German Short Haired Pointers

GSP's are what you make them

That is true as it is for most breeds of dogs too however there are certain traits that you simply cannot ignore about certain breeds. In sporting breeds there is a much higher energy level and higher prey drive than in other breeds. It is the same with herding breeds - they tend to have an instinctive need to herd something and will often be found herding children if they don't have sheep or other animals to herd.

I believe that a hunting dog is a different type of dog to some people than other dogs. While my dogs reside with me inside my home and live with my kids I can't condemn those hunters who choose to keep their dogs outside in a kennel. So long as those hunters continue to interact with their dogs and provide for the dog's needs (both physically and mentally) those dogs can be great dogs too. Again they are what you make them.

They are not an ill tempered breed by any means, defensive and protective yes.

I don't believe anyone said they were an ill tempered breed. As for defensive and protective I haven't got a problem with those particular behaviors however they must be manageable. My dogs will also stand between my children, my wife and even myself and strangers however they also stand down with the simple command of "at ease." Once that command is issued they become at ease and are quite friendly with the strangers - posing no threat at all to anyone.

90% of the people that I have heard bad mouth the breed

I actually don't believe I've seen ANYONE badmouth GSPs here. They've all cautioned about some of the things one can encounter with GSPs but then those same concerns are valid for other sporting breeds too. I do believe I've seen quite a few posts saying they're great dogs but beware of this or that.

All in all it comes down to what the owner makes of the dog. If you give the dog proper training and treat it well your dog will be a great part of your family. If you fail on that part your dog will suffer as will your family life.

I understand that its easy to get emotional and defensive about a particular breed of dogs especially if you own one or more of such dogs but this particular breed isn't under attack here. As I've continued to assert its all about the training.
This is gold, thanks. So this is going to be a good dog for me. No way am I getting two of them, and he's trying for me to get two also. I have to go to work sometime, and I like my house :)
Two GSP's

I'm actually really glad I got two of them personally. They love to play together and tire each other out. Also they keep each other company when we can't pay full attention to them.

Also we kenneled ours for the first 3 years we had them until they got out of the puppy stage. Now they both roam the house when we aren't home and have never destroyed or gotten into anything. I have actually set up a camera just to see what they do during the day and they just lay on the couch and watch whats going on outside, occasionally chasing each other through the house.

Just my opinion but the two females I have work well together and they are attached at the hip. We are actually looking into adopting a third because we love the breed so much.

Ours love tennis balls but their favorite toy is a large Kong and a soft frisbee, keep them playing early and they will get attached to their toys. Everyday when we get home from work they are at the door with toys in their mouths ready to play.

I can't brag enough on my two and I hope you have the same luck with yours. Feel free to shoot me a message if you ever have any questions.
When a dog of mine exhibits any dog or human aggression, with a quickness, I deal out sudden and extreme discipline in the pack style/mentality...

They get few chances to fully correct or they are culled from the gene pool.

I also agree that sporting breeds of good stock are only a good choice if they have a job and the excercise...

There are lots of watered down "sporting breed" dogs out there with AKC in their pedigree. These can behave more docile and less motivated etc. but they also have the "cheapened" genetics that are not the healthy specimen of the original dog bred for performance.

That's good info. I might think about two if I didn't already have a dinosaur lol. My Mastiff was easy to obedience train. He did not like taking a time out and wanted to come out and see everyone. He was good after that. It sounds like the GSPs are a good and intelligent breed too, so I think he'll respond well also.

I'm stoked, time to haggle :) He's chompin at the bit to get rid of some puppy mouths! :)

KKirchmer, thanks! I'll do that :)
I had forgotten about another friend who had a pair of GSPs back on Whidbey Island in the 90's. Very nice dogs, and he hunted with them. A bunch of us (all in the same squadron) also had dogs, and mountain bikes, and we'd take our assorted pack with us camping, hiking, and cycling.

One day, during a hike, my friend ended up having to learn how to rappell in fairly short order. One of his GSPs saw a bird, and jumped for it, and disappeared as it cleared the shrub the bird had been in.

