

Also, at that range, the .45 Colt bullets had enough energy to completely penetrate the weathered 1" plank wall, and bury itself base deep in the 2x4" corner post. The energy of a large bore slug, even when its forward velocity is nearly spent is enough to cause serious injury, and death, if the impact angle is right. People can and do die from "spent" rounds falling on them from the sky.

Any range the bullet can hit you its dangerous, whether it has the energy to puch through an empty drum, or not.
I don't know exactly where you are at koolminx but I will be in Vegas during the first week of January to do some shooting. If you (or anyone else here) can make it that far, we'll go shoot.
OK, koolminx!

You told me once over a year that if I were ever in the Pacific Northwest to give you a holler and we'd go out and do some shooting.
I will be in Vancouver, WA from 20 May until about the end of the month. I'll be conducting a Disaster Preparedness seminar on the 21st at the American Legion Hall on 20th Ave.
I will also be stopping near Grants Pass, OR for a little while for some demo shooting and promotional stuff.
Then off to Lincoln, CA to teach a FoF class.
If you think you might be able to get together around one of those places, let me know.

But didn't you know that the Rapture and assent to heaven will happen on the 21'st of May 2011? That's what I heard on the radio last week anyway...

But just in case it don't happen I have a box of .44 Ruger Mag's (only 240 grain though) and am willing to shoot at any distance to improve my skills!

You got a PM
Wow that is some damn good shooting! I can't even see a target that big at 500 yards, not w/o a good scope. I love to shoot open sight, but my vision limits me to 200 yards or less, mostly less:Dand my bad right hand means I shoot left handed so it better be a rifle if I am gonna hit a taget past 50 yards. 500 yards wow, I had no idea that was possible, that is awesome. Some of the posters said that is possible with any pistol; even a snub nose? I am buying a long barrel .357 and would love some tips on shooting it accurately, despite my military training I am still a miserable shot with a pistol; not bad with a rifle.
Were the heck is your point of aim at 500y? It's seems to me it would be all blue sky's.

Pretty unbelievable but I'm just an average shooter at 25-50 yards. But 500?:eek:

TBS, I usualy shoot my snub at those ranges (25-50).
Whatever sighting plan used, you can't get around the fact that you need a lot of holdover to hit anything at that range. Sure the round will go that far, otherwise knowing the background behind your target wouldn't be so important.

And the title of the thread is "Glocks at 500yds?". Not Smiths, not Rugers, not Sigs. Glocks. If you are going to associate the name of any handgun manufacturer with a trick shot right up front like that then of course some will interpret it as extolling the virtures of that make above all others.

At least you posted pictures. Looks like fun. Makes those of us stuck shooting on an indoor range very jealous.
The point of aim is the same as usual. It's the sight alignment that changes. The front sight is still on the target but it is no longer flush with the top of the rear sight. The pic below is blurry because of the focus being on the closer object (and I'm not a photographer) but it shows about what my sight alignment is. This equates to about a 55' holdover.
The pic below is blurry because of the focus being on the closer object
I see something else very telling in that pic, some good honest wear, somebody's been practicing. ;) some say a little goes a long way.I'd say in this case a very long way.
Thanks mavracer! I'm not shooting nearly as much as I used to. It seems now that I own a gun shop and instruct full-time, I just don't have the time that I used to for it but I'm still probably doing about 8-10,000 rounds a year just in handgun
The point of aim is the same as usual. It's the sight alignment that changes. The front sight is still on the target but it is no longer flush with the top of the rear sight. The pic below is blurry because of the focus being on the closer object (and I'm not a photographer) but it shows about what my sight alignment is. This equates to about a 55' holdover.

We used to hammer away at a 4x4 oak pallet, covered occasionally with fresh cardboard, at what GoogleEarth says is 680 yards, with various 44 and 45 revolvers. If we were feeling really frisky, we'd shoot at a white plastic 5 gallon bucket set off to one side of the pallet. With a 4" Model 29 or .45 Colt Blackhawks most of the front sight, held above the notch, would get us there.

One day I dug my old Ithaca 1911 out and fired a few of my meandering 230 RNL reloads, to range the target. Finally, by holding the top edge of the rear sight even with the front edge of the ejection port, I was able to walk a few shots onto the pallet.

Field artillery with handguns is a hoot, so long as you have a safe place to do it.
I have to say that I have looked at a 400 yard view for the last three years of my life 10 hours a day 5 1/2 days a week and that first picture looks a lil farther than the drive thru window does a burger king which is almost dead on 400 yards away from the shop clear view....and I will say that is impressive hats off to ya folks :)