First encounter with police since permit issue

Woodguru said:

One gun more than likely wouldn't have raised as much reaction. Had the OP refused to show ID, lipped off about his rights, and been generally uncooperative it would have been taken further. A cooperative attitude got him away with his guns, no harm no real foul.

"Lipped off"? "It would have been taken further"? "No harm, no real foul."?

"Respec' mah uh-thor-itay!" I smell an OnlyOne. Or more than one.

There is no foul so foul or real as abusing Official power.

So long as the OP had control of his two guns, I see no problem. Some Office Holders seem to think folks are free to excercise their rights, so long as they do so the way the Office holder feels they should.

You have a problem with two guns? If it is not prohibited by the permit, it's none of your business if he had 2 guns. "Two is one and one is none." .... I don't remember who came up with that, but it has been repeated enough that it is a cliche' ..... yet you would justify this guy's ill treatment because of it, and if he had had a problem with it, worse treatment would have been called for? Really?

If you are an Officer, report to ChileVerde1 for your "earful".
I live in Florida. We are not required to reveal that we are armed unless asked by a LEO. Consequently, and as a result of a very unpleasant experience with a Trooper, I never, never, ever tell them. If they want to know, they can ask.
as a result of a very unpleasant experience with a Trooper, I never, never, ever tell them.

Now you went and done it...

You have to spill the beans, now. How long ago, was this, and where did the incident take place?
It was my wife, really. She was pulled for speeding. She realized that her registration was in the glove box along with a Makarov I had given her when we married. She, unfortunately, told the trooper that she didn't want to open the glove box to retrieve the papers because a weapon was in there. He pulled his weapon and called for backup, all the while holding her at gunpoint. The backup did the same. He took the pistol and cleared it. Then gave her a lecture on the evils of having weapon in your car. He placed the pistol back in the holster and glovebox, telling her that it was now unloaded and safe. When I checked the pistol that night it was loaded and off safe. It's a miracle that that tool didn't kill her. So....I don't tell. Why give an idiot a chance to treat you that way?
Thank you for that, Scout...I take it she doesn't have much training with it?

I do understand her apprehension, if so, but what can we do with ensuing actions of some LEO's...On one hand, I understand their concern, but on the other, some of them should NOT be doing the job. They simply aren't or are no longer mentally qualified to do it effectively.

I often wonder how many of these are just rookies and how many of them have been involved in a prior incident?....
Right, she was a newb at the time. ( A few years ago.) You ask good questions. There would be no point in complaining to the patrol about an incident like this. I'm sure you understand.
Absolutely...I'm glad you found the error in the way it was placed back in the gunbox, er...glovebox...That is probably how he stores his weapons...And he inadvertently did the same with hers. I don't believe he had any malicious intent.
What ever happened to the sovereignty lies with the people? I have rights. Citizens died to make sure I had those rights. My rights and the law trump whatever the situation looked like. Even if the OP had one gun for each passenger on him, he still has rights and law on his side.

No police officer can violate my 4th amendment rights because he wants to feel safe. There must be probable cause. Officials with power often abuse that power, you can see it throughout history. Why do you think we invented such things as the Bill of Rights, Entrapment laws, and Miranda Warnings?

How does the saying go? Give them an inch and they'll take a mile...

However, I believe in Utah you must volunteer the fact that you have a CCP upfront. Either way, when they run your drivers licence they will find out and wonder why you didn't mention it. But in Utah a CCP is more likely to get you out of a ticket than to get you pulled out of the car.
I do not EVER disclose having a firearm unless asked. No reason to complicate things. I get all my paperwork in order before the cop even gets to my door so I can just hand it to him. No glovebox needs to be opened with a potential for cop to see anything and get jumpy or anything of that nature.
My wallet is in the pocket of my flannel shirt, or on the dash whenever I'm driving and carrying. Registration is in the pocket on my sunvisor. That way, as said before, no fumbling around for stuff. Hands on top of the steering wheel, if not already holding wallet in one hand, with license in the other when officer walks up to my window.
I'm in North Carolina, and the CCW information is attached to our license plate on the vehicle, so officer already knows when he walks up. And, we are required to inform of our CCW if we are carrying.
sixgun said:
I'm in North Carolina, and the CCW information is attached to our license plate on the vehicle, so officer already knows when he walks up. And, we are required to inform of our CCW if we are carrying.
that is actually false. its tied into your license, which is why your ccw permit # is the same as your DL#. if they were tied into your plates, what would happen when you werent driving your own car? the ccw permit is the best "get out of a ticket" type deal since cleavage was invented.
Not a "trick" question or smart axx statement.

How many states have an electronic tag on a license-plate, alerting LEO that a CCW permit-holder may be driving the vehicle? And while a state may (or may not) grant to give a resident a license to carry, is not the God-given right to keep and bear arms, protected by The Constitution, therefore our "permit?" A la Ted Nugent (he wasn't the first.)
Once again... Having a CCW license or permit does not automatically make you a good guy. It just may mean that you havent been caught yet.

Glenn Dee
its tied into your license, which is why your ccw permit # is the same as your DL#.

I stand corrected. Thanks for the real info. I knew it was tied in somehow, and from arguments I've heard on this very board, I was working under the idea that it was the plate itself.
Once again... Having a CCW license or permit does not automatically make you a good guy. It just may mean that you havent been caught yet.

I do not understand what you mean here...Not been caught yet? Is the implication that everyone breaks the Laws just due to the myriad amounts of laws in existance?

So if the LEO's can prudently and correctly not give the permit holders a break on the off chance that a criminally minded individual may have slipped through the screening process...then what is the permit for? What is the advantage in having a permit? On the off chance that a leo will extend some discretion towards me for having it? I can have that kind of hope without paying for it.

I surmise that having or not having the permit has less to with the officers response than my attitude towards the officer. So again, why not save the money if no leinancy is implied for having the permit?
Once again... Having a CCW license or permit does not automatically make you a good guy. It just may mean that you havent been caught yet.

Well along that line of logic/thinking then....

....Wearing a badge does not automatically make you a good guy either.
I have filed a writen complaint...tho the cheif there did NOT seem happy nor supportive. Just as the night I was speaking of....I was under the impression that I had done something to warrant this incident. Im not sure that filing was the right thing to do in this particular case.
They don't have to be happy about it or support it.

What's important is that you stood by what you thought was right, and a complaint is on record. That's not a bad thing. A big part of the issue is you having to feel that way at all- you did nothing wrong and shouldn't feel as if you did because of their bad attitude and behavior.
I'm not an attorney or an LEO, but it surely seems that a complaint NEEDED to be filed on this one. Thank you for following through, as you standing up for your rights helps protect my rights.