Gestapo live and well in Maryland


New member
Well fellow patriots I just got out of jail 2 hours ago. Yup was coming home from work tonight at 1700 hours . Was getting ready to turn into my street when a county policeman puts on his lights. I immediately pulled over. Got out of the car and the officer told me that I was pulled over for not having a FRONT tag, we both went to the front on the vehicle and sure enough no tag. Officer asked for my License and registration. I said "I don't mean to be a smart ass but are you allowed to pull me over in the city when you are a county officer" He responded yes according to fresh pursuit I said I knew that it applied in felon cases but not traffic stops. He then said what are you a lawyer or something. I said no I was once a State Trooper. He said I must have been asleep during that class. I said OK and handed him my license and registration. He started walking back to his car when he turned around and told me to get in my car, I said I prefer to stand outside he said get in the car or get arrested I said then I guess you'll have to arrest me. He handcuffs me and puts me in the back of the car he then calls for back-up 2 other officer respond. He never read me my rights or what I was arrested for. He then starts to ask me questions I said I want to speak to my lawyer. He continues to ask questions I said I want to speak to a lawyer. He then calls a tow truck to have my car towed I said I live in this neighborhood and it doesn't need to be towed he responded they have to tow it. Mean while my neighbors are walking past seeing me arrested. I'm disabled and I told the officer that the position I was in was hard on my disability he then ask me what were my disabilities (fractured L1-L5, arthiritis in my neck etc) It took them 1 hour just to get me to the station; then the officer leaves me in the car with windows up a/c on but couldn't feel it for over 10 minutes. He gets back in and starts asking me questions again I said I want a lawyer. He then threaten me with not getting bond etc. I asked to speak to his supervisor ( what a joke). Finally they get me in the station another officer starts to process me and asking me question I said I want a lawyer he threatened me with a possibility of 48 hours in lockup if i don't answer the questions I said do what you have too but I'm not saying anything. They put me in lockup finally they let me call my lawyer. Right after talking to my lawyer a different supervisor comes in the cell to tell me that they will issue me a citation and release me. Which is what they did. My lawyer picked me up; went to get my car $110 to tow my car 1 mile. You might ask why didn't you get in my car. 1) it was around 95 degrees I haven't any a/c plus I was starting to get a Migraine and heat makes it worse. 2) Since when can't a person stand around especially in his own neighborhood 3) I didn't like the PIG"s additude 4) I wasn't really convinced he had jurisdiction. The PIG never asked why I wouldn't get in the car just broke bad on me. I was a cop and believe me if I arrested someone on this my butt would have been in a sling. What happened to my rights it took 2 hours before I could talk to a lawyer. One thing that was lucky for me was that I had been on a buying spree in the morning and had 100's of dollars in my pocket but took it out when I got home this morning. I could see it now big drug dealer. PS they tore my car apart broke the wheels on my Cowboy cart luckily no ammo in car. Sorry to ramble on but if anybody thinks Orwell isn't here is delusional. I've decide to live outside the law it's better defined

"Solidarity is the Key"
GuttSmoke, does your attorney think a false arrest suit is feasible? I have never run into a cop this bad, but I have seen the 'attitude' when you actually act like a free, innocent human being while the rare one treats you like a child.

Sorry to hear you ran into a bad apple. Good luck.
"Pound sand!" Oops wrong thread. *ssholes are everywhere, unfortunately there seems to be too many in LE. Sounds like you met up with one. Probably going to get worse :( .
You probably broke the law by disobeying a police officer

"To obey every law is to accept a life sentence as a political pawn. When the laws are a travesty of decency-when the laawmakers are more intent on pillaging than on protecting rights-then obeying every law means signing the death warrent on one's own freedom.
Nowadays the law is something the government imposes, not something the government obeys."
Freedom in chains
James Bovard

Welcome to the other side

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Yep, "Contempt of Cop" violation in the first degree. When will more leo's (what happened to peace officer?) understand they are civil servants?
Scum Pig. Not that I think all police officers are, but this one was.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
"Contempt of Cop" (3rd Degree Felony) It shall be unlawful for a "citizen" not an Officer [see definition under Statutes of Aristocracy, CCP, SS 2.57(a)] to:
1. Resist the suggestions of, unofficial requests of, or implications of and Officer.
2. Question a single word muttered under the Authority [S. of A., SS 2.58(b)] of an Officer.
3. Imply that said "citizen" has "rights" beyond which the Officer has seen fit to grant. It is further an exacerbatory factor if said "citizen":
(a) Excercises such a "right"
(b) Demands to speak to an attorney.
4. Speaks words not generally requested nor expected by the Officer.
5. Implies in any way that the Officer is not fully in command of this situation, or any other situation, in general.
(a) It is an exacerbatory factor if the "citizen" openly mocks the Officer.
(b) Laughter at the Officer may be seen as grounds for relaliatory force in kind, such as:
(i) nightstick,
(ii) O.C. spray,
(iii) pressure point application, or
(iv) pistol
Handcuffs will be applied.

