Getting searched on State Parks?

If your "giving a little hell" reached the level of Interfering With an Officer you should have shared a cell with your brother in law. How exactly are the officers in the wrong for serving a warrant?
Well it didnt reach the level of interfering with an officer because I was not put in a cell, so there.:D

They was wrong because all the kings horses & men destroyed the sanctity of my wilderness which we go to to get away from the never ending onslaught of crap that comes with them and is always in the cities. It's peaceful up there and healing to the spirit, all the way up to "Get on the ground ! Gimmee some cuffs, we got a real live No ops ticket here!!!" That was absolutely absurd and very rude.

Yeah I know you guys got your job to do, and your own families to feed and all that, but I don't have to like it. All I have to do is not make any furtive movements in front of you so you don't shoot me for a no ops ticket.

The wilderness should be off limits to LEO's, it's the only peaceful place left on earth. What's so hard about realizing that? You must have a hard time of it by taking authority as the truth, when truth is the real authority. If you took truth as the authority, you might be happier and not so consistently keyed up to shoot someone or jail everyone you see. If that makes you mad, you need help.:D
I love the cop bashing on this site, warms my heart. You are approached by 2 wildlife officers. They check your fishing license and when they check legit, they go on their way without any problems. They apparently learn your brother in law in wanted, come back and make the arrest. Your answer to that is that the cops are in the wrong for serving a valid warrant and they shoud not be allowed in the wilderness where its peaceful. Thats a valid argument.
They was wrong because all the kings horses & men destroyed the sanctity of my wilderness which we go to to get away from the never ending onslaught of crap that comes with them and is always in the cities. It's peaceful up there and healing to the spirit, all the way up to "Get on the ground ! Gimmee some cuffs, we got a real live No ops ticket here!!!" That was absolutely absurd and very rude.

The wilderness should be off limits to LEO's, it's the only peaceful place left on earth. What's so hard about realizing that? You must have a hard time of it by taking authority as the truth, when truth is the real authority. If you took truth as the authority, you might be happier and not so consistently keyed up to shoot someone or jail everyone you see. If that makes you mad, you need help

I had to reread your post several times because I thought you were just being facetious. But I dont think you were joking...I think you are serious.
I was being facetious and serious at the same time. I wasn't really bashing cops either, I said I understand that you guys have a job to do. But when a cop says I should be locked up for speaking my mind, well, thats citizen bashing isnt it? Is ok though, I understand you're not allowed to think for yourself and give semblence of being a real human being instead of a State robot...:D

I know its the law. I know I have to be careful how far I go with my free speech. I know I don't have to like it. Thats all.
I wasn't really bashing cops either,

Yeah you were. At least own up to it. You're probably one of the people that complains about the animosity and distrust between the police and civilians who like to carry guns, but most of the problem can be traced right back to posts like this:

I gave em a little hell for it, asked if he was proud to catch a traffic offender and get to feel like a JBT.

The wilderness should be off limits to LEO's, it's the only peaceful place left on earth. What's so hard about realizing that? You must have a hard time of it by taking authority as the truth, when truth is the real authority. If you took truth as the authority, you might be happier and not so consistently keyed up to shoot someone or jail everyone you see.

But your First Amendment rights do not protect you when your conduct rises to the level of interfering with a police officer in the performance of his duties. An arrest of a wanted person--even your relative--is not open to audience participation and you dipping in was just immature. The officers don't know if you're just all mouth or if you're getting ready to jump in and assault them to aid your criminal brother. All you had to do was step back and let them do their jobs and give them the same respect that you and others like you constantly tell us that the police owe to citizens, but you weren't even willing to do that, were you?

No, you had to put yourself into a situation that you weren't even a part of, call the officer a "Jack Booted Thug" and act like a tool when he wasn't even dealing with you. If you want to blame someone for ruining your little outing, blame your brother in law for not taking care of his warrant, or blame whichever one of you caused the officers to run his (and probably your) name through NCIC to even find the warrant. I really doubt that they run everyone that they casually encounter. What'd you two do to earn the extra attention?
LOL!! We were blatantly tossing fishing lines into the lake. No one else was even around to disturb. And yes, OMG, I spoke my mind from a distance without hostility or furtive movements. Better lock that guy up or shoot him down just to be sure eh?

