Fred is out!

Nice threadjacking attempt.

Why did you single out Pat H with his Ron Paul comment?

grymster2007 mentioned Rudy.

azredhawk44 mentioned McCain.

Bruxley mentioned Huckabee.

Yellowfin mentioned Obama and Hillary.

Waitone mentioned Romney.

So at some point in this thread, someone has mentioned every candidate, which is in violation of the rules. Why did you selectively pick Pat H and his Ron Paul comment?
Why did you single out Pat H with his Ron Paul comment?
Maybe it is because he assumed since Pat H is a Paul fan he would be too busy lining his stetson with tin foil and chasing invisible flying monkeys out of his garage to notice the attack. :p

Seriously though, I am guessing it is just because some people are so anti-Paul. I for one do not understand why. I do not think he is presidential material and I do think he is a bit "off"...but just enough off to be willing to go against the republican establishment and say things a lot of people should listen to and take to heart. I think people should be saying..."that crazy old coot makes a lot of sense someone give him some pudding and turn on Matlock so he will be quite." :D
Thompson is prime VP bait.
I doubt it. America has had it's fill of the crotchity old man VP. I think you will see someone younger and more energetic selected.
Thompson is prime VP bait. Getting out increases his value in the second slot. I don't expect him to endorse anyone.

If you want a corpse as a running mate that is... This guy didn't have the gusto to go for it. Sorry, loved his politics, but he was a disappointing candidate.
The subject of this thread is about a candidate that is withdrawing from the campaign.

It is, it seems to me, relevant for any candidate, particularly within the same party, to be mentioned as a possible beneficiary of the withdrawing candidates support.
A few hit the nail on the head.

Thompson acts like a corpse.

I liked his political stance and supported him, but he acted completly non-interested in the race.

Not exactly Mr. Personality.

Can't say I like any of the remaining choices. Paul still strikes me as a unbalanced lunatic. Rudi and Mitt are RINOs. McCain is a borderline RINO, IMO.

Huckabee has relatively good social conservatism going, but is a crazed religious zealot IMO.

Obama and Hillary are IMO extreme tinfoil hat loony libs.

Edwards appears to be somewhat moderate for a lib, but changes his stances whenever it suits him.

Being a moderate conservative independent / soft libertarian, I don't feel there is ANY candicate that truly represents me. May have to vote for the least worst (such as a McCain).
McCain - No, Never, Natta, Uh-uh

I'll leave the presidential portion of the ballot blank. That guy muzzled the ability of the average person to join together and have their views heard through pacs and muzzled people from calling candidates out for mistatements in the time leading up to election day. He seriously damaged representative democracy in America.
+1 XDTac.

I'm saddened by Thompson's departure from the race, leaving me with Rudy McRomney (who will ban/regulate guns, invite illegals to become citizens and then use eminent domain to take our property to sell to developers so they build pharmacies and oil refineries), "5000 Years of History" Huckabee, and my crazy uncle Paul who talks to himself during dinner.

Voting for Rudy McRomney validates the same policies as HilBama, so I have to choose between a religious nut and a constitutional theoretical nut.

That only gives me one choice. Hopefully we'll just have 4 years of gridlock until a better repub candidate comes along to replace my crazy uncle.
Huckabee is broke and might as well call him Holywar Huckabee if he doesnt take us further into the holywar how easy would it be to draw him in?

It was interesting listening to all the people hyped on Fred was surprised he didnt do better. Hope he can get back on Law and Order wonder if they have writers and are making episodes.
Sorry to hear that :( ; Fred was the only candidate besides Ron Paul I could vote for enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, some of the pro-Fred, anti-Paul zealots have painted themselves into a corner with their remarks running down Ron Paul for the silliest reasons. :D Now who are they going to vote for ? Probably Huckabee, who I guess is also my next choice of the remaining candidates, but I see him as a long ways down from Paul and Thompson.

Not too late to admit you made a mistake ! :p Are you really going to vote for Giuliani/Romney/McCain ahead of Ron Paul if Huckabee drops out too ? :rolleyes:
What is all this crap about McCain/Feingold. It was an attempt to keep large corporations and soft money from controlling the political process. Admittedly, it has been circumvented by 527's etc. and has not worked as hoped. But, if it had not been enacted you would be whining because the large corporations and soft money were electing the president.
Yeah, large corporations like the NRA. The way I heard the story, McCain didn't like some adverts that were being run in Arizona by pro-gunners, and called an NRA rep. into his office to order the ads pulled. And had the 1st amendment cited back to him.

He's been on a tear to prove that the 1st amendment doesn't stop him from shutting up people who are saying things he doesn't like, ever since.:barf:

This is really a pity, second to Paul, Thompson was the only one I actually liked. But I can't say I'm surprised, his campaign never took off, and seemingly because the guy in the driver's seat never felt the urge to stomp on the accelerator.

That's the fundamental flaw of democracy: People who really WANT power are the most dangerous to give it to, but how do you motivate the people who don't want it to put out a real effort to gain it? In Athens, where they invented "democracy", if I remember my history right, they chose people for office by lot, it was viewed kind of like jury duty.

Paul doesn't want to exercise power, he wants the position so that he can keep other people from exercising it, and he wants that passionately. I think you've actually got to be a bit nuts to embody that contradiction so well.

Anyway, judging by the terseness of his announcement, I'll be surprised if we hear much more from Thompson, let alone an endorsement during the primaries. Though he'll doubtless come out and endorse the eventual nominee, that's sort of required etiquette.
What is all this crap about McCain/Feingold. It was an attempt to keep large corporations and soft money from controlling the political process.

The benefit you describe is outweighed by the loss of an individual's ability to affect the political process. I have a full time job and a family. I cannot afford to take off time and dedicate a few months in campaign years to work for pro-gun candidates. However I can donate money to NRA who can do that for me. Under Campaign Finance Reform, the NRA is unable to run ads immediately prior to elections that name candidates. To get around this, the NRA had to set up a media wing, which meant they had to waste donations in order to be able to comply with the law.

In the end, this limits my personal, individual liberty of free speech. "Special Interest Groups" are frequently cited by McCain and others as having too much power. But I ask you, what is a special interest group? It is a group of individuals who have assembled to collectively advance their personal agendas. The NRA is a special interest group.
fred is out
Rudy is next
Huckabee is broke (


For all the "conservatives" GOPers.....(that like Big Govt too much to vote for Ron Paul)

Its now between

Mr Assault weapons Ban/ State Health care Mitt


Mr Amnesty/"THE" poster-boy of what is RINO is" McCain

Good Luck

(how do "real Conservatives" go from Fred to Mitt?????)
The speculation that I've been hearing on all the 24 hour cable "news" stations since Iowa is that Fred is going to drop out and endorse McCain. He is supposed to endorse McCain because he was a McCain supporter in 2000.

Rudy might just be next to drop out. If he doesn't do well in Florida he is in trouble. He has skipped out on all the other early primaries and Florida is plan A for him. I don't think he considered plan B.

Huckabee will probably drop out soon and hold out for the Vice President slot.

Sorry to disappoint the anti-Paul people, but he is in it all the way to the convention. He still has money, is debt free and is already working on $4 mil online donations for this quarter. He is here like an embedded tick and he is going to be a lot harder to ignore after most of the "serious" candidates have dropped out.
Unregistered, I understand. But, I don't think it was McCain's intent that it work that way. It may be bad legislation, unintended consequences as we see so often.