It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that the "citizen" was in fact an Officer at the occasion of the arrest.

If there was not initially sufficient Probable Cause, nor even Reasonable Suspicion to stop the "citizen," please refer to S. of A. SS 2.59,
"No Gloves in the Glovebox".

It's amazing the things some of us learned in Academy.... I knew that class was being taught, and probably got credit for it, but I slept through it....

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited July 27, 1999).]
A short update. I called a SO CALLED CONSERVATIVE radio talk show this AM and exspoused my story . They told me that I should have obeyed the order to get in the car then hung-up on me. Won't be listening to them anymore. Longpath I'm a little slow are you with me or against me. Going today to try and see the Chief of Police

"Solidarity is the Key"
I once got pulled over by a cop in an open top Jeep. One cop asked me questions beside the Jeep while the other one looked the Jeep over. It was broad daylight but he had his flashlight out looking under seats etc.

Very politely I told him if he wanted to look inside to go ahead and open the door. That got the cop in my face faster than anything, he "accidently" bumped my lip with the flashlight.

Apparently, cooperation won't work with some LEOs either.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Sometimes it makes sense to just be a good boy and keep your mouth shut. Especially with a cop who obviously needed to vent some testosterone.

I notice more and more LEO's wearing tactical uniforms, army boots and black ball caps. I've found that those that wear those black half-leather gloves while on patrol seem to fit into the category that you've described. This is meant as a form of mild they need that protection from hitting you up side your face.

But we should not stereotype LEO's. There are many, many good officers out there, that just want to do their jobs, and that's it. As you'll find in any profession, there are bad apples. You just need to assess the situation as you see it, and act accordingly. Even if it goes against your better judgement to apply a little civil disobedience.
What a prickbreath. Talk to an ACLU lawyer - it's a civil libery issue - maybe they'll take up your case.

Good one, LongPath.
Guttsmoke - I must not be reading your note the way most of the others have. To me it seems that you turned a minor traffic stop into one expensive and troubled evening. Instead of complying with the officers instructions, you provoked him at every turn. I think you got off light.

Let's say this officer was out of his jurisdiction. IF he had given you a ticket - and I say IF because you'll never know whether or not he would have given you a simple warning - you could have protested the ticket in court. That's the system.

Yes, the officer in question could be just a little too proud of his badge but your attitude just added fuel to the fire. Officers like this don't usually last too long on the force. But there is no shortage of citizens with an attitude.

Not that I have much experience with this but I've always found it better to comply with the officers instructions. You can always contest his actions later in court.

Sorry, that's the way I see it.

As a former LEO, I have mixed feelings on all this. Believe me, I am staunchly constitutional rights oriented. I don’t particularly like arm-chair quarterbacking this, but will offer up a couple of opinions. A tab violation in WA is only an infraction and at worst would net you citation. If your initial contact with the officer was positive, it likely have been a warning if your registration and driver/wanted status was clear, you would likely have gotten off with a warning.

The reason that the officer wants you in your car facing forward is officer safety. When the officer is running your name or writing a citation, he has no choice but to look down. You standing, facing back toward his car, him seated and sometimes looking down puts the officer at a distinct disadvantage if you were a bad guy and decided to take him out. Until he runs you, it pays for him to assume the worst about you.

When the officer asked you to get in the car, is it possible that you could have mentioned that you had a medical condition that would be aggravated by doing this? I would have listened to what you had to say, and probably put you in the back of my (A/C equipped) patrol car. Of course, this would involve a pat down; I don’t think you can get into a patrol car without that.

