Fed up with Mosin Nagant

I think this is a classic case of anti-surplus snobbery. Someday they'll figure out that sometimes all you need is something that works and does the job. Cheap doesn't always mean bad, especially in a surplus market model. Anybody who has used a decent amount of milsurp hardware and taken the time to learn the kinks of their particular piece has discovered that they're usually good value unless you got a bad example (dark rusty bore with damaged crown). Even then, all hope is not lost with just a smidgen of ingenuity.

Nobody is claiming that the M/N is a world-class sniper rifle (although certain examples throughout history have been superb sniper rifles), they're claiming it's a good, cheap, simple, get-it-done piece of kit. No, it won't outshoot your Remchester Ultramountainbenchmag... but who cares?
What other rifle can you use for hunting AND fishing?
Get a Mosin, they're awesome.
I'm surprised I haven't heard this one yet....

'Worried Homeowner'-" I need something for home defense..."
'Responder'- " Get a Mosin Nagant. They're awesome"

Why do seemingly sensible people suggest this abomination?

I do love my nagant for plinking but this was to funny!!!!!
Cheap centerfire rifle? Are Mosins junk?

I would recommend the Mosin-Nagant.

People are right in that they're cheap. What they get wrong was the reason why. Importers are buying the rifles at what are essentially scrap prices. The Russians are looking to unload them any which way, and they prefer to sell them. However, if they didn't have buyers, they'd just toss them into some body of water or another.

The Mosin-Nagant is inexpensive, but not "cheap". If produced today, a Mosin the quality of a pre-war example would cost $600 to $800 to PRODUCE. I do not know what the retail markup would be, but I would suspect it would be at least a couple hundred dollars.

Properly made, they are capable of 2.5" and under at 100 yards. My personal 91/30 will do under an inch with handloaded ammo, though I have done a bit of accurizing to it (adjustable front sight, cork bedding, trigger work).

The WWII snipers found that wrapping the barrel in oiled felt would improve the precision as well.

You will have many people telling you that the Mosin-Nagant is not an accurate rifle. These are the same types of people I love to prove wrong. I have outshot many modern rifles.

To be fair, however, you cannot compare the Mosin-Nagant to a modern, precision built bolt-action rifle. Neither can you compare the prices -- a good, modern bolt-action rifle will cost at least thee times what a good Mosin-Nagant will run you, and likely much more.

When I want precision, I grab my set-trigger target precision rifle that will knock around a ping-pong ball with ease at 100 yards.

If I want to have fun, plink, or need a serious, non-complicated rifle, I grab the Mosin.

The Mosin-Nagant will shoot better than most shooters are capable.


Additionally, they are push-feed instead of controlled-feed. Push-feed is inherently more accurate, and this is born out by shoots against the Mauser.

Hi Raftman,

I wasn't ranting against the rifle, I was just wondering out loud what the big attraction is. Yes, it kicked like a 30-06, but that's because the round is similar to a 30-06. The kick wasn't bad. As for my comment on the sights, those were very crude sights. Maybe not really the worst I ever saw, but whatever the worst was doesn't come to mind right now. They are crude though functional, but they are in no way particularly good sights. As for the trigger pull, it wasn't gritty, it was just long. More like a green twig eventually breaking than a thin glass rod breaking. I assume that a fellow could get used to it, or maybe improve it. In today's dollars, the gun is probably well worth $100. And I do firmly believe that part of its charm and attraction is that people want to see if they can shoot well with something that basic. That seems to be the basis for many of the MN topics on this forum. There's no question that the rifle, or some of them, are capable of very fine accuracy. And I'll guess that the MN has the most accuracy potential of any rifle you can get for $100. That's praise of a sort.
A service rifle going on 120 years ain't bad....

Yes there are more modern firearms that are better suited to more specific purposes. But Mosin's are a lot of fun.

And cheap.

I'm not a Mosin fan either. I'd much rather spend $100-$150 more and find a decent used Savage 30-06 with a scope, scope already mounted on it.
I also think the bias against the MN is simple snobbery. I have a Rem 700 in .308 by way of comparison. The only advantages for the Rem I see are that it's lighter and it's easier to mount a scope. Yeah, there are tons of after-market for the Rem 700, but they are of no interest to me. At ~4x the price of the MN, I find the 700 sort of pointless since the performance (after a few simple (cheap!) mods to the MN) is about on par.

I'm taking the MN to the range; I'm considering selling the 700.
not a fan either and would rather spend a little more for a more modern rifle although theres nothing wrong with having one to take to the range or collecting them, they really shouldnt be recomended for anything else in my opinion.
If the M/Ns in question were made in the United States would it still be junk

It would be old. I have a Westinghouse made during WW1 and rebuilt by the Finns.

