Fun gun?

My grandfather told me years ago that if I wasn't careful, I'd learn something new every day. A picklehaub, probably spelled wrong. Never heard of one till today so looked it up. Yea, does exist! Never knew they were called that. Thought they were just a helmet! Grandpa was right!
For just plain fun shootin', its this Uberti Open Top Navy in .38 Special.

I call it my "centerfire .22" as loaded with the ammunition shown here it is as mild as Casper Milquetoast, and while its no great shucks for accuracy, it is accurate enough to put bullets where I want them. Sights are impossible, but its natural pointing abilities more than make up for that.

No practical use otherwise.

Bob Wright

P.S. Bein' pretty doesn't detract from the fun either. (I'm referring to the gun.)
the newest freshest gun you own, I cant wait to test out a brand new gun

it seems the funnest when it's a new toy, same as your first bike.

or like that kid on the movie a "Christmas Story" when he got a Red Ryder
I would have to say my Ruger Super Blackhawk with cast bullet loads. I can get 5 cent cast bullet reloads with Red Dot that are just a gas to shoot. If I decide I want some recoil, I just put in some full hose loads...

I would have to say my Ruger Super Blackhawk with cast bullet loads. I can get 5 cent cast bullet reloads with Red Dot that are just a gas to shoot. If I decide I want some recoil, I just put in some full hose loads...

Wow, I can't even find lg pistol primers for that price.
I have a lot of handguns and rifles so in the handgun dept hands down coonan 357. God I could it shoot it all day if I had more time. In rifles def my Tantal ak74. Very smooth for an AK. Sorry not into shotguns.
Too broad and subjective of a question to accurately answer, but if you rephrase the question to "what put's the biggest smile on my face" hands down that would be my 12" 460XVR S&W mag ! Huge boom, huge fireball , annihilated 1 litre soda bottle targets... pretty cool !
M2 .50.

Something about shooting a gun that has good accuracy at 1200 meters with open sights, is powerful enough to rock back an armored HWWMV, shakes the ground and is completely devastating to targets.