It is entirely possible that this guy was just a dick, but it seems to me that you didn’t do everything you could to prevent it from happening. Typically, a county officer has a county commission and the stop was legit. Also, most city police have county commissions and can operate outside city limits. I will give you that it is odd for an officer to bother with something as petty as a tab violation outside their jurisdiction. In the grand scheme of things, it pays to pick you battles, and I don’t think this is one that should have or needed to be fought. My .02.
I'd be interested in seeing how the arrest for "Contempt of Cop" stands up in court. What I suspect will happen is after several court appearances you will be offered a dismissal so long as you stipulate probable cause existed for the arrest. That way you can't turn around and sue for false arrest.
You of course, will have at least $1,000 tied up in attorney's fees invested in this and wonder when it will ever end.
Guttsmoke, your story just psses me off. I also live in the peoples republic of Maryland. Im out in the western part and am curious where this happened. I dont care what these sheeple people say, your local friendly cop aint so friendly any more. When martial law is declared these cops,except for a few, will be enemies of the patriots. Im no dummy. I get reports from shortwave and from indivuduals who are worried about the NASTY attitude of these cops,especially the brainwashed younger ones. Ya, these young cops will deny all this. We are entering into a world where the police will rule over the masses in this country and elsewhere. The police are Revenue collectors of this corporate system and dont give a damn about the rights of the people.Did you know that 70% of murder cases of police officers are solved,but only 10% of murder cases of so called civilians are solved by our wonderful police. What does that tell you? Except for sheriffs, we could get rid of all the rest of the police and be better off. Like I said,and I aint afraid to say it either,the great majority of police are simply revenue gaTHERS of this coming NWO corporate system. And they have heavy firepower to back up the wishes of their handlers: the corrupt "governmink" . You and I live in a especially evil,corrupt communist state. Sorry for the ranting,but I can smell martial law in the wind.THe coming Gestapo of the NWO will make Nazi Germany look like a bunch of schoolboys.
It's been a long time since I lived in Maryland, but on reading your post, what came immediately to mind was PG County.
Guttsmoke: It was an excercise in sardonicism, man! Keep up! "Contempt of Cop" is just a B.S. catch-all to mean, "I, as an officer, don't like you, and so you will go to jail." Note that "No Gloves in the Glovebox" was also referenced. That's just an example of: "I, as a cop, will find something to haul your butt in for, even if I have to manufacture someting."
Guys, it's good to be certefied to be a cop. I have been for 5 years. But, no kidding, there is a REAL culture of "don't mess with us-- we're the biggest street gang in the world" out there. This has been hashed and rehashed on about a dozen threads here that I know of, and I've only been on this board for about 3 months, tops.

Paul Revere is right, though. Don't be a street-attorney. Do what the malicious ba$t@rd wants, and get in the car. Then go to his supervisor. Take it to the judge. But DON'T argue out on the edge of the street. Especially when it could be construed as a "safety issue." One thing I've learned trumps any other viewpoint, is the "safety issue." And Guttsmoke, you, of all people, should know this.

*I* think the cop was a jerk. *I* think he did wrong, but I also can clearly see how your actions and omission of actions contributed to the scene. Yes, if he was a professional throughout, you should have been able to do much, much, much worse and not suffered for it. But you're setting it up so that he *has* to act professionally when you allow a confrontation to arise.
If a woman gets raped while walking through a terrible neighborhood, of course the rapist was the only one at fault. But was it a good idea for that woman to walk through a bad neighborhood at night alone wearing only a g-string? There are degrees by which a person can reduce risk.

Paul Revere: I have been really tired of the half-gloves, myself. If they need them so much for driving, why not wear proper driving gloves instead, and LEAVE them in the car? This is not uniform, and is unprofessional.

Bruels: "Contempt of Cop" will never stand up in court, because it never gets tried as such. It always seems to be "disorderly conduct" (which often looks a LOT like C. of C... "no profanity in public" or in the presense of an officer? What?), or "Disturbing the Peace," or some other feather-legged thing. But remember, the goal in Contempt of Cop isn't necessarily to get you convicted. No, you may beat the rap. It's to make you take the ride.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
I am sorry that I have been too busy to check this thread out before today.

Doug, You hit the nail on the head.


Why did you question the officer's authority to ask you about your license plate? You are supposed to have one in Maryland right? Even in the city right?

If you were a State Trooper, then I'm sure you understand the many reasons that the officer wanted you in your car and not out beside it, right?

While acutally arresting you and charging you with a serious crime might have been overboard, I think you were 100% wrong and brought it on yourself.

That may not be a popular opinion, but, think about it, if you had been polite, respectful, and courteous (as it sounds like the officer was until you weren't) you wouldn't be in this miss.

