Federal 30S Super carry, new cartridge


New member
So I just found this vid from today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGHxrE9HXBs Looks like federal has a new wonder handgun cartridge...

Also found another vid on this from federal. almost no info in this one though... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YazVEFqRdOU

Supposedly it packs the same punch as a 9mm, but is higher capacity due to its smaller diameter. Also lower recoil and flatter shooting. A cartridge designed not for the military, or law enforcement, but for the needs of the average person who is concealed carrying.

30SC Specs
100g bullet
1250fps at the muzzle

Looks like S&W Shield and Ez models and a couple nighthawk custom are the only guns being offered in this cartridge so far.

Also found this article

I was unable to find 30SC on either Federal or Speers web site. Still trying to find more info.

Not sure what to thing of this little fella.
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It might find a niche. (Or not)
Its a little less powerful than the .327 Fed Mag. Not much.
Definitely more powerful than the .32 H+R

Those two cartridges are rimmed. More suited to revolvers.

This round is suited to the current demand for very concealable semi-autos . It lends itself to mag capacity and controllability.

IMO,my 9mm Shield Plus meets my needs. I'm not doing handsprings or stuffing the piggy bank.

We'll see what guns are offered. It might be another good option for some folks.

Ammo distribution will be a key. 9mm and .380 are bad enough!
Only way this is going to work is if federal has been secretly manufacturing a few hundred million rounds to flood the market with. If nobody can buy 9mm ammo, but can buy this new stuff… maybe they’ll sell a few guns to go with it to new gun owners who don’t know any better.

I appreciate their effort and willingness to try… but I certainly don’t think the masses are going to turn in their Glock 19s anytime soon.
If ammo is reasonably priced and available it might have a chance.
I have a feeling 9mm will kill it due to price.
It has the cartridge drawing, and listed pressure at 50,000PSI !!!!
If its running at rifle pressures, none of the standard duty class pistol will handle it, and I shudder to think about compacts...:rolleyes:
If its running at rifle pressures, none of the standard duty class pistol will handle it, and I shudder to think about compacts...:rolleyes:
Its mighty high. Supposedly though they have the shield and EZ chambered in it.... Not sure how they managed that.
Considering just how many .30cal cartridges have come and gone despite many of them offering respectable performance, I can only conclude that the .30 Super Carry will ultimately fall by the wayside as well.

Honestly, .30 Luger, .32 ACP, 7.62x25 (.30) Tokarev, .30 Carbine, .32 H&H Magnum, .327 Magnum, the list goes on and on, yet they've all pretty much faded away into obscurity.

Only in rifles is .30cal popular, when it comes to handguns, .35cal rules, regardless of the fact that certain .30cal cartridges were more powerful.

Also, it ought to be abundantly clear by now that merely offering a new semiautomatic pistol cartridge with similar or even roughly equivalent performance to revolver cartridges just isn't a compelling enough selling point, otherwise .357 SIG would have caught on and remained there until this very day.
Seriously, .357 SIG is a cartridge which fits in 9mm sized pistols and offers equivalent performance to that of .357 Magnum Law Enforcement loads, yet it has faded away, so I strongly doubt that .30 Super Carry offering roughly equivalent performance to that of the .327 Magnum, (which is basically .357 Magnum's unpopular little brother) is going to catch on.

Lastly, S&W should have chambered the new CSX in .30 Super Carry, as having a new gun to sell the new cartridge would have been much more compelling than just another variant of the M&P Shield/EZ line of pistols that anyone who wants has already long since purchased in another chambering.
I can't say that this one really interests me. I'm already invested in 9mm, have a Shield Plus that I'm awfully happy with (after spending several years very happy with a Shield 1.0), and just can't see getting into a new caliber right now.
Great... another .32 caliber cartridge for me to want. Only, given the specs, this one won't be quite so polite when you pull the trigger.

Really have to say that the concept interests me, but I agree that it's likely to be a monumental flop in the marketplace.
I can't say that this one really interests me. I'm already invested in 9mm, have a Shield Plus that I'm awfully happy with (after spending several years very happy with a Shield 1.0), and just can't see getting into a new caliber right now.

Agree. I am interested to see if a locked breech carbine might come of it down the road. 50Kpsi is a lot to deal with in a handgun, especially a small one.
The narrator seems to say that the way to win a gunfight is to put more rounds in the air than your adversary.

A wise D.I. Once said to me " 600 rounds a minute ain't firepower...one Hit is firepower"
I don't get the chamber pressure issue. What is the concern?

Safety is the main issue. Increasing lock-up, spring rates, mass, etc. to account for 50 Kpsi from pistols that were designed around 33/35 Kpsi is no small feat. There are several metal fatigue issues that occur in the 35 to 40 Kpsi range. Look at the action of a 9mm pistol, and the barrel. Then look at the action of even a mild caliber rifle. Lots more material.

So, add spring rate and mass in a small package, the shootability will decrease. If you don't account for it, then the guns won't last long.