They were fishing. Yes, too bad my BIL had bait for them to justify their skilless existance.:eek::D

You guys aren't very good at levity, are you?:D
If people wouldn't break the law and if people who had warrants for their arrest would stay out of the wilderness, cops would have no need to go there;)
I dont see any levity here. I see someone acting like a jackass and then bragging about it on the internet for the world to see. And when confronted with his jackass remarks first attempts to say that cops should not be allowed in the wilderness, then ha ha I was joking, levity, hee hee. After saying the cops should leave his realtive alone as it was peaceful and he wasnt bothering anybody. Right.
I was being facetious and serious at the same time. I wasn't really bashing cops either, I said I understand that you guys have a job to do. But when a cop says I should be locked up for speaking my mind, well, thats citizen bashing isnt it? Is ok though, I understand you're not allowed to think for yourself and give semblence of being a real human being instead of a State robot...

First, I am not a LEO...I am just an "Ordinary Joe".

Second, no one here said you should be locked up for speaking your mind. You can speak your mind all day long.

In fact, keep are very entertaining! You just keep on confirming what I have already suspected.
Look, dude, your brother in law was the one who didn't take care of his traffic ticket. If he'd paid it or gone to court, there wouldn't have been a warrant out on him. There was. He got caught. He paid the price. It was his fault, not the cops.

The cops were just doing their job. If he didn't have a warrant out on them, the fish cops would have bid you good day and good luck fishing.
So argumentum ad authoritum wins over argumentum ad referendum. That's cool, I can live with that. No sense in arguing any more.:)

If it had been a serious crime I could respect your position. It has been entertaining !
In Ga, we can legally carry our guns concealed in parks. The legislature is working on getting open carry passed, like they have in Va without a permit.
Oh, I see the meat of your argument now, its not a serious crime so what the hell, ignore the warrant. Cops are trying to do their job.

I think you should go to your local sandwich shop and order a sandwich. Then, when the kid makes the sandwich for you, yell at him for doing his job.
Edward, I understand your point, but remember it's your friend who created this situation.

If it had been a serious crime I could respect your position. It has been entertaining!

There's the problem. A judge thought it was a serious enough of a crime to issue an arrest warrant. Do you expect the cop to ignore the warrant? Let's say hypothetically that the game warden stops an escaped cereal rapist (I know I spelled it wrong, it makes for a funny visual) and he *doesn't* check for outstanding warrants; you'd probably want his head on a platter.

It is kind of stupid to have your fishing trip ruined by a couple of outstanding parking tickets, but your anger is misplaced.
I know bob and you're right. It wasn't that big of a deal. I seem to upset some though and didn't mean too! ya gotta admit what I said was funny though!

Conn. Trooper, no offense dude, but you shouldn't get worked up over this. If you're gonna stick around TFL for awhile, may I suggest growing a thicker skin? Wow.
Actually I agree with Conn Trooper, and I dont think he needs a thicker skin.

I did like the thing about the sandwich shop.
I dont think anyone likes being called badge heavy and a "Jack Booted Thug". Thats a good way to promote hard feelings between LE and gun owners.
Another +1 for Conn. Trooper. Edward wasn't joking, despite his belated claims after he saw that no one agreed with him. He showed us all how he feels about police officers--any police officers. And that stuff just causes friction between the police and the civilian gun community when the police get the idea that people with CCW's hate them as much as the regular street thugs do. Is it any wonder that police officers might not like the idea of people who openly hate them standing around them with guns, concealed or open?

Seriously Edward, why the animosity? Why the rants about how police officers *should* do or not do their jobs? I mean, it's not like the cops show up where you work and mess with the french fry cooker now, is it? :p

ya gotta admit what I said was funny though!