The good news, IMHO, is that you weren't carrying a gun legally and you didn't have one in the car, lest the officer get a negative impression of responsible gun owners from your behavior.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited July 28, 1999).]
Paul Revere,Doug,geneb, Rob-- Gentelman I must be wrong or you didn't understand the situation or possible you aren't really who you make yourselves out to be ie anti gunners. Several of you stated that I shouldn't have questioned his authority. Excuse me but I re read my post and I prefaced my QUESTION by saying that I don't mean to be a smartass but do you have the right to stop me in another jurisdiction????? The tone of my voice was one of curiosity not a Ahole. I was really interested in how the law was now enforced. It has been 21 years since I was on the force and I was only asking so as to EDUCATE MYSELF. He is the one that took it as a confrontation, his additude not mine. Once he answered my question I said NOTHING further HE is the one that questioned me about me be a lawyer or something, in a smartass manner. I answered his question in a nice manner exactly like Tom Selleck answered Rosey. He continued his additude by saying I must have slept through that class.I said nothing and handed him, in a gentelmanly manner, my license and registration. I made NO mannerism or comments that in any why a well balanced person could have construed as being belligerent. Now if this is all it takes to set this officer off then I don't want him carrying a badge. Additionally if this is the way you gentelman think I don't want you carrying one either. Talk about the John Wayne syndrome. Now to my getting in the car, when I was on the road I rather see the whole person, plus we were NOT to sit in the vehicle while processing the check we were trained to stand by the side of the very front of the right fender of our patrol car. This was done to keep an eye on the operator and if the poop hit the fan we could use the fender for protection. This was all done before the advent of radios on the person. We held the mic through the window and had our external speaker on to receive requested info. Now I'm a little upset with you present LEO's. in my day and as a Maryland State Trooper we where trained not to lose our cool. We were trained how to handle people. 99% of all the so called ahoes I ran into just wanted to blow off steam. The old statement that the best way to avoid a argument is not to have one. They would rant and rave call your mother bad names and once they realized they weren't going to get your goat they shut up. To illustrate a quick war story. Less then a week after a Trooper was shot and killed during a traffic stop I was working the grave yard shift. A fellow Trooper in my barracks made a DWI arrest. I was called as back up. this suspect was very drunk and when I arrived on the scence he start shouting how glad he was that the trooper was killed and he wished all us bastards were dead. Now both the arresting Trooper and myself knew the dead officer because we were in the academy together. Both of us were pissed but we treated that citizen like every one else. Sure we could have beat the poop out of him and got away with it but we didn't even though it took all my strength not too. That man was arrested and processed without a hair being touched. Now you ask me that I should have known better then to ask a quetion. PLEASEEE grow up your job is to SERVE AND PROTECT not to harrass those who pay you (John Q. Public). If it gets to much for you then get the HELL out. When you pin on that badge you take on a terrible responsibility. If you can't take the heat GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN. If I would have acted in the manner this poor excuse of a LEO did to me I would have lost alot of leave maybe my badge. Concerning safety I used to work a WHOLE county by myself on night patrol without any County police, there weren't any. If I had to call for back-up it came from the other Trooper in another County. In one area, in the county I worked, The roughest section was an island and it was 35 minutes from my barracks. Safety your damn right I knew all about safety you learned how to put out fires not light them. So gentelman don't try and lay this at my feet. The COP was wrong he handled it in a unprofessional way. Sure I could have continued to take his Gestapo ways but who is to say he wouldn't have continued his assine ways. There is no excuse for bad manners especially from a PUBLIC SERVANT. Plus what would that have made me another sheeple. Why don't you all that agree with the cop turn in your guns obey all the UN- constitution garbage that has been placed on us. Join the rest of the crowd and jump when the man calls. And picking ones fight, what is it going to take to get your candy ass"s moving when they rob rape and take everything you have. Hell the bastard's already take close to 70% of you goods now. If think I was wrong that's your right but do us true patriots a favor and go over to the other side you can all cry together. Our forefather's rebelled against a little tea tax gee I guess they should have just paid it. Sorry to the rest but I'm sick of these excuse makers. Maybe if it was winter at 10 degrees and I had a sweater on and he ordered me to stand outside I should have just done it BS.

"Solidarity is the Key"
Oops forgot it happened at the Baltimore City- county line. I also went to see the Chief of Police of course he wasn't there so they turned me over to internal affairs but that story is for another day. Sorry but I have to rave a little more, Back when I was patrolling as the lone ranger we didn't have bullet proof vest and 15 round semi's. It was just an old 6 inch colt 38 Special with ball ammo and don't get caught with hollow points. You gentelman addressed in the previous post have given me indigestion I have to go take a pill.

"Solidarity is the Key"