First sw k model you have owned

My first was a K22 masterpiece. Still have it. I think I have 3 now. K22, 66-2 snubby and a 4inch 19-3. Make that four I have a 15-2 nickle I almost forgot about. My 19-3 is dead nuts accurate. Love me some k frames.
In 75 I got a K frame iirc it was a Victory. Got it in trade for something and later traded it away without having shot it.

Fast forward to 09 and I picked up a M-617.
Just bought my very first S&W late last December, a model 64. I wanted something with fixed rear sights after owning and selling a Ruger NM Blackhawk .357. That gun's rear sights were quite wiggly and it was a little on the heavy side. Sold it and got the model 64. Quite the shooter.
An old M&P .38 Special has been in our family for at least 4 generations. My little brother has it now.

My first handgun was a Taurus Model 66 of early 90s vintage. Said to have been made on S&W tooling. Shooting Federal 158 gr .357s was an interesting introduction to handgunning...and barrel leading.
My first ever K frame was a model 10 4 inch square butt pencil barrel that i purchased as my service revolver in 1973. It lasted less than a day as I traded it in for the heavy barrel model I carried for 25 years, and still do today.
My first K-frame was a model 15-2. It was a former Fort Worth PD revolver. Came with Pachmayer Presentation grips that I replaced with factory Targets. I still have it. It is one of my favorite DA revolvers.
My first S&W K-38 was a Model 14-3 with a 6 inch barrel , I bought it used at Fort Rucker Alabama in 1970. It is my most accurate handgun, and a complete joy to own and shoot. I traded for my first S&W K-22 Model 17-3 with 6 inch barrel about 8 months ago. I turley love to shoot both my K-38 & K-22 and feel very blessed to have both of them.
I purchased a Model 65-3 in fair condition from a Pawn Shop couple years ago. I cleaned out he gunk and polished it up a little and shoots great. Keep it on my nightstand with .38+P JHP or SWC


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My first K-frame was a used Model 10-5 with "pencil" barrel. Liked it so good, I bought a second. Much later I bought a three inch Model 10 with "heavy" barrel.

Other K-frames include 1905 Hand Ejector, 4th Change; Model 15 w/ four inch barrel; Model 15 snubby; model 19 four inch barrel; model 19 snubby; Model 17; a K-22; and a Model 65. Oh, and a Model 547. Do you have to ask if I like the K-frames? :) Pics of a few:

My first and only K frame S&W is the 66-2. Still have it, bought new in 82. The 586 didn't stick around for long, I like the feel and looks of the Colt Python more.
I bought my first K frame in 1980 when stationed at Ft Bragg. It was a 4" nickel plated mod 19.

It was later sold when I was shipped of to Germany.

Since then I have owned and still own a few S&W revolvers.

Like OP above though I did a side by side comparison with my 6" 586 and a recently acquired 6" Python.

The Python then became my favorite revolver.
I don't even remember. I had nothing but N frames for so long that by the time I got around to buying a K frame I didn't think to take notes. Maybe a 2.5" M19-3. That's the earliest one I can recall. Got it around 1979 or so.
A long gone S&W M-19 2.5". became enamored of it after reading Skeeter Skelton's write up in Shooting Times , then, like Skeeter I became somewhat disillusioned with it. If I want to fire a short barrel .357 I have my Dan Wessons.
My first K-frame was a model 15-2. It was a former Fort Worth PD revolver.

I have the same gun on the shelf in my closet loaded and ready to go. It has been my HD gun for 25+ years. And it came through my uncle who was on the Ft Worth PD. He got it for me so I could shoot PPC matches with him. But I never did.

He also helped me get my very first K frame. A 6" model 19, TT, TH, TG. I still many years later cannot remember why in the h*ll I sold that gun.

I have owned several model 19s and 66s and wish I had everyone of them back. Now I am down to the above mentioned 4" model 15 , a 4" model 65 and a skinny barrel model 10 with a 6" barrel. A person just cannot own too many K frame guns. Well, except for Driftwood Johnson. Him and Cajun Bass own way more than their fair share.:mad:
I came to the K-frame party quite late in life..... I acquired my model 64 about 3 years ago. I've had Rugers, both double and single action... an L frame, a Taurus, and now the 64..

The 64 is slickest, by far. I'm not really into seeing how many guns I can gather up before I die, but I wouldn't mind having another one or two K frames.
Here's mine, a Smith M19 from '71. It was my wife's gift to me when I returned from my first tour in the jungle. It'll be the last to go, if it ever comes to that. I've got the original grips somewhere in my parts box but have always found these Pachmeyers felt better. Smith's gun shop in Springfield changed out the front sight for me when we lived up there. That Boughman doesn't pick up the holster lint like the original Patridge Post!

I've packed it for back-up, on elk trips to Colorado, mule deer and black tails in Washington and Oregon, those little white tails in Texas (before the boutique, hand fed variety showed up, along with city-boy leases), as well as Connecticut, New Jersey, and for the last 30 years, Kentucky. It's still tight as a tick, and fills the hand well. Rod
