Fred is out!

They were divirting money from tax deffered accounts into the Bush campaign via employees.

I can find allegations that Ken Lay coerced about 100 top executives and spouses in to giving money.

Absolutely nothing to support the above statement.

Still, all before McCain Feingold.
Still, all before McCain Feingold.
But is still the same practice. Illegally diverting money through employees. To think that the new law would stop it from happening when they were willing to violate other laws is just naive.
Let me see, the discussion veered into one about McCain Fiengold being to stop the influence of corporate interests and soft money, that led to your assertion that the rich will just be able to circumvent such restrictions. Examples were asked for and 527s and MoveOn were mentioned. You asserted that:
Large companies that make the maximum donation via each of their employees...willing or unwilling.
And when to support it your attitude was:
As for your asking for examples some work and look something up.

When it was pointed out to you that it is expected when making an assertion to be able to back it up you made an example of charitable donations linked to bonuses and claimed that was how it was done. When it was pointed out to you that such things were illegal you responded:
I do not know if you are being naive or just arrogant (I will assume naive since that would not imply malice of any type) but you obviously have little experience in the corporate or political world.

When it proven to you that such straw donation ARE in fact illegal you changed it to cash donations by willing employees and continued the hostile and insulting attitude.

When it finally became clear there was actually no substance to your claim outside of just claims you resorted to more insults and hostility and basically took the position that disagreeing with you or holding you accountable for your assertions amounted to being a troll and since you talk about guns and own more guns that somehow you had no need for credibility in L&P.

Now your citing offenses made prior to McCain Fiengold and STILL have not back up this assertion:
Large companies that make the maximum donation via each of their employees...willing or unwilling.

Shouting down people may work for you in a face to face and give you the false impression you have made your point but the reality is hostility and insults insults in lieu of valid arguments is what people mean by being a troll. Plenty of boards are just filled with "+1, great post, I agree 100%,etc." or just flat getting kicked off for disagreeing with someone or wanting them to give some facts. Th great thing about TFL's L&P forum is that being pro RKBA and being gun owners is what brings us here, NOT political like mindedness. The L&P section doesn't SUFFER from opposing perspectives and opinions, it BENEFITS from it. The hazzard here isn't disagreeing, it's not being able to back up what you say.

I'm going to start a thread about McCain Feingold because it's very likely if this thread doesn't get back to Fred it'll get closed soon.
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If this thread is just about Fred D. Thompson leaving the race, then it's done.

If, on the other hand, it's about that AND the effects of that on the campaigns of others, that Kucinich has now dropped out, and that a couple more will drop out soon, then we're a go I think.

Dennis Kucinich dropped out today, which doesn't change the Democrat campaigns much. Unfortunately, the best candidates, ones that expressed the core of the Democrat philosophies are now all out. Empty shirts, ice queens, and pretty boys are all that's left, bad for everyone if one of them gets into the White House.

I expect that on February 6th, two more Republicans will be gone. Giuliani and Huckabee are just about done. Rude's Florida strategy will go down as one of the all time poorest in the history of the primary election candidate selection system. Unless, by some quirk of fate, he should win Florida. After reading about how the Florida primary is structured, and how the counties are weighted, that's pretty much impossible.

That leaves McCain, the militarist, and Romney, the leftist, to duke it out for first place; leaving Ron Paul to either second or third place. The top three positions will get deligates.
I expect that on February 6th, two more Republicans will be gone. Giuliani and Huckabee are just about done. Rude's Florida strategy will go down as one of the all time poorest in the history of the primary election candidate selection system. Unless, by some quirk of fate, he should win Florida. After reading about how the Florida primary is structured, and how the counties are weighted, that's pretty much impossible.
+1 to that. From now until eternity, when people talk about how to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory," Giuliani's "Invisible Man" strategy will rank near the top. It's hard to believe the guy was leading the pack at one point.
That's because he wasn't leading the pack! They still give him more coverage than Paul though... Ron Paul has alot of money left, just raised another 2 Mil!!
Won 2nd in Nevada and 2nd, possibly 1st in Louisiana! More and more he's got a real chance of doing this! His economic and foreign policy ideas a brilliant, I hope the general public has the capacity to understand them though! I'm looking forward to him being president!!
RP supporters...

Since Fred is out, I assume RP will gain more support, based on the fact that some people find McCain, Romney, and Huckabee distasteful for their own reasons. With that in mind, how is it possible for him to win the nomination, what are his key states to do well on from here on out...

I am not an RP supporter, but he is doing better each primary, I just dont think there is enough states that he can do well in at all that put him in contention at this point.

Basically what is the strategy, where are a large group of his supporters going to vote, we heard about New Hampshire, but that wasnt that great of a showing.
Brokered convention strategy?

Another novel possibility: coalition building. If no candidate has the magic number to win nomination come convention time, it becomes a poker game. Also-rans pledge their delegates to the winner to put him over the top.

In exchange, the also-rans can get things like: vp slot, important planks inserted into the party platform, promises of cabinet positions in the administration.

Presumably, a strong and unified coalition would have a better chance to defeat the democrat candidate in the general election; and less chance that a disaffected minority decides to vote independent or write in. As we are constantly told by the amoral pragmatists, 5% can swing a close election ;).

Scenario: suppose McCain is the leader; he's not outspoken on tax reform (he pays lip service to spending reform). Huckabee, Paul, and less so Giuliani are strongly pitching some kind of tax reform. In exchange for their support, McCain accepts some variation of the Fairtax. A republican platform featuring spending cuts AND tax reform might not be a bad approach. I keep thinking in terms of Secretary of Treasury Ron Paul. Keep hope alive!
While it may vary by state, I think delegates won by a candidate become at-large delegates to the national convention. As said above, a candidate may pledge his delegates, but they're not required to honor that.

To win the Republican nomination this year prior to the Convention a candidate needs 1191 delegates out of a total 2380. Of the 2380 there are 1917 pledged delegates and 463 unpledged.