Getting searched on State Parks?

Prolly the best thing as this has really played itself out. I didn't see creatures tagline, just thought it was a provocatice statement on your part due to the discussion. Not that I thought you would actually make the trip and try to kill me, justprolly expressing sentiment towards me. The timing was just too perfect coupled with your attitude towards me. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Sorry.

My little comment to the DOW officer was in a very even tone, and I actually took a couple steps backwards as I said it so they couldn't misconstrue it into something dangerous to them that it was not. I also made sure to keep movement to a minimum and keep my body language to a non threatening display. I've played this game before so continually learn the how to and do not of such behavior. I absolutely do not agree to a blind respect for the uniform, it's the man inside.

Good discussion. I'm glad it calmed down.:)
Prolly the best thing as this has really played itself out. I didn't see creatures tagline, just thought it was a provocatice statement on your part due to the discussion. Not that I thought you would actually make the trip and try to kill me, justprolly expressing sentiment towards me. The timing was just too perfect coupled with your attitude towards me. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Sorry.

You were wrong. Apology accepted.
Sign or no sign, I always conceal carry. I am not a wise guy or anything like that, I just want to protect myself and my wife from the wild animals, the two legged kind. There are a lot of cooks in the bush. I'll take my chances and explain myself later. The safety of my family is paramount.
Here's a true story. I was hunting in the iron ore region in northern NY. I came upon a cave that had a couple of guys in it, dressed in regular street clothes. We saw one another and I made lite of it and moved on, watching my back all the time. I went to the ranger station and reported their location. Long story short, they were all wanted for felony crimes, consisting of burglary, rape and robbery.
Sounds like you guys are asking me to be a sheeple and be obsequious to officers no matter the situation. Sorry but that doesn't stand to reason.
No, I'm not. I'm suggesting that you be respectful of the police officer even if he is not acting appropriately. Deliberately antagonizing a police officer who is already acting boorishly is what doesn't stand to reason -- he's got the weight of the badge and the thin blue line behind him and you want to antagonize him further? That is not going to improve the situation. Be polite and respectful, even if he doesn't deserve it. Try to remember exactly what he said and did. Try to remember his name and badge number. Then submit a complaint in writing. That may change his behavior. Calling him a JBT is not going to improve his attitude.

Don't get into a ******* match with him. That won't help the situation and may greatly worsen it instead.

If I'm approached by an officer in a State Park and he asks to search me (That question means he has no PC!) Should I allow him to or...act less than exemplary and refuse him the search?
Remain polite, calm, and respectful, no matter what happens. You can be respectful even while you disagree. If the officer asks to search you or your possessions, simply say: "Officer, I do not consent to a search."

He may accept that at face value or he may try to intimidate you into allowing a search. Simply repeat "Officer, I do not consent to a search." I would not get into an argument about whether he does or does not have probable cause. Don't bother even discussing that. Simply repeat "Officer, I do not consent to a search."

The officer may decide that he has enough PC to search anyways -- simply be a broken record and repeat "Officer, I do not consent to a search". Do not physically resist a search since that would get you additional charges (e.g., resisting arrest, A&B on a police officer, etc.). If you did not consent to the search and the officer had no probable cause, your attorney can probably get any evidence found during search suppressed.

M1911 sums it up very well. The place to crush an abusive, thuggish, swaggering police officer is not in the dark on the side of the road, it's in a suit, in a courtroom, under bright fluorescent lights.
In Colorado, you can legally concealed in parks if you have a CWP, Open carry of firearms is so there is no target shooting. Some parks allow hunting on then in special areas.