Back in the 80's you could get a Finnish MN for $69.00!!

Hey, it went bang and I could not complain for $69.00.

I shot one deer with a M27 finnish. Killed it just as dead as the one I shot with a 30-06.

If you think Mosin fans are expressive, they are nothing compared to M1911 or Glock fans!
If the M/Ns in question were made in the United States would it still be junk?

Junk? no. Common, heavy, archaic, ugly and hard to scope? Yes. These things cost $110 roughly. That's not "cheap". Cheap would be if they cost $30. Then, what the heck.

If you are thinking of investing over $100 in a rifle, why not spend a little more and get a modern bolt action that shoots a common cartridge, is lighter, works just as good, or better, has the potential for a much better trigger and can be scoped easily?

Sometimes, you can spend just a little more and get a lot more gun.
Spending $100 or more to some people is a lot. If I were hard up and wanted to get into shooting, the Mosin isn't a bad choice.
Even if I could get a $250 .308/,30-06 etc. the cost of ammo would be prohibitive.

I have more than enough guns, but wanted a M/N just because. The AK's and AR's are boring to me now. They have no historic value(even if it's evil).
M/N have a deep history, and many of them have seen more battles than any human alive. That's why I like them. YMMV
No! The N.E.W.s and Remingtons are awsome super military hardware and all other
M/Ns are trash :D made by communists! On a more serious note I own 8 M/Ns and they are all collectables and are only slightly worse then the enfields and mausers I own.
Thank you to those of you with a sense of humor and an intelligent post. You are the ones that should be giving advice on TFL. Sorry I didn't take the time to write down the names of some of the quotes I'm gonna poach...my apologies for breaking the rules ahead of time. Just some I thought required an answer.

Now then, let's get to it...

hmmm... without a "sarcastic" smiley, don't they call this "trolling"?
Not trolling...just a plea for some sage advice to new shooters.:eek:
I respect the fact that people like certain types of firearms. But why suggest to new shooters that they should buy it and be proud to own it. Is this why some new posters never post a second time because "experts" suggest they own a Mosin Nagant? Then they go look at one and think "What the hell?".

You've really never heard of the Mosin before TFL? What is happening to this world...

I've heard of them. I watch the History Channel. What I should have said was that I don't know anyone that owns one or would admit to owning one.

I also think the bias against the MN is simple snobbery.
Nope. Wrong again. I've never had enough money to be snobbish against anything. When I was a kid we had to eat whatever was left in the cabinets at the end of the month cause we were borderline destitue. Even though my father was a well respected LEO and my mom worked for the county clerks office. But we had decent shooting arms to harvest game with. We had to to keep put meat on the table.

"Don't know why they call it Hamburger Helper...it does just fine on it's own. I like it better than Tuna Helper"-Cousin Eddy "Vacation"

if u dont like them it doesn't bother me, everyone's got to be a hater on something.
Don't hate 'em. But I don't celebrate them.

Funny how the highest number of sniper kills made by one man in WW2 was with one.

That's like saying there's a guy in Texas that kills a lot of wild hogs. Not impressed.

Do you rant at Beetle owners on a car forum Buff?
VW? "The People's Car"? No way. Every high school girl should own one.:p

not a fan either and would rather spend a little more for a more modern rifle although theres nothing wrong with having one to take to the range or collecting them, they really shouldnt be recomended for anything else in my opinion.
Now that pretty much sums it up.:cool:

Eh, don't worry about it, the Mosin is a better rifle than BUFF is a thinker.
And finally to this clown...So you want to question my intelligence (did I spell that right?:D)? That's ok. It's easy for people to call you stupid when you don't agree with their opinion. What's hard for people is to come up with an intelligent response and a valid argument against your opinion. Those that can do it are the people that should be giving advice to new shooters. If I was a lower primate as you suggest...I'd tell you we're going outside so I could knock the dust off ya. But I have opposible (did i spell that right?) thumbs. ;)

Did I get the "sarcastic" smiley in there?
Sometimes, you can spend just a little more and get a lot more gun.

Well sometimes, I need a challenge and my Remington built Mosin Nagant delivers it... With any of my scoped rifles I can hit the 500 gong with every shot.... Try hitting that same gong with the Mosin, offhand...

I don't need to scope every rifle I own.. Some of them are for fun and nothing else...
i'm fed up with this post who cares who likes or dislikes M/N does it really matter if you dont like them dont buy one if you do then buy all you can buy but for me i real dont care one way or the othere :D:D