Friend breaks up an attempted robbery!

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I'm curious about this. Maybe you should IM the response to me because the staff here likes to pretend that cultural differences that have a racial component should never play into situational awareness or the decision making process.

Do please go on and proceed to spew your racial stereotype garbage. I am a white Hispanic (born in Cuba) and I do not have any criminal record, nor does anyone in my family. Both my parents have Ph'D degrees in the US, and so do I. My cousin is an officer in the US Army. Our extended family's socioeconomic status ranges from Middle-Upper class all the way down to Upper-Middle Class. I do not have any tattoo, do not do drugs, and my daily wear is a business suit.

Glad to know that if I walk into the convenience store near you, and I spoke with my accent (since my accent is the one thing that says I'm not a typical white American) I could expect you to be in a corner with your hand on your pistol waiting to shoot me.

Before you spew more racial garbage remember that my ancestors (Spaniards) controlled half the world when yours were living in mud huts in Northern Europe using pigs for body heat.
Do please go on and proceed to spew your racial stereotype garbage. I am a white Hispanic (born in Cuba) and I do not have any criminal record, nor does anyone in my family. Both my parents have Ph'D degrees in the US, and so do I. My cousin is an officer in the US Army. Our extended family's socioeconomic status ranges from Middle-Upper class all the way down to Upper-Middle Class. I do not have any tattoo, do not do drugs, and my daily wear is a business suit.

Glad to know that if I walk into the convenience store near you, and I spoke with my accent (since my accent is the one thing that says I'm not a typical white American) I could expect you to be in a corner with your hand on your pistol waiting to shoot me.

Before you spew more racial garbage remember that my ancestors (Spaniards) controlled half the world when yours were living in mud huts in Northern Europe using pigs for body heat.

American eagle, I hope you aren't directing your hostility toward me. That's the way your post seemed, and your statement above offends me. some of my ancestors were barbarians when my other ancestors were colonizing the Iberian penninsula (spain, portugal, etc) and still others were living in tepees in the great plains.

I guess toothless rednecks (another stereotype) aren't the only ones that are guilty of prejudices.
I was just trying to understand his statement and recognizing that discussing the comment I quoted would likely result in this thread getting locked.

I won't mention it anymore because it would result in thread drift and people around here get too sensitive about any topic that touches on the major politically correct themes.
Last edited: is not about being PC. I am more un-PC than most Americans, but there is something bad to be said about a man who automatically judges others because they are a different race/religion/ethnicity than him, instead of judging others based on their character, behavior, and demeanor.

That's all I have to say. If you guys want to continue with stereotypes, do go on. I won't be bothered to comment on this thread anymore.
Don't be silly, American Eagle,

It's not different race/blahblahblah, really. It gets to character. You walk into some situations and you know, "these guys are bad news." I was once chased down a downtown Seattle street by a gang of blacks because, by their own admission, I was a "white mother******, and deserved to have [my] ass beat." Of course, there was the time I was attacked by a Philippino dude, with his posse in close tow, because I was a white [insert epithet here], and deserved to have my ass beat. I was chased at dead sprint by a gang down a Kiev street armed only with a Spiderco knife that, to my surprise, made it through the local airway's security. I was chased because I deserved to be robbed or killed or both. I was chased at a dead spring by a gang through an area outside Pretoria not even armed with a Spyderco knife. Chased to be robbed or killed. I once took flight with some Brazilian criminals in hot pursuit. I deserve all the blame for that one - that was just plain stupid. I'll let you guess the racial makeup of my would-be assailants in each incident. Don't be so quite so sure.

Why was I running? I didn't feel like going to jail. Especially overseas.
Mr. James...IT IS indeed about character. Anyone of any race is capable of being good or evil. I've come across plenty of white murderers, white rapists, white child abusers, and white thugs in my daily practice....just like I've come across plenty of murderers and thugs of practically any race and ethnicity you could ever think of. My mentor, who is one of the finest attorneys and the most outstanding human beings that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing happens to be a black man.

I am also surprised to hear you've been attacked so frequently overseas. You are not a CIA agent, are you? I've been all over Europe and to several places in South America, and I have never been threatened or attacked by anyone. And no, I do not stay in tourist resorts. I like to live just like the locals everywhere I go.
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The next time this perp goes to rob a store...

Uh, excuse me, but do you know how silly all this "my ancestors were doing such-and-such while your ancestors were still doing something-or-other" stuff sounds??

Meanwhile, you had a perp who carried 2 guns and was willing to draw on a guy open carrying. He may have been thwarted this time, but the lesson he will learn from this is that next time he will sit in the parking lot and shoot the owner through the window with a rifle before ever setting foot inside the store.

I've known a number of shopkeepers who think open carry is a deterrent (e.g., a guy in Youngstown, OH -- a very rough place -- years ago wore his holster dead-center over his privates). It may deter some amateurs, but it can just as easily inspire the hardcore criminals to a) neutralize resistance before entering, as described above, or b) just come in blasting.
I'm curious about this. Maybe you should I'M the response to me because the staff here likes to pretend that cultural differences that have a racial component should never play into situational awareness or the decision making process.

The suspect was black. The store owner Arab. My coworker Portuguese. The store owner told my coworker that it was the way the suspect looked at him and his body language that made him feel spooked, not his race.

Racial components have a place in self defense for sure. If 96 percent of robberies in an area are committed by one race then it would be prudent to be more suspicious of that particular race. Its called profiling. May be politically incorrect but it works especially if you have limited prevention resources.

