JT... that's a good question... my experience in the past, is jacketed bullets won't suffer much by the cylinder leade, but cast bullets may ( this is often dependent on velocities ) ... I'm hoping to be able to fire both well in this gun
from a looks point of view I hate short cylinders in bigger frames, however since this is ( hopefully ) a 50 yard "minute of squirrel" gun, this is
what we've discussed so far... my machinist buddy is concerned about the volume of gas in a 25 ACP cartridge, & his experience on small cartridges in cylinders just over their cartridge length, is lower velocities, barrel length, for barrel length, over longer cylinders ( talking specifically 22 LR ) because the barrel cylinder gap is just off the case mouth, thus there is more pressure bleed off...
what we have determined, is that both the cylinder throat diameter, ( which is one of the reasons we've already slugged the barrel liner ) & a smaller than normal barrel / cylinder gap will be critical to being able to fire normal pressure factory ball ammo reliably in this gun... by keeping the cylinder longer, we are using a cylinder that is nearly identical to the length of an auto pistol barrel, which is typically only 2" in the 25 ACP guns... the bullet should have full auto pistol velocity by the time it hits the forcing cone... by tightly controlling the chamber throat diameter, cylinder gap, & forcing cone's shape, we are hoping to keep cast bullet accuracy above average, as well as jacketed bullet reliability ( my builder buddy is quite conservative, but he's concerned that if there was too much pressure bleed off, on a cartridge with so little gas volume, that the jacketed bullet may stick in the barrel ) I'm less conservative, & look at even CB caps & the Colibri & Super Colibri ammo I shoot in antique revolvers, some of which only use priming compound, the bullets don't lodge in the barrels... but they are not FMJ bullets either... by using factory pressures, & soft to medium cast bullet hardness, I'm sure we will not see enough bullet deformation to effect accuracy... with the tight tolerances & specially shaped forcing cone we are using in this build
the gun will be heavy for this caliber, & shortening the cylinder would cut down on the weight, but we are hoping we have thought out how to have it shooting great with a full length cylinder...