First encounter with police since permit issue

Great job, filing the report. Get it documented, if it hits a sore spot for the police, so be it. Maybe they would think twice should there ever be a next time.
Glad to know you followed through with a complaint.

If necessary, you could press it further in the court of public opinion: Send a letter to the editor.

Cops are a subset of society, good and bad

Quote Glenn Dee:
Once again... Having a CCW license or permit does not automatically 
make you a good guy. 
It just may mean that you havent been caught yet.

Quote DiscoRacing:
Well along that line of logic/thinking then....
....Wearing a badge does not automatically make you a good guy either.

Most everyone has had encounters with officers some good, some maybe not so. Considering how difficult some agencies seem to have with recruiting officers, the standards may vary away from Peter Perfect Policeman.

My first encounter was with an officer who claimed he could prove anything in court he wanted, and tried to, overtly perjuring himself to the point of comedy and dismay of the prosecutor. My least memorable was when a high school acquaintance joined a large force, then indicated he couldn't "wait until he shot his first (pejorative racial slur)". He was quickly beyond successful. Sickening, but ultimately fired. My last was with one of the most professional persons I've ever met, I'd love to hire him as a Manager. You guys probably have similar experiences.

If everyone (literally) knew they were getting videotaped and a review on their and last effort, think they'd act a little more professional? I'd also hope that officers doing a really good thing get a complement posted. Just a thought.
These stories actually make me wonder.

I've never had a bad encounter with a cop. Knock on wood.

Obviously, there are bad apples in any group but I have to believe that the occasional "bad cop" is an exception, not a rule.

Not to disparage the OP or any other person with a situation like this, but the wisdom of the ages remains, "Until you have both sides of the story, you're not in a position to make any judgments." Even then it can be difficult to get to the bottom of the story. For the sake of discussion, we can take it at face value here.

Still, with as many encounters as cops have with the public, if the majority of them were bad encounters, we'd hear a lot more about it than we do.

Well in my OP...and being the OP... I dont appreciate being handcuffed for 20 minutes with a valid permit for the guns Im carrying, and a clear police record...dont matter which side I stand on..... And I can handle that they wanted to check us out..and be safe...but after they checked the vehicle and everyone was ID checked out....I was still handcuffed for another 5 to 10 minutes.
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The majority of police I've run into in WV have been good guys. I was pulled over once though and searched illegally. The officer was cussing at us the whole time. He also lied about the county he pulled us over in and added a failure to signal charge to my ticket. My cousin, who has long hair and wears tie-dye shirts, got pulled over for speeding once. He did not consent to a search and was held for 2 or 3 hours until they brought the drug dogs to sniff his car. They also went through his cell phone calls asking which ones were drug dealers. The dogs didn't find anything though so they let him go.

On a good note, I had my truck broken into at a movie theater and thought my gun had been stolen. It turned out the thieves had actually knocked it under the seat and didn't find it. The officer that responded was helpful, didn't ask to see my ccw, and just told me I if I was going to carry it would be better to keep it on my person instead of leave it in the truck.