First gun that was actually yours


New member
What was the first gun you ever owned that was actually yours and not borrowed from your dad or granddad or the like?

Mine was a Marlin .22 bolt action single shot. I think it was the youth model with the little stock, cause at 6 years old it fit perfectly. Sadly this gun was lost to a housefire :(

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"

[This message has been edited by DOCSpanky (edited October 16, 1999).]
Shotgun: Winchester Model 1400 20 ga. age 7(junk)

Rifle: Remington Model 788 .243 age 15 (incredible accuracy, I'm an idiot for selling it)

Pistol: Star 9mm age 27 (junk)

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Will Beararms:

I just LOVE my 788 .308 carbine.
It's a way under-rated rifleman's rifle.
I can sincerely sympathize with your loss.
OK, this is weird--but the first one that was MINE was a .22 cal AR15 lookalike. Not a conversion, a lookalike that was originally designed as a .22. The mag well was built to look like a standard one with a 10-rd .223 mag sticking out. Dad gave it to me when I was 8. Guess he figured he had no use for it.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Mine was a .22 bolt action single shot Mossberg rifle. My uncle gave it to me when I was 12 years old. These were the days when I had to save up 46 cents to buy a box of .22 LR ammo.
mine was an Bushmaster "shorty" i got it last november when I was 20

my first handgun was a charles daly 1911 I got as a present for me on my 21st birthday

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
First gun that was "mine"?
Bayard .380 (browning knock off) bought from a friend at school when I was 12 for $10. Never fired it. Coach found it in my gym bag and took it away from me, told me my dad had to come claim it. Figgered I do without the $10 better than I could explain to dad that I had a gun at school.

First rifle;
Arisaka 6.5m jungle carbine. $15 at a garage sale when I was 13yrs old. The first box of ammo cost me almost that much. Almost knocked my shoulder off. Traded it for a .303 Enfield jungle carbine a guy down the street had. His had the bayonet removed unlike the Arisaka, but it had a flash hider.
Golly- can't really remember. It was at least 29 years ago, because I was already off of USNR active duty, had tried college but didn't like it, so I believe I had just turned 21.
Could have been a Colt Series 70 in .45 acp, Ruger .357 Blackhawk, or a Universal M1 carbine. Don't have any of them now.
Art Eatman, the fact you can remember back like that makes me believe that I've either killed off more brain cells or I must have started off with a lesser number. Don't let ol' Dennis pick on ya!
Will, I also mourn for the loss of your 788. I have one in 22-250, one of the best ever made that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Funny thing, at the last Mid-Atlantic Shootfest, Mykl saw only the magazine on the table and said, "Ah, an old 788, I love 'em" or words to that effect. Pretty good when you can name a gun from only the mag.

My first real gun that I owned was an H&R model 422. I have no idea how bullets ran through it, over 60,000, I'm sure.
Winchester Model 1400 12 Gauge Shotgun.
Bought it in 1967. I used it last Saturday
in a "Lewis Class" charity sporting clay
tournament and won a Beretta AL390 Sporting
Shotgun with it.
Glock 22, and I will never sell, trade or give it away. The only way that Glock will ever be away from me is if it held for evidence in a post shooting investigation.
Apparently Daisy Red Rider doesn't count.

Birmingham Small Arms (yes, auntie Agatha, they actually did make guns before they made bikes :) ) .410 bolt action single shot shotgun. Age 12.

Age 10 or 11, Savage M-87 semiauto .22 rifle, I still have it.

Age 17 -18, Remington .44 cap and ball revolver. Its gone and I don't really miss it, it liked to chain fire even with grease over the loaded balls. Nothing like having 3 or 4 chambers of compressed black powder pushing a .44 caliber round ball to make recoil.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
My 9MM Calico carbine, with the collapsable butstock, kelly grip, (It's hollow; That's where I keep my Hellfire trigger.) and 100 Rd. helical double stack magazine mounted on top. You can check it out at
Keep in mind that mine is a pre-ban model, hence the butstock and kelly grip.

First gun I ever bought; I went to a gun show and bought it in a snit over the passage of the "assault weapons" ban; I was looking for something which had as many "offensive features" as possible.

It actually turned out to be a nice gun for plinking; Wish I had the 22mm pistol. Thanks to the mainly aluminum and plastic construction, and that magazine extending back over the stock, it balances perfectly; You can handle it like a handgun, and it has essentially no tendency to rise when shot. Plus, with that 100 round magazine, you don't have to take time out often to reload.

Of course, the pre-ban magazines weren't cheap BEFORE that blasted law passed. These days, they run almost as much as a decent handgun.

Sic semper tyranus!
Baretta 92 FS. I've had it for less than a month. My wife got a Remington 870 youth model 20 gauge at the same time.
Got a Remington 870 wingmaster for my 18th birthday from Mom & Dad. Still have the shotgun.

3 weeks later got a Winchester 9422 for Christmas, still have this one also.

1st rifle ever purchased was a Ruger 1022 the summer after turning 18. Picked it up at a woolco and still have it.

1st Revolver was a S&W 19 when I was 21. For some reason I can not rember we traded the 19 in on a S&W 66. Traded the S&W 66 and a 700BDL in on a AR15A2 and still have the A2. Ended up missing the 66 so went and got a S&W 686 just after they came out.

1st Pistol was a S&W AIP 5904, still have this pistol.
My first gun, that was ALL mine, was a J.C. Higgins 16ga bolt action shotgun. I believe it held 3 or 4 + 1 in the chamber. My Dad gave it to me circa 1955.

However, it was clear from some time during WWII that the .22 bolt action (pull it back to cock it) was Dad's gun in name only. I'm told he owned it before I was born. He cocked it for me when I was too small to pull back on the bolt. He bought me ammo when I ran low.

As I grew, I could cock the gun myself. When I started to work (around 12 y/o) I began buying ammo. It was my gun.

I still have it. It's worn out. If I shoot it I get "sprinkles" across my forehead (so it's retired). It's not for sale.

The Marlin Firearms Corporation
<--<<<New Haven, Conn.U.S.A.patented->>>--->
<-o 22 S L & LR o->