Please don't go crying racism anytime someone wants to know all the details of an event. I personally want to know race involved, I am Hispanic, and don't feel like its due to any prejudices. I treat everyone as I would like to be treated.

Its just important IMO to know if red headed freckle covered males are more likely to shop lift sunscreen than a black male. No need to spend the resources on isle 3 (the sunscreen isle) for one of the two.

Anyway hope this helps.
Glad everything turned out ok. That being said, I knew as soon as I read this,
Were the bad guy(s) White, Latino, or Black?
, this was going to spiral. I imagine that criminals have a criminal mentality no matter what color or race they are. Pretty much gonna do criminal things. What kind of criminal things? Who cares? Criminals are criminals. Do we as a society for the most part even care about the race of a criminal? I guess the only ones who do give it a second thought are either bean counting, admin pogues or people with an agenda. If you do a crime against me, I don't really care who or what race you belong to. You will be dealt with the same. Equal punishment for all. Let me state at this time that I happen to be an American. Thats it. An American who by whatever grace happens to have a better tan than most;)
Meanwhile, you had a perp who carried 2 guns and was willing to draw on a guy open carrying. He may have been thwarted this time, but the lesson he will learn from this is that next time he will sit in the parking lot and shoot the owner through the window with a rifle before ever setting foot inside the store

This incident has us at the Pawnshop freaked out because we also open carry. Our expectations were someone shooting us through the windows from outside as you mentioned. This not as much because there is always two or more of us inside. Hard to coordinate that. Our other fear is a full out assault from multiple bad guys at once. Coming in guns blazing so to speak.

We always had a more secure feeling about individuals however. Our openly carried guns preventing the typical robbery. Not today not after this wakeup call.
Just curious graysmoke, do they offer different training classes on how to deal with white criminals as opposed to darker ones?:D
Just curious graysmoke, do they offer different training classes on how to deal with white criminals as opposed to darker ones?

Come on guys please. Not everybody who asks for ALL the details of an event are racists. To imply that the mere act of asking is an indicator of someone being a racist does a disservice to those who feel the true effects of racism.
Why did they let the perp go? Did they at least take a photo of him with a cell phone?

I think it was explained somewhere back in the thread that they were pretty nervous and not experienced in what to do. They thwarted the robbery and disarmed the guy. Once you have his guns, what are you really going to do if the guy try to leave anyway? Shoot him? Would that be justified? Unless they have experience taking command of the situation and making the guy do what they tell him to do, then perhaps it was a smart thing to let him go and call the police.
Nervous and inexperienced? The shop owner is experienced enough to have the presence of mind to unbutton a holster and make ready, ... disarm the guy after he makes his move, and then decide to let the guy go...yet not enough presence of mind to try and ID the guy so the police can make quick work of him later? That's a darn shame.
Come on guys please. Not everybody who asks for ALL the details of an event are racists.
As I never called anyone a racist, I was curious as to why the perp's race was even in question. The OP didn't deem it necessary to say it because it had no bearing on the outcome of the situation. The question was asked what was the race because it might lend some sort of insight to the mentality. The mentality of whom? The criminal or the respondent? If you say either one,you are basing your response on a persons race. Racist? Maybe. That's why I asked if we train differently based on race.
To imply that the mere act of asking is an indicator of someone being a racist does a disservice to those who feel the true effects of racism.

Perhaps if we were actively searching for this guy immediately after and were trying to identify him,why yes, then ask away. Truth is, until the question was asked, did any of us say it must have been some ethnic person? Why would you? If I am in a store that is being held up, do I care what color that person is? Am I more afraid if he is different than me? Do I respond differently to a Caucasian than a Black? What if he was mixed race? My shot becomes 50/50?:eek: A threat is a threat. Period.
If 12% of the population was red-headed with freckles, and red-headed freckled people committed over 50% of the murders, and well over 60% of the violent crimes, would you pay close attention when a red-headed freckled guy came into your store, or would you, in a desire to be pc and non-judgmental, just pretend he was just like every other guy that walks in the door?

I have a sister-in-law who is a red head with freckles, and I love her dearly, so please stop shouting "racist" at me. This isn't about racism, its about realism.
I suppose if you think I'm shouting racist to you, you must be a tad insecure. I point out that I have not called anyone a racist. If most of the people who commit serial crimes are white, does that mean I'm suspicious of all the people around me who happen to be white? I got some bad news for my girlfriend and my daughters when I get home today:eek: C'mon! Really? Do all Chinese people know Gung Fu? Please! Look, I'm not going into the social ills of this country. What I am trying to figure out is how a person's race comes into preparing for a certain mentality. Again, the question was asked what the criminal WAS. Who cares if he was white , black, brown, or purple. Trying to figure out the MENTALITY of a person COMMITTING a crime based on race is dumb. It implies that criminals are going to act different because of their skin hue rather than the fact that they are CRIMINALS. I just need to know how to train for these things so I can prepare myself MENTALLY,you know, for my next encounter with a Lithuanian waving a meat cleaver as opposed to the Brazilian waving one.
Every person IS equal to me until they give a reason not to be. This isn't a combat zone where you EXPECT to come under fire. Train if you need to. But the fact is that 95% of the people you come in contact with on a daily basis, aren't out to hurt you. No matter what they look like. How a person ACTS is what gets my alarms going.
THat a very impressive story. Great way to be able to detect the body language of the man right when he was walking into the shop.
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