Gaming vs. Training

The only element of gun games that I concede as being productive is individual gun handling skill and marksmanship. I concede those things only in a vacuum because once you construct the IDPA universe around them, I consider it counter productive toward anything related to real self defense. IDPA is practice for more IDPA, I do not consider it productive toward anything else. To do so is simply making muddy water.. That's just me

What would I change about IDPA? I would change nothing.. IDPA if just fine for what it is and need not be anything else. What I think should change is the efforts to draw some sort of equivalence between gun games and armed self defense training.
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Are you an instructor perchance?

I'd proffer individual gun handling skill and marksmanship is 90% of the perspiration involved.

If one can't
*draw and put six rounds in a target in 1.5 seconds, (admittedly thats a goal of mine, not there yet)
*reload in under 2 seconds,
*be fluid and muscle memory level in bang racking the slid with a misfire/FTF,
*be adept at firing/loading while moving along any degree of the axis,
*hit targets from 6 inches to 25 or 50 yards.

Then one can't think of the less elementary stuff now can they? I can't stay cool and tactically aware if I'm fumbling with my pistol. I can't instinctively get within a door frame or other harder portion of a room if my brain is dicking around trying to think about aiming. The brain can only do so many conscious things at any given time.

I've seen far too many people who've taken self defense classes only who can't do the basics to a minimum level.

What do you consider counter productive about IDPA? Here's some of mine
*linear shooting (not moving laterally before and while to get you off the axis) of your opponent.
*non-blind scenarios where you don't know where the targets are (night scenarios are pretty good about that though).
EDIT: let me add slide release with the slide lock. We were taught rack release which is slightly slower but better for any auto as the primary method. SLows you down but good for all types.