Fed up with Mosin Nagant


New member
Ok, somebody may get their feelings hurt.

What is this love affair with the Mosin Nagant? I've never heard of this rifle untill I started reading TFL. Do some of you have a truckload of these you're trying to get rid of? This thing looks like it was made in high school shop class yet there is some of you that are fanatical about this POS that was made by Communist heathens. I bet if I did a search on TFL, I'd get at least a hundred references to it. Here's how it usually goes...

'Novice Hunter'- "Hi I need a cheap rifle for my first hunt...."
'Responder'- "Get yourself a Mosin Nagant. They're awesome"

NO! Don't do this. If you want something cheap that kills, make a trip to your local pawn shop. Plenty of guys on hard times trying to pay the bills selling Grandpappy's lever gun.

'Paper Puncher'- "Hi I need a rifle for making holes in paper..."
'Responder'- "Get yourself a Mosin Nagant. They're awesome.

NO! If you want a nice gun for that, save your money and get something you won't look like a complete tool shooting. I'm not talking you have to get something that looks right out of STAR WARS. But a decent rifle. We're trying to promote the hobby. Don't do it with something that Ivan whittled out of Russian Pine and old tractor parts. If you just want to make noise and holes in paper, I'd rather you get a Red Rider BB gun and a box of firecrackers.

I'm surprised I haven't heard this one yet....

'Worried Homeowner'-" I need something for home defense..."
'Responder'- " Get a Mosin Nagant. They're awesome"

Why do seemingly sensible people suggest this abomination?

There are way better rifles out there that can be had. Please stop with the Mosin Nagant love fest.

Rant over...Let's get it on...Ding! Ding!
that's nothing, i usually recommend it for concealed carry as well.
if u dont like them it doesn't bother me, everyone's got to be a hater on something. i have 3 and none of mine are very accurate but i dont care, they're fun and cheap to shoot. it's a great way for someone to get started collecting milsurps on a budget.
Did a mosin run over your dog? ;) Sorry couldn't resist..

I get it though, but the same can be said of the ar platform and a few other "go to" guns. Lots of guys here I'm sure are tired of hearing about the glory of the glock etc etc
1) they're cheap
2) they're extremely tough and idiot proof
3) they're cheap
4) they're so ugly they look cool
5) they're cheap
6) they've been used to fight against some of the best armies in the world since 1891
7) they're cheap
8) They were made by the Russians, the French, the Czechs, the Belgians, USA, Finland (more or less), Chinese, Romanians, Hungarians, Polish, and probably others.
9) They are cheap
10) They were used by both sides of the Soviet revolution, red/white civil war, US occupation of Siberia, polish/russian war, Finnish/russian winter war, and continuation war.
11) they're cheap
12) they range from reasonably accurate to very accurate

In addition to all that, they're really cheap

I own the ones in bold above
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Settle down, Francis!

If you are careful, you can get a decent shooting rifle for less than $100. What's to hate about that? They work, and keep working in crappy conditions when more expensive, complicated designs call it quits.
Rant over...Let's get it on...Ding! Ding!

I own a dumb slow 03-A3, antique M1 Grand, low powered Enfield, 2 crappy plastic AR’s, useless junk MP-5 and a Chinese AK made from beer cans and rice.
I have always wanted a Mosin Nagant,, I think you have talked me into it with your high level logic.
Funny how the highest number of sniper kills made by one man in WW2 was with one.
I sure wish that I could find one local for $100. That way I could come up with my own opinion on how great/crappy they are on my own.
I never heard of them until this forum. Always was familiar with the Enfields, Garands, Brownings, Springfields, Mausers, Arisakis etc.

But whatever turns your crank is fine with me.

If I was a collector I'd like to have one of each listed above and one of those Russian fully autos they all were issued at the end of WWII when they entered Berlin. I think the North Koreans used them in the Korean war also. Those were cool.
A LOT of people own these things, and I think the main (and sometimes only) reason they do is because they are a dime a dozen. Maybe if you went out and bought one and shot it a few times youd begin to like it:D
They are great historical rifles. I enjoy them on that level, and I've fired a friend's sniper model, with a vintage scope

He's extremely accurate with it. I was hitting the paper at 100 yards and that was it. The action is not smooth, the rifle feels awkward, and the trigger acts as if it is hinged somewhere above the bolt. All proof of superior Soviet manhood, tovarich

Great rifle. I don't need to own one, I'd rather have a Mauser 1898
chack +10

My last trip to the FFL toy store, I saw a crate of them for $125 each. I laughed to myself thinking how expensive they are now :). Mines been Bubba'd real good (and I'm not done yet). When I go to the range, it's the gun that always has a line waiting to shoot. Mines minute of Hun/Kraut/Finn and I've just about given up reloading for her. She seems to shoot the bulk ammo just as well as my fine crafted rounds that match her bore exactly. The best way to teach someone not to flinch is to have them go from the Nagant to my Marlin 60. That alone makes her worth every penny.
Ok, somebody may get their feelings hurt.
The next time someone is aiming a Mosin at the range, I would duck if I were you. Those tractor-parts Mosins are very inaccurate and could accidentally misfire in your direction.

I equate the M/N in the gun world to the VW Beetle in the automobile world. Both does what it was intended to do, easy to maintain, and they are cheap.

Do you rant at Beetle owners on a car forum Buff?

You can come out of the closet now and be a proud M/N owner Buff. 15 million+ M/N guns made, hard to argue those numbers.