Fed up with Mosin Nagant

Damn, man.... give it a rest...
There's a reason for all the hype.
I'm not a milsurp collector...but, I am interested in seeing what these old actions can do with some "modernization"...

So, I bought two, re-arsenaled 91/30's. One, kept fully original. The other, fully accurized in an aftermarket stock with a Timney trigger and Vortex Viper glass. Shoots 2-1/2" groups at 200 meters with SMK handloads.

Plus, I just love the solid thumping it gives my shoulder.

Why don't you just drop the $79 and find out for yourself?
I get what your saying BUFF,
the only reason they're so popular is the fact they're cheap and so much more readily available than other milsurp guns and cheap ammo.

Although I think ill probably get one very soon, I would much prefer a Lee Enfield No4 or a K98 but the Mosins are just so cheap.
Speaking about the Mosin and its beyonets. couple of months ago I was at the range and there was a guy shooting a Mosin and he was not happy that he could not get the rifle to shoot any tighter than 6-8 inch and shot 4 + inches high at 100yds groups. He was moaning and groning about it being a waist of money to have gotten the Mosin. Well he and I got to talking and I shot his Mosin and he shot my Mauser and Enfield, and we talked some more about his Mosin. I remembered something I read in the American Rifleman Magazine when I was a young teenager about the Mosin (in the early 60's), that the Mosin Nagnant with the long barrels would shoot better with the beyonet attached and I mentioned that to him. Well just recently I saw him at the range and he was shooting the same Mosin and some how got a socket bayonet for the rifle and was shoot with the beyonet mounted on the end of the barrel. He said that I remembered right, it did shoot better with the beyonet attached, but getting the beyonet was almost as expensive as what he paid for the rifle it self.

J. Budd
I like them because of the history.
Nope, they aren't the best gun out there, but, (although I don't know what it is), only one gun can be the best.
I also like them because they make a big boom, the ammo is cheap, they throw a nice fireball, and if you ran out of ammo, you could probably beat a medium sized bear to death with it.
I won't be using mine for deer hunting, home defense or concealed carry, but I will drag it out of the cabinet just to hear someone say "What the......?";)
Hay hay now you really need to give credit to the M/N they can be a really fine rifle if you have it melted down and forged into a savage or a rem 700. Plus you could have the stock tund into a hole bunch of tooth picks :D:D
Next rifle i buy is gonna be a 91/30 :P


  1. Cheap to buy
  2. Cheap to shoot
  3. It shoots a 7.62
  4. I LOVE a project! I would get more satisfaction from spending $1000 on accurizing a mosin than i would from spending $1000 on some out of the box tack driver.
I bought my first mosin when I was 13. It is a good starting gun. Low cost and fun. I'm not sure of the moron who recommended it for home defense though. I mean come on its so darn long you couldn't clear the doorway with it and would probably clothes-line yourself on it. But in all seriousness it's a practical gun. Try it, you might just like it.
The days of finding an old lever gun for $100.00 is long gone. And the bolt Acton 7.62X54 ammo is cheep not like other stuff. Not to mention that pawn shops get the lever gun for $75.00 and sell it for $200-$250.
A must-read for anyone who owns a Mosin, or is thinking about it....

Humorous Comparison of AK47, AR15, and Mosin

thanks for that. My favorite part: "your rifle breaks? you buy a new one!"
I finally shot one a couple of weeks ago courtesy of my brother.

Rifle was cheap.

Ammo was so-so. I don't think my brother wanted to mess with cleaning it after shooting corrosive ammo. Can't say as I blame him.

Shooting it thumped the ol' shoulder as promised. Shooting it standing wasn't too bad. I wasn't interested in shooting it from a bench.

I wouldn't recommend one for a new shooter. A hunter will want a scope eventually. A target shooter will want a limbsaver recoil pad and is likely to be disappointed by the accuracy. If you think the MN makes a good HD gun then you're beyond any help I or anyone else on this forum could give. :D But if you've had some experience and understand what you're getting I'd say go for it. Part of the fun of shooting is the bang and the MN definitely delivers on that count.

Will I buy one? No, not likely. The price is enticing but surplus ammo won't last forever and then it will be at least as expensive as any other rifle to feed. Plus the reloader in me dislikes steel cases so it wouldn't be that cheap for me to shoot anyway. Oh, and the bolt really was stiff. I think my Tikka may have spoiled me! :)
Glad I could help entertain

Yea...maybe over the top.

Just checking the pulse.

hmmm... without a "sarcastic" smiley, don't they call this "trolling"? :confused:

:D I know, just rattlin the cages... sometimes that's a healthy thing.
Yeah, the accuracy thing sort of sucks... but I can live with it.
Top target is at 50yds, bottom one at 100yds.
Both with original open sights, M44 ROMANIAN edited... old age brain vapor lock. Mines Romanian.. 1954, same as me.
Ammo was 180 gr Sellier and Bellot stuff.

I DO agree on the limbsaver, though... :eek:


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