Neither dog nor owner had realized a bluff backed onto the trail just past that bush...

Luckily, no injury to the dog - except perhaps for its pride. It came to rest about 15-20' below the trail, on a small ledge. My friend, and a couple other guys, managed to rig a harness which my friend took down to the dog (via the aforementioned rappelling), then the other guys helped haul dog and owner back up to the trail.

I don't believe that dog ever made another blind leap after that one.

Edit: My friend and his wife used a book called Gun Dog to learn training techniques for their GSPs. Both swore by the book.
I actually don't believe I've seen ANYONE badmouth GSPs here. They've all cautioned about some of the things one can encounter with GSPs but then those same concerns are valid for other sporting breeds too. I do believe I've seen quite a few posts saying they're great dogs but beware of this or that.

All in all it comes down to what the owner makes of the dog. If you give the dog proper training and treat it well your dog will be a great part of your family. If you fail on that part your dog will suffer as will your family life.

I understand that its easy to get emotional and defensive about a particular breed of dogs especially if you own one or more of such dogs but this particular breed isn't under attack here. As I've continued to assert its all about the training.

As Hansam has said, the bad behaviors posted here could be about ANY breed of dog, not just GSPs. Rarely, and it is truly a rarity, a dog, just like a person, may have a mental defect/health problem/bad genetics that produce aggression or destructive behavior.....the exception being the fighting breeds that specifically bred for aggression. The majority of the time bad behavior is a by product of bad training and or lack of training or imposed limits. Sometimes the bad habits are learned in the kennel before the pup goes home. Many times it's because the rest of the family has not been trained properly and allows the dog to do things the primary owner does not even know about. If one is upset because they think the breed is being trashed, they have every right. GSPs like all Continental breeds, are fine animals, one reason they are so popular. But being popular means they get breed indiscriminately and that many end up in homes where they should not be. This is the real cause of negative experiences, not the breed itself.
Hansam has pretty much nailed it. Nothing to add, except my personal experience with the breed.

I had a GSP for about 16 years until he had to be put down due to old age. It was a male, and I had him neutered as soon as the veterinarian indicated he could do it.

He was never agressive to people or other dogs, but would growl at another dog if they tried to mount him. I only saw this happen once or twice. He was friendly, smart, but a little stubborn. He was easy to train, pointed naturally, and I did bird hunt with him although he was mainly the family pet. He got daily exercise, and was usually fine. He did chew a few things, but nothing really valuable or badly. The DO NOT like to be left alone for long periods of time. They will, like many dogs injest something after chewing on it so watch the dish towels, etc that you have hanging around or laundry hampers.

When mine got bored, I could tell because he would end up bringing be something, basically retrieving, and saying OK I am ready to work. It could be any foreign object lie a sock, shoe, underwear, that he knew he wasn't supposed to have.
Coupla things that I tell every person that asks me about gettin' a dog. Hansam touched on some of this, indirectly, so I'd like to give my two cents. Again, this is regardless of the breed.

1.)Get a dog from a reputable breeder. It doesn't have to be a fancy dancy big name kennel, but it needs to be someone that knows dogs and has selected parents for their qualities and minimal shortcomings. Indiscriminate breeding has hurt several popular breeds here in the US in the last few years, Irish Setters, and English Springers are some of the worst case scenarios. Just cause Joe has a female and a guy he works with has a male, don't make for good puppies if the parents are full of bad traits. Do this for several generations and you have a clusterpuck of traits and it's a hit or miss if a pup will be any good or not. This is not only true of behavior and instincts, but of health and genetic disorders. The cost of a puppy, even at hundreds of dollars is minimal when compared to the overall cost of a dog over it's lifetime. Saving a hundred bucks on a pup and then spending hundreds or thousands of dollars for health or behavior problems due to bad breeding is not good economics.

