Favorite Sleepers

Star 30M (steel frame) or 30PK (alloy frame). One of the original wondernine's based on the original Star 28. Entirely assembled with virtually zero-screws (the take-down lever is used to disassemble the remainder of the weapon). Fits the hand like a glove and is not too thick for a double-stack 9. I own two 30PK's.

I gotta plug my Ruger Security Six that dates back to the early '80s. Yeah, Ruger's not exactly an off brand, but back when they were building those things, Ruger was an off-brand in the S&W/Colt revolver world. When I was shooting the Six regularly, it would outshoot my Python most of the time. Double action did take some getting used to, however.
"How does a Colt Trooper stack up against a Python?"

That really depends on which Trooper you are talking about.

The original Trooper was available in .38 or .22.

Then came the Trooper .357. This really is a Python without the full lug/vent rib barrel or the high polish finish.

Then came the Trooper MKIII and later MKV. These are completely different revolvers using a different lockwork that did not require the same amount of hand fitting as the Python or earlier versions of the Trooper. Don't get me wrong these are still fine revolvers, and more elegant than most any made today, but they are not in the same league as a Python.
Though plenty of them were manufactured, imo, Smith & Wesson's line of second and third generation semi-auto pistols never got the respect they richly deserved. I still believe they are some of the best-built, most reliable pistols ever made.
I have to agree that some of the "sleepers" that have been mentioned are not quite asleep, yet. Colt, S&W and Ruger are pretty mainstream. But, there are some coming out of the mist!

I have a 2000 Mini FireStorm, which is another badge for Bersa. A 9mm, I'm thinking they don't make this particular pistol anymore, as it has been replaced by the Thunder, and they difficult to find. But it is probably one of the best shooters I've ever had. All steel, very well made and finished, which has not always been the case with other Bersas. Great ergos, too. It is accurate to the extreme, and makes me a much better shooter than I am. Too heavy for CC, but it is in the bedside drawer. This is one pistol that I'll never sell.
Charles Daly ZDA. It's similar to the Sig 226 with a few different features and lower price tag. One feature I like in this pistol is that it was designed so that the slide stop and decocking lever are the same, and then for good measured they went ahead and made it ambidextrous. It's a nice shooter, and I picked mine up from CDNN a few years back for less than $300 new. :D
S&W 13-3 3"

Granted, it's not an off-brand. However, these days, the demand seems to be for tacticool autoloaders (note that most of mine are autos, too), or else for revolvers that are also shotguns, sort of (still fail to see the draw), superlight magnums (ow...), or superheavy magnums (can't bring myself to shoot the .454 plus, without a real need).

But it carries nicely, and points naturally.


Awake sleeping thread... and give a shout out to the Astra A-70.
Didn't see it mentioned here....can't be left out IMO.

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I'd definitely say the 2nd Gen Smith semis don't g e t the love they deserve.

I think the most surprising thing from 2011 when this thread started is the love that's grown for the CZ75, maybe it's just me but it appears to be a lot more popular now.
Star M-43 "Firestar" and the Soviet TT-33 and its Chi-com knock offs. The Tokarevs are fantastic guns for the money, but more so back when they were $60 in every pawn shop in town.
Ha Ha. Gonna take some flak over this one. I have a Walther CCP (yes, the one with the goofy takedown), which I've been flogging experimentally for a few weeks. It is growing on me, rapidly. Very accurate, dead nuts reliable so far and the trigger is not at all bad (at least, not to me). The takedown IS goofy, I'll grant you, but not difficult (and not a deal killer to me). Also, the grip and ergos are about the best of any polymer pistol I've tried. The design is quite simple and easy to maintain - maintenance basically consists of blasting the internals with Ballistol, followed by compressed air.

The CCP is still on "probation", so to speak.... so I can't say for sure that it will stay with me permanently, but as I said, it is growing on me.
Not really an off brand but a pistol that gets very little respect, a SW9VE. Actually I have a SW40VE also and have had nothing but 100% reliability out of both guns. I also have some Beretta's and Sig's that really perform no better in the same calibers, very underrated in my opinion. Anyone who can shoot a dbl action revolver should have no problem with these S&W's.
Olympic arms or scheutzen pistolworks or safari arms
I have been impressed with my blak tac, with the smooth front grip strap, and rounded trigger guard. Very nicely built.

still looking for a westerner.
+1 on Daewoos; they are great guns. My favorite sleepers these days (although they used to be a bit more well-known) are my Ballester-Molinas.
Taurus model 455
5 shot, 45 acp, 2 inch, ported barrel, fixed sights !
A controllable, big bore, snub nosed , revolver.
I can shoot this thing more accurately than a full size 1911...it's just insanely accurate. A lot of power in a small package, but still controllable during firing.
I think the ported barrel and Taurus Gripper grips work together to really make it a pleasant shooting revolver.
I Like It !



I'm tossing these two names in because I've seen both a Norinco 1911 style .45 ACP pistol and a Llama .357 magnum revolver that did everything you'd want a handgun to do and they looked pretty good also.

One of each makes a HORRIBLE sample size but that's all I've personally seen and I haven't personally seen a Norinco or Llama lemon. I've certainly read about some lemons from these companies but I haven't seen one first hand.
The ones I have owned:

Makarov, has served me extremely well for 25 years.

Tokerov, got it used, looks like it shot ten million rounds, still runs like a sewing machine.

CZ82/83, high-quality, comfortable, reliable, accurate, always for sale on GB, inexpensive.

Star Super B, dirt cheap, accurate, reliable, sturdy.

FEG High Power or PP clones, excellent pistols if you can still find them.

Tisas 1911, one of my favorite pistols and as good as any no-frills 1911 I have ever shot.

JP Sauer and Sons single-action revolver, a high quality SA no one has ever heard and is inexpensive.

Rossi 720, outstanding 44 special 3" SS revolver on a slightly larger and noticeably beefier J frame, often described as the best revolver they ever made.

Fun thread!