2.) If you spend more than two digits to the left of the decimal point for a dog, get a written warranty that within a year you can either get a different pup or get your money back if there is a problem with the pup. Reputable breeders have no problem with this. They want you to be happy, are proud of their pups and the bloodlines they use. They know odds are you are gonna be happy with the pup and because of their selective breeding it will be healthy and perform well. If someone is asking more than $100 for a pup, it means they are selling the pups to make money. This includes the guy at work or your brother in law. You should not have to eat a huge amount of money cause you got stuck with a bad/sick pup and doing so is pure foolishness. This goes for started or trained adult dogs also. If the breeder or owner won't do this, turn and walk away. Odds are he's afraid of gettin' the dog back. If someone sells you a pup for minimal monies, i.e. to pay for shots, worming, dew claw removal and tail docking, then it's a different story. Those costs should be under or around that $100 figure.

3.) Stay away from taking on someone else's adult dog unless your name is Cesar Millan. Very seldom is there a reason someone gets rid of a grown dog unless it's a problem. Sure there are those exceptions where the owner dies, is incapacitated or moves somewhere where they cannot have a dog. But odds are it's up for sale/adoption because the owner cannot handle/control it. If they say he just needs a bigger yard to run....don't believe it. This goes doubly for the professionally trained dogs like Hansam described. Many times folks will send a problem off to a trainer with hopes they will come back a different dog. They generally come back trained to hunt, but also come back with the same behavior problems, many times more aggressive than ever because of the harsh training methods that had to be used. These dogs are many times a accident waiting to happen, especially when brought into contact with children or others that fall below them in their pecking order. The average dog owner does not have the time, experience or the knowledge to rehabilitate a problem dog.

4.) If you need to put down a dog, don't tell the world in graphic verbs about it. 40 years ago it was common for nuisance or unwanted dogs to be taken out to the woods, tied to a tree next to a pre-dug hole and shot. Now you do that and brag about it and odds are you will get a visit from the local Humane/Animal Control Officer. Remember 40 years ago it also was acceptable to spank your own child when they misbehaved. Now you are considered a felon for committing domestic abuse. A close friend of mine works at the local vet clinic, and says they HAVE to report all abuse they see or hear of. This includes the shooting of dogs, even if it's for what the owner believes is a legitimate reason. If you need to put down a dog, make sure you have a legitimate reason and you SSS. Biting or nipping is NOT necessarily a legitimate reason to Animal Control, even tho to most of us here it is.

Owning a dog is a big responsibility and it takes time and patience. Some dogs mature early and are a breeze to train. Others want to stay a pup for years and are stinkers. Like kids, the difference between them is what makes each one special. Edward429451, it seems you have thought this out and have a firm grasp of the situation. I wish you and your new pup the best and many years of happy hunting. Make sure you post some pics!

typically a one owner dog- will attach to the one who cares for him.
not really a family dog. needs something to do in life to be happy.

Well said.

You obviously seem to know a lot about dogs. Either you're an experienced dog owner (in the right way) or you're a trainer of some sort yourself. In any case I appreciate you putting into words I'd touched on and only hinted at but never really posted.

I second what you have to say - definitely ONLY buy from reputable breeders and look for the best qualities in your dogs regarding health, temperament, ability (physical capabilities). Sadly a lot of people purchase only based on looks and frankly that's a horrible idea. You could get a cute or great looking dog but that dog could also be carrying some horrible genetics that could lead to bad hips, bad elbows, blindness, deafness, heart disease etc. I also agree that the cost of the puppy is only a minor cost compared to what the dog will cost you over the course of its life.

I paid $1000 for my newest puppy. He came from a great bloodline on both sides of his lineage though - champions and master national champions on both sides. As such I believe he's worth it and he's proving he's worth it on a daily basis. I have a 2 year health guarantee though on him and that's easily worth the $1000. People need to be aware of the fact that not all puppies that are cute and cuddly at first glance are going to become great dogs. In choosing a puppy you need to look at it as if it were a business deal. You have to decide what traits you want in the puppy and what you want it to be like when its mature. Then look for those traits in the puppy and get the one that best fits your desires. Don't just go look at the litter and pick the one that comes to you first or catches your eye first... that is a horrible mistake many people make every time they buy a puppy. Personally I look for an outgoing temperament, energy levels, eagerness to investigate something new and a willingness to do what is asked of it.

People also make the mistake of getting a puppy just because its a puppy. Some puppies just shouldn't exist. Don't buy an obviously flawed puppy unless you want to be a wet nurse for the dog for the next 10 or more years. Again look for the positive traits in the puppies AND the parents regarding good health, good temperament etc. If its a sickly puppy and the breeder/seller is telling you that if you don't buy him/her the pup is going to die don't buy it. Its a tactic to get rid of a puppy they can't sell. If its really sick let it die... a reputable breeder would have put the puppy out of its misery already anyway rather than trying to sell a sick puppy to someone else.

Most of all if you ARE dealing with a good reputable breeder trust the breeder's assessment of the puppies. If you let them know what you're looking for they'll do their best to accommodate you. They know their future business depends on their customers' happiness. There are some that will lie to you about their puppies but they shouldn't be in the dog business anyway then. Always make sure there is a health guarantee AND don't sign any ridiculous contracts (some breeders think having ridiculous contracts regarding needing to see photos of the dog every few months, needing to have your contact info where ever you may be, demanding that you feed the dog certain foods etc.). There are plenty of great breeders out there that don't require this junk and still sell great puppies.

DO NOT skimp out on training. If you're not an experienced dog trainer I can guarantee you your results will not be on par with those of a professional trainer. You can read all the books you want but you just won't be able to replicate what a trainer can do because you don't have the experience and knowledge to do so properly. Training can cost anywhere from $1500 on up to $10,000. Choose your trainer wisely and invest your money into your dog. Remember that this training will determine how your dog will behave for the rest of its life. The other thing is once your dog is trained you have to maintain that training - in other words get out there and remind the dog what its training is. If you allow the dog to stray from its training your dog will start going downhill quickly.

If I can help you out in any way - giving advice on what to look for in trainers, advice on what to look for in a puppy etc. feel free to pm me. If you let me know where you're at I might be able to recommend some trainers for you that are in your area too.

Good luck!
If this is not going to be a hunting dog, go to the pound or humane society. \

No reason to shell out big bucks for a specialized animal when a mutt can do the job just as well.

The average dog owner does not have the time, experience or the knowledge to rehabilitate a problem dog.

I'd add that often problems don't show up to the people at the pound. Our latest dog was "cat tested" by the humane society, meaning he got along ok when exposed to cats at their kennel. When we brought the dog home he immediately tried to attacked our cats. It took a lot of time to get him over that.

My wife and I are not experts with dogs. What we do have is lots of time.
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gyvel and hansam you guys are right on. If properly cared for they are one of the greats breeds. I see a lot of city dwellers getting Vizlas and it makes me sad. Most will end up at the pound after thier owner ban not keep up with them.
As one trainer told me,"If you don't come up for idea to keep him busy, he will come up with them on his own and I qarentee you will not like his ideas."

My GSP has been a better family member than most of my human family memebers.
typically a one owner dog- will attach to the one who cares for him.
not really a family dog. needs something to do in life to be happy.

That wasn't my experience. My GSP was a good family dog and seemed to go along with anyone who would play with him or take him outside. However, I only had one, so maybe others are different.

I do agree that they need a job to be happy.
typically a one owner dog- will attach to the one who cares for him.
not really a family dog. needs something to do in life to be happy.

Not true at all. They do tend to favor the Alpha of the house but adjust well to all family members. None of mine have ever been a one person dog.

They want to be included in everything the family does.
typically a one owner dog- will attach to the one who cares for him.
not really a family dog. needs something to do in life to be happy.

Absolutely not true at all. Its all about how you handle your dog. People will say this breed is a one person dog/not a family dog or that breed is etc. Frankly that's just ignorance talking. If you allow the dog to be that way he/she will be that way. The same goes for certain dogs not liking men/women etc. Again if you allow them to get that way they'll be that way. Don't let them get that way and you won't have a problem. Again it's all a matter of training and not the dog itself.

Dogs ARE people animals. That's what was bred into them. Some breeds are inherently more independent than others but in the end they NEED people and interaction with people. Over hundreds of years they have been bred to instinctively consider humans part of their pack. Can they survive without people? Yes - well some breeds could, some breeds would just die out. They won't be what we'd consider well mannered examples of dogs though.

If this is not going to be a hunting dog, go to the pound or humane society. \

No reason to shell out big bucks for a specialized animal when a mutt can do the job just as well.

I used to support the Humane Society and I do applaud their efforts however I just cannot support them now. Some of their practices are questionable and they're caving into the more idiotic rescues out there that are trying to save EVERY animal from euthanization. Most dogs that end up in the pound or Humane Society have problems - sometimes these problems cannot be found through normal testing methods. Some of these problems are quite severe yet they (Humane Societies and other rescue organizations) are still trying to place them out to new homes. I just can't support this.

I was going to volunteer at a nearby Humane Society location - walking dogs, cleaning kennels etc. and when I saw all the dogs with "Do Not Walk" or "No Children" signs on their kennels I had to ask about them. Apparently those dogs are so vicious that they cannot be walked or are dangerous to children because they are aggressive toward children. Many of them had already bitten people. When I asked why they were not euthanized and why they're still trying to place them out to homes the answer simply was, "Every dog deserves a good home!" I walked out of there and haven't looked back since.

I personally advise against getting a dog from the Humane Society. The money you save getting a dog from there or other such rescues (which by the way isn't really that much less compared to getting them from a reputable breeder) won't be worth the headaches you'll have when the dog shows its true colors. Oh and about the cost of dogs from rescues and such - they can go for as much as $600+ dollars! For that amount or even for $300 I'd go with a reputable breeder and get a puppy that I know came from good bloodlines with a good health guarantee.

Oh and a lot of rescues will try to rationalize their high fees by saying that they're a non profit organization and that they are running at max capacity already in fact they have a surplus of pets that need homes. Well frankly that means they're doing something wrong. I once heard a member of one rescue's board state proudly that they deny at least 90% of people who apply for adoption of a pet from their organization. How is that a good thing? Oh and just out of curiosity I applied for an adoption from them and was denied. The reasons: 1. I had young children. 2. One or more adult in the home works outside of the home for more than 8 hours at a time. 3. I had one or more un-altered (not spayed/neutered) dog in the house.

The sad part is that I'm a dog trainer and am more qualified to handle/adopt dogs than most people who apply... just how do they think they're going to get rid of their excess animals since they don't believe in euthanization?
LOL, I was beginning to think that my male GSP was prejudice and racist. Didn't know if one day I was coming home to find he'd joined a hate group or something. Turns out, he just doesn't like anyone or anything dressed in brown or brown the color. UPS can't make a delivery to the house without calling to arrange for someone to get him. And the AA kid in the brown sweatsuit, dang you've never seen a kid pedal that fast in his life.

Oh and he doesn't particularly care for camoflage, he bristles at me when I come home from deer hunting if I'm full camo'd.
LOL, I was beginning to think that my male GSP was prejudice and racist. Didn't know if one day I was coming home to find he'd joined a hate group or something. Turns out, he just doesn't like anyone or anything dressed in brown or brown the color. UPS can't make a delivery to the house without calling to arrange for someone to get him. And the AA kid in the brown sweatsuit, dang you've never seen a kid pedal that fast in his life.

Oh and he doesn't particularly care for camoflage, he bristles at me when I come home from deer hunting if I'm full camo'd.

Makes one wonder, what experience he had as a pup to turn him against brown? Wonder if he would feel the same way about an all liver female GSP in heat?:D

Coupla dogs ago I had a GWP that did not like my best friend at all. The hair would go up on his back whenever Dave came around. He never really attacked him, was just always aloof around him and wouldn't come near him. If Dave tried to be friendly, Rufus would just go the opposite direction. One day Dave came over and Rufus acted like they were old friends. This went on for about a year until one day, Dave came over and Rufus would have nuttin' to do with him. I jokingly ask Dave what the hell he was doing different. He said nuttin', but I have taken up smoking again after quitting for a year. From then on it was easy to identify folks that smoked and those than didn't whenever Rufus was around. Somewhere in the dogs past he came to identify the smell of cigarette smoke with something bad. To this day I have no clue.
Nothing has ever happened to that dog as far as the color brown goes, I've had him since he was born. I just don't think he registers the color brown well and doesn't like it. He's a big baby in most instances. He intimidates people though, carries a brick around the yard or a turtle if one's available. Heck he piled off into a pond by the house one day after a 4' alligator.

Heck his momma didn't like my Ex-wife from day one. She sat on the couch between us and growled at her. I should have listened to the dog, she was much smarter than I was.
A dog that suddenly decides he/she doesn't like a certain person, color or object doesn't just decide for no reason at all. It could have happened without you knowing. The thing is it could be something very simple and subtle that you as a human wouldn't have registered as anything worthwhile but the dog would have.

For example I had a neighbor whose dog HATED the UPS man too. Actually he hated the UPS truck and if he saw the truck he'd go on the attack. My neighbor didn't know why. After some discussion of what happened he just casually mentioned one incident he considered funny but inconsequential - as a puppy the dog was playing in the front yard when the UPS truck came and stopped abruptly in front of their house - brakes screeched a bit as air brakes do. The puppy was freaked out by that and came running back to his master who proceeded to cuddle and comfort the puppy, sheltering him from the truck.

That incident there was what taught the puppy to hate UPS trucks. Since then the puppy saw the truck as a threat because he was allowed to do that since that first incident. We corrected the dog of the issue (4 years later) and as far as I know the dog is fine since.

I also had a dog that came into my care for training that hated black dogs. I'd wondered why so I called the owner and asked why this was the case and he said that as a young dog he was nipped by a larger black dog and since then he'd hated black dogs. Again the owner allowed the dog to make the association that black dogs were a threat and the dog kept that in its head since. I charged extra to correct the problem and the dog has been fine since.

My sister-in-law and her husband has 2 german shepherds that they got as puppies. First that in itself was a mistake but they made a larger mistake - allowing the dogs to consider the dogs on the other side of the fence (the neighbor's dogs) to be threats. They kept taking their dogs away from the fence and bringing them inside whenever the other dogs came out. As such their dogs came to fear and hate those dogs (and other dogs). These dogs are now not able to come in contact with other dogs without the danger of a dog fight. To this day they don't believe that this is inappropriate behavior and will not allow me to correct the issue.

I had a dog that for some reason HATED (and I mean hated so much she would attempt to attack and kill) all black people. My wife joked that she was a racist dog but I knew there was a reason - we just didn't know what it was yet. One day I decided to put up security cameras in my home (the crime rate in that neighborhood was rising) and instead of catching criminals breaking into my home I caught the reason for my dog's hatred of black people. When we're gone the black kids (teens) in the neighborhood would come onto our back deck and tease our dog relentlessly knowing she couldn't get at them. This must have been happening for months because she'd hated black people for months! I tried to reason with the neighbors but they wouldn't listen. A month later someone attempted to break into my home and according to my camera system looked as though they got attacked by my dog as they tried to get into the house. They never came back and we moved a couple months later. Sadly that dog got into a fight with a couple of stray dogs at our new home and was too seriously injured by the time I came out with a rifle. I shot the strays dead and then after a house call from our vet we put her down too.

Dogs don't just decide to hate a color or a person without something happening to make them decide that first. People who believe that are anthropomorphizing their dogs way too much... giving them characteristics that humans have but